Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The causes unpleasant foot odor

Sweating of the feet - a problem which is more susceptible to men , however , of this trouble sometimes suffers and the fair sex . Physiological characteristics , diet , rich spicy food , smoking, alcohol , improper metabolism , combined with the summer heat exacerbate this delicate problem. Those whose feet after a day of work or travel in vehicles spread is not the most pleasant smell , is to attend to the problem in advance. Unfortunately , no deodorant foot industrial production is not able to deliver you to the end of the smell of sweat. The only way - treatment of sweating folk remedies . Daily adoption of special baths , powder of natural ingredients and homemade creams for the feet after a week and a half can solve the problem of excessive sweating . Use herbal concoctions components that have an antibacterial effect , as well as add a cure for foot odor herbs that help to reduce pores. Do not let a problem to itself, because the unpleasant odor emanating from the lovely lady as well as a representative of a strong masculine sex, does not add to the holder nearomatnyh feet or respect of others, nor the desire to communicate with that person. Help to remove the smell from the feet of folk remedies , they are available and are time-tested , so will certainly be effective.
Baths with oak bark
- Half cup chopped oak bark- Liter of water
This means the smell of sweat feet, perhaps the most popular and effective . In addition, this bath will help relieve leg fatigue . However, to do such a bath is necessary to maintain the effect in the warm - three or four times a week, and in the winter - just one day a week for prevention. So , fill the crust with water and boil for 6-9 minutes. Strain the boiling water and add to a liter of cold water. Now you can take a bath for the feet until the water is not cool , but not less than a quarter of an hour.
Foot powder from the bark
If for some reason you do not have so much time to give your legs and take regular baths , can sleep at night in socks powdered oak bark . In the morning it will be enough just to rinse your feet cool running water without the use of shower gels or soap and unpleasant foot odor problem will be forgotten for a day . Just try to crush the bark is very small, almost dust, that there was no discomfort from foreign objects in your socks.
soda poultice
- 1 cup of warm waterteaspoon soda - drinking
In the evening, mix baking soda and warm water . At first, rinse the feet of soda water, and then take a few cotton pads or tampons , dip into the solution and place them between your fingers. Leave these homemade wet compresses on my feet at night . For long-term disposal of hyperhidrosis have to repeat the procedure for the entire week . The morning also need to rinse your feet soda solution .
- 2 tablespoons of lavender, celandine , chamomile and yarrow- One and a half liters of water
Pour the mixture of herbs with boiling water and allow to stand for half an hour. Now you can pour the broth into a bowl , dilute with cold water , add sea salt and steamed horoshenechko feet are prone to sweating
Cooling peppermint bath
- 5 spoons ( tablespoons ) of a mixture of herbs ( sage, mint and nettle)- Liter barely a boiling water
Pour the boiled herbs just water and leave for 25 minutes. Now you can strain the broth , diluted with tap water temperature to be comfortable and enjoy the balmy quarter of an hour the cooling bath. If you have a bad smell in addition there is an infection of the feet , or prickly heat , use this tool every day for one and a half or two weeks.
acetic bath
- 3 liters of water a comfortable temperature- A quarter cup of white vinegar
This is the most radical and violent means, which eliminates 3-4 days , not only from the unpleasant odor of the feet, but also from fungal infections . Dilute acetic acid in water and soak your feet for as long as you feel the tingling and burning. Try to hold your feet in the water for at least 7 minutes. Take vinegar bath twice a day.

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