Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pinched nerve in the neck - neck should remain mobile

Features of the structure of the cervical spine and a pinched nerve

Cause of a pinched nerve in the neck is often a low back pain. Osteochondrosis begins with metabolic disorders in the intervertebral discs - the elastic rings with the core in the middle, which serve as shock absorbers for the spine. Discs can also fail to go beyond the spine, nerve rootlets prejudice - a condition called disc herniation. The next stage of osteochondrosis - overgrowth of bone is constantly injured vertebrae - these bony growths will also infringe on the spinal nerve roots. But the reason for jamming can also be acute trauma or permanent long-term injury (for example, incorrect posture).

In the cervical spine osteochondrosis and injuries occur with their distinctive features associated with the feature of the structure of the vertebrae and soft tissues in the neck. Thus, in the neck goes through many blood vessels and nerves, which are suitable to the tissues of the neck and head. The most vulnerable is the vertebral artery, which comes out of the holes in the processes of the vertebrae. With any changes in the spine (the proliferation of connective tissue, calluses, injuries) almost always occurs compression of this artery, causing part of the brain is deprived of nutrients and oxygen, which come to him with blood.

Symptoms of compression of the vertebral artery are headaches, dizziness and constant fatigue.

Have a structural feature of the vertebrae themselves, each arranged in its own way, which allows them to closely adhere to each other. As a result, in all diseases and injuries, as well as increased physical activity suffers not one vertebra, and the entire cervical spine. This leads to compression or displacement of passing next to the spine nerves and blood vessels and tissue compression of the spinal cord itself.

Often, the spinal cord is compressed with a herniated disc vertebra, if the disc is not shifted outward and inward. This leads to significant distortions, as in the neck, as well as in remote areas, for example, in the limbs - develop paresis (temporary immobilization), muscle weakness, sensory disturbances of various kinds.


For a pinched nerve in the cervical spine is characterized by squeezing pain, tearing, sometimes burning character in the neck, neck, shoulder pain and shoulder blades.

Also characterized by headaches and dizziness. All kinds of pain increases sharply at the slightest movement in the neck, as well as its long-term immobility. This is particularly evident in the morning after sleep. The pain may be on one or both sides.

Along with this, there may be sensory disturbances and movement disorders in the area of ​​innervation of the corresponding cervical roots. So, there may be a feeling of numbness or swelling of the tongue, the language difficulty tossing in the mouth. Often there is pain in the collarbone, muscle weakness in the neck and shoulder.

When a pinched nerve in the neck may also experience pain in the left side of the chest, extending to the left hand, similar to cardiac pain typical of angina. But unlike true angina such pain nitroglycerin can not be removed.

With prolonged compression of the spinal cord in the cervical developing cervical myelopathy with paresis of the arms and legs.
                                                           Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of a pinched nerve in the cervical spine is placed on the basis of specific complaints of the patient, medical examination and was confirmed by X-ray examination. In the treatment of abuses in the first place trying to reduce the physical strain on the cervical spine. To do this, put a special locking neck collar. In addition, patients are encouraged to talk, during which the physician determines that it has led to a pinched nerve. Most often, this kind of forced posture, in which the patient is long, for example, stay at the computer or a very high pillow during sleep. It is recommended to avoid any impact that can cause increased pain.

For removal of severe pain conducted drug therapy: analgesics (in the form of injections, pills or external resources - ointments, gels and creams), tools to improve blood circulation and dilates the blood vessels (this reduces the headaches and dizziness). Held physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture. After denial comes off, we recommend holding spa treatment.

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