Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to build a dream?

Quite often, due to various factors (stress, medication, large or too small loads) suffers from sleep. Absence of a full night's sleep leads to malfunction, psychological problems, obesity, pathological formation of a circle (the inability to fall asleep at night and drowsiness during the day). You can break the vicious circle using psychotherapy, breathing and relaxation programs, medicines, but not only.

Sleep Disorder - how to restore the dream-house

     Should properly organize day regimen. Should get up and go to bed at the same time. Even if Saturday morning You do not need to go to work, it is advisable to get up at the same time, as in everyday work. At the same time, if the night passed without sleep, we should not allow ourselves to lie down during the day. Only self-discipline will help bring down the abnormal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. After a few days without sleep to recover the extra effort.
     People with sleep disorders should not work in shifts or at night.
     Good evening walk stimulates sleep. Half-hour walk before bedtime can do wonders. That's only active exercise before bedtime do not need to engage.
     Helps to sleep with soothing bath compositions (decoction of valerian root, sea salt). However, there are people who, after a bath or shower on the contrary feel a surge of strength, in this case, this advice should be ignored.
     Do not need to load up before bedtime. Thick make dinner body work all night, so do not get a good rest. But an empty stomach will not normally sleep. Throughout the desired moderation. Eat better food, not later than 2 hours before bedtime. By the way, during the day after meals should not go to sleep.
     Bedtime should not watch TV or read books that could knock you out of the mental equilibrium. No wonder the kids before bedtime reading a fairy tale. Monotonous speech reader or soft classical music to help sleep. Create your own ritual that helps you fall asleep.
     If you lie awake, do not force yourself to sleep, it does not help. Better get up and do unpleasant mechanical work (wash dishes, wipe off the dust). You can not turn on the TV and the Internet.
     But breathing exercises and meditation can easy do a useful thing. Try to breathe deeply (with connection abdomen, ribs and collarbone). Gradually attain equivalence of inhalation and exhalation, as well as increase their duration. Maximum exercise - smooth flow of exhalation of breath and vice versa.

Sleep Disorders - when you need to refer to a therapist

     If the cause of sleep disorders are serious emotional distress, depression, anxiety or neurosis, to restore the harmony of his own life to help communication with the therapist. For a doctor is very important to find out what phase of sleep disturbed (early awakening, later falling asleep, sleep defective, disturbing dreams or nightmares). Help psychotherapy, and in severe cases without drug therapy is necessary. This does not mean that you have to take medication for life. With proper treatment after recovery rhythm of sleep and wakefulness on the drugs will be phased out.
     Sleep in a comfortable environment. This can be a warm cozy place with good sound insulation. It is very important to have a comfortable mattress.
     Use the bed only for sleep (and sex). Clean away TV and telephone.
     Engage charging. It is shown that regular exercise improves sleep. Enough 20-30-minute walk a day. In addition, it will help to reduce anxiety. Do not go in for sports in the evening - you can prevozbuditsya that difficult to fall asleep.
     If you can not sleep - no tossing and turning in bed. Stand up and do about something relaxing (but not stimulating - as a gateway to the Internet), until you feel sleepy
     Even if you do not get enough sleep - still wake up at the usual time, so as not to bring down cycle. In the early days it can be difficult for you, but by the time you get in a rhythm.
     Put aware of your successes or difficulties therapist - he can help you by teaching relaxation techniques, having worked with the cause of sleep disorders - stress, depression or neurosis.
     Do not treat sleep problems as an independent issue. Poor sleep increases anxiety, depression, stress impairs portability, and good sleep - on the contrary
     Some anti-anxiety medications can aggravate insomnia, and some - on the contrary. Consult with your doctor to consider the impact of drugs on sleep

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