Friday, March 7, 2014

Harmful effects of coffee on the human body

About what harm has coffee on the human body , say a number of years already . The studies , which examines how bad coffee.On the dangers of coffee on the human body
Most opponents said that coffee is bad , because it is addictive . Drugs attribute it , of course, impossible, but addictive it really is . Such harm coffee on the human body say psychologists . Any addiction will reduce complexity and social adaptation. To lover could understand that coffee is bad , it must at some time off from the drink and analyze the appearance of symptoms. There may be a headache, nausea, fatigue . Number of ailments arising says about how bad coffee for him.

The main advantage of coffee - stimulation of the nervous system. But it is also the reason why coffee is bad . Regular body arousal leads to stress , this is a serious harm to the coffee on the human body .
During the study, than bad coffee, scientists have noted the appearance of some fans drink aggression and psychosis . This reaction causes the excessive use of coffee is harmful if taken in unlimited quantities.
Cardiologists the question, what is bad coffee, note the pressure jump after his admission that proves coffee is bad for hypertensive patients.
The question of why bad coffee, know the exact answer athletes who pass tests before the competition for doping . A large number of drunk eve drink closes the road to the start.

Coffee harm to pregnant women
Doctors say that coffee is bad for pregnant women. Drinking large quantities of the beverage can cause premature termination of pregnancy , as it has a strong effect on the nervous system , are the bad coffee.
Proved and such harm coffee on the human body as a washout from the body of calcium, potassium and magnesium , which is extremely dangerous for the mother . Osteoporosis can occur , disrupting kidney and urinary system . If a pregnant woman understands that coffee is bad , but can not abandon it , the amount of drink no more than three cups a day.
It should heed the advice of experts to all coffee lovers . If from the use of this fragrant and delicious drink refuse not want, you can limit its use .

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