Tuesday, May 24, 2016

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when you inhale too much carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), - the gas produced by incomplete combustion of any type of fuel (natural gas, oil, kerosene, wood, etc.). He enters the person's blood is 200 times faster than oxygen and "captures" his initiative. Carbon monoxide several times lighter and actively binds to hemoglobin, which as a result loses its capacity to carry oxygen to the tissues, including vital - brain, lungs, heart. From lack of oxygen and begins choking. And if you breathe air with a high content of carbon monoxide, death can occur within minutes. That is why it is very important to know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and what to do if you or your family members were the symptoms and how to prevent such incidents.

Causes of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide can come from any source, operating on the combustible fuel. Cars, fireplaces, boat, wood, kerosene heaters, wood-charcoal grills and gas devices that are used in water heaters, furnaces, dryers - all produce carbon monoxide. they usually do not cause problems. This happens in cases where:

Cars or other mechanisms with engines left in confined spaces, such as garages. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) can be stored in the garage, and seeping back into the car. Even sitting in the car with the idling engine in an open garage or swimming behind the ship, with the idling engine can be dangerous.
Heating devices running on combustible fuel, improperly installed or improperly operated.
Heating systems and appliances running on fuel fuel used during the cold season when doors and windows closed. In older buildings, clogged chimneys facilitate entry of smoke in your home or office. The new in homes that are well insulated and tightly sealed, carbon monoxide can stagnate inside the premises.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Early symptoms:

heaviness and throbbing in the head;
headache (head, as it were "strapped hoop");
noise in ears;
darkening of the eyes;
tremors throughout the body;
nausea, vomiting;
If you have these symptoms, and there is a possibility that they could be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area immediately and call an ambulance on the phone "03". If you continue to breathe the smoke, you could lose consciousness and die.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can occur suddenly and may occur gradually, over a long period of time. Inhalation of low concentration of carbon monoxide for a long period of time may cause serious problems with the heart and brain damage. See your doctor if:

You have a shortness of breath, palpitations, tinnitus, nausea, and headache, when you are in the room;
You feel better when you leave the room, and worse, when you come back again;
other people working or residing with you, have the same symptoms as you do.
Your actions during first aid:

If your child or other family members have symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning mentioned above, be quiet, but they act quickly. Immediately withdrawn or Remove patient from polluted area (in the warmer months - on the street, in the cold - in a ventilated room, the stairwell). Undo gates and constricting clothing. Ensure peace and continuous access to fresh air.

Call an ambulance on the phone "911".
 Vigorously rub the body movements of the victim.
On the head and chest, place a cold compress.
If the victim is conscious, give him drink warm tea and coffee.
If the victim is unconscious:

If unconscious, indicating that severe poisoning, the skin reddens the victim, pupils dilate. Breathing initially frequent and loud, it becomes superficial. Man involuntarily defecate. But even if things have gone so far, do not despair. The rescue of the victim is in your hands. Immediately shall carry him out, and if you fail to do this, open the window, in extreme cases, break it. On the head and chest, place a cold compress or hot water bottle with ice and a bottle of cold water.

Give it a sniff cotton wool with ammonia (do not hold cotton wool with ammonia directly to the nose and waved it at a distance). Rub the body of the victim.

If the victim is not breathing, immediately begin to carry out artificial respiration means "mouth to mouth" or "mouth-to-nose", and in the absence of a pulse - and external cardiac massage. Continue CPR until the arrival of emergency medical care, or until the arrival of the victim consciousness. Anyone who has first aid, so as not to poison in the mouth or nose of the victim breath should be done through the water-wetted gauze or a handkerchief, and the passive exhalation victim reject his head to the side to the exhaled gas does not enter the lungs. Call an ambulance on the phone "03", or ask someone to do it. Use the phone only from neighbors or the street!

Further treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning will be determined by your doctor.

Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning

Many people die each year from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide). Here are some important steps you can take to reduce the risk of poisoning:

Every year, check all devices running on fuel fuel (gas stoves, gas water heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves).
Regularly check the condition of chimneys, flues and ventilation hatches.
Immediately see a doctor if you have symptoms of poisoning (carbon monoxide), especially if more than one person has the same symptoms.
Be aware of how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning when you are driving:

Do not leave a car running in a garage even if the garage door is open.
Do not ride in the back of a closed truck.
Do not swim behind the ship idling.
Take extreme caution when using the device, running on Fuel:

Never use heaters operating on kerosene or propane indoors (such as a camper, motor home, trailer or tent).
Never use a grill indoors, running on gas or charcoal.
Never use a gas oven to heat your home.
Do not close the damper in the chimney the fireplace or stove until the fire is completely extinguished.
When repairing the car in the garage:

Keep the garage door open;
periodically turn off the engine;
Ventilate the room, go out more often to fresh air;
in any case, stay overnight in the garage,
do not sleep in a vehicle with the engine running;
adjust the engine so that the carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas was the minimum number;
not engaged in repairing the car while intoxicated.
Use of nicotine may even be useful in certain circumstances. Firstly, some psychologists recommend - a good sedative. But that is not important as mental health? Secondly, the young guys, of course, smoking is harmful, but the old men under the age of 50 have even benefits have nicotine as a poison inhibits the growth of all cells, including cancer, that the body at this age no longer cope. I do not want this issue to be true, he heard the call, but thought all the same securities. I smoke a lot are not, solely for the pleasure - and a suitable company.

Those who believe that hookah tobacco - flavored jam, recommend to smoke flavored jam. Throws in big letters with questionable content can each. With regard to coal, then yes, the harm and causes of CO, and other components of the smoke. In particular, coal samorazgorayuschiysya "producing" any ammonia compound. In certain conditions, the damage may apply glycerine contained in tobacco blend. Oh, and do not forget about the preservatives.

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