Friday, December 13, 2013

Lotions and tinctures from acne

Herbal tincture of acne : 1 tablespoon of dry powdered herb wormwood , hops , or St. John's wort (you can use a mixture of all these herbs ) pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave to cool . Then strain and stir the liquid part with half a glass of vodka. Add another 1 tablespoon of natural apple or grape vinegar. Drench the place with acne such infusion , and after 10-15 minutes wash with cool water.

Acne lotion for oily skin : Make a decoction of dried wormwood ( Artemisia 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes). In the strained infusion , add 1 teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of juice viburnum (you can also use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar ) . Stir and after the dissolution of the salt is used for wiping the face.

Folk recipe for acne tincture of white lily petals : In a glass bowl like cans or bottles with wide neck , pour half a glass of fresh crushed petals of white lily garden , and a few whole leaves. Pour 1 cup of vodka , close tightly and leave for 1 month. After use for wiping problematic skin. Before use, dilute with a little water infusion .

A good lotion for acne is fir oil (available at pharmacies ) , viburnum juice or juice squeezed from the pulp of the pumpkin. Just wipe them several times a day affected skin ( fir oil should be applied only dot on the pimples themselves ) .

Fresh juice squeezed from the prickly thistle herb can also be used as a folk lotion for acne . Clean them every day the skin where there are acne. For better results drink it even 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day .

Tincture of acne sage 2 tablespoons chopped dried sage leaves pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours. After strain , add more infusion 1 teaspoon of honey , stir well , and wipe the problem areas every day, morning and evening.

Recipe for making broth inside, which also helps get rid of acne : Take 1 teaspoon of herbs such as St. John's wort , grass roots elecampane and burdock . Fill them with 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the , cool , and drink at least two cups a day such .

Tincture of St. John's wort for acne : 1 tablespoon dried herbs Hypericum pour half a glass of vodka , tightly plug the container and put in a dark , dry place for 7 days. After the strain and dilute half of cool boiled water.

People from acne lotion from lungwort drug : 1 tablespoon chopped dry grass lungwort pour a glass of boiling water, boil for another 5- minutes, then cool and drain the . Moisten a cotton swab, place the skin with acne possibly 2-3 times a day .

Recipe from acne lotion of celandine : Fill the floor. liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons dry celandine , and leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain and use to wipe the acne several times a day .

Home care and masks for oily and oily skin

Recipe soothes, softens and tightens pores herbal mask for oily skin :Mix 2 teaspoons of dried and chopped sage leaves 1 teaspoon dried or fresh mint leaves, and add a few ( 3-4 things ) hips , also pre- shredded (again, can be used as dry rosehip berries and fresh) .The resulting mixture pour half a glass of boiling water, cover the top tightly and place for half an hour in hot water. Then strain and liquid infusion carefully wipe the face and thick grass a lot put on the gauze , with cutouts for eyes and mouth , which put on the face . For greater effect, can be put on top of towel . After 20 minutes, remove the gauze and wash with cool water.

For oily skin , use the following mixture :Grind to a powder 1 tablespoon of green tea and mix it with 2 or 3 tablespoons of yogurt. The resulting mush apply on face for 15 minutes , after which rinse with cool water .This mask is good skin tones and mattes .

Recipe cleansing mask for oily skin :By 1 raw egg white , add 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil , the same amount of honey and 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal. All stir , put on face for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm at first , and then cool water.

For oily skin is aging well suited to the following mask :Thoroughly grind half tbsp. tablespoons liquid honey with 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, then add 1 egg white and whisk all mixer. Apply the mass of the person , and after 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Homemade lotion that helps get rid of acne :In half a cup of warm clean water , add 1 teaspoon of honey and stir well to completely dissolve the honey . Then, when the " honey water" completely cool , add the 1 tbsp. spoonful of tincture of calendula , mix well and rub this lotion every face in the morning and evening, especially the problem areas .

Contracting egg mask for oily skin :Simply lubricate the face of a foam whipped egg whites , and hold for about 15 minutes.There is also good to add egg white juice (about 1 tbsp. Tablespoons ) of sour fruit and berries.And if you want even and clear skin , then stir the egg white with wheat flour or starch , to the consistency of a thick mass .

Mix 1 teaspoon of dried herbs such as black elder flowers , linden and chamomile . Pour this mixture a half cup of boiling water , boil for 10 minutes, and then strain.It just ostyvshemu but still warm infusion add 1 teaspoon of honey and oatmeal as that formed with stirring dough . Apply it on the face evenly with a thick layer , and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm at first , and then with cold water.This procedure is very good at taking care of oily skin , it promotes good its purification , improves blood circulation and tightens pores .

Recipe potent cleansing mask for oily skin , pimples which are :Finely crumble medical or sulfur soap (for example, using a knife ) , and add 1 tbsp. spoon the resulting soap chips little boiled water and 3-4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide . Beat with a spoon until all the foam and apply this mixture to the problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. After wash with cool water.

Cleansing and dries yeast mask for oily skin :1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast powder (if yeast tablets , then rub them carefully ) mix with a little milk , preferably sour , until a thick homogeneous mixture . Add 3-4 drops of 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution and apply it on face makeup . After 10 minutes , rinse with cool water.

Natural scrub to cleanse oily skin :Lightly grind in a coffee grinder cereal, and stir them in equal proportions with milled , almost flour, almond kernels ( at half tbsp. Spoons) . Then add half of the article . spoon of milk powder and cool boiled water so as to form a thick paste .Fingers lightly massage the face of this gruel for 3 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Whitening mask to lighten freckles

To whiten the face , you can prepare the next broth 2 tablespoons chopped parsley roots pour 1 cup boiling water, and cook for another 25 minutes. After the drain, cool , and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice . Wipe face every day, morning and evening. Likewise, you can prepare a decoction of dandelion leaves , which helps lighten freckles.

Recipe lotion to lighten freckles : 1 bunch parsley pour 300 g of vodka and let stand in a sealed container for 1.5 -2 weeks. After this infusion daily wipe skin with freckles . In lotion can add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice .

Whitening Mask 2 tablespoons quince pulp , or 4 tablespoons of juice squeezed from her mix with 1 teaspoon lemon juice , and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide . Put a lot on the face for 10-15 minutes , after which rinse with cool water . This recipe can be used in addition to the quince juice and pulp of watermelon and cantaloupe .

Little help whiten face mask following recipe : 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or juice squeezed from it , mix with 1 tablespoon of sour cream (for dry skin ) , if the skin is oily , then with 2 tablespoons yogurt . Apply the mixture on your skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

To lighten freckles are good berries such as strawberries , black and red currants , strawberries, and viburnum . You can just make them regularly gruel , and apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

Whitening Mask cabbage : Grind a few leaves of fresh white cabbage , add 2 tablespoons of butter . Thoroughly grind all , and add a bit of cool boiled water to form a dough . Apply the mask on your face resulting thick layer and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water .

White clay also helps lighten freckles : Dilute it with boiled water to form a thick mixture and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. If you have dry skin of the face , then dilute the milk. Or here's another recipe that helps whiten the face : 1 tablespoon of white clay mix with pulp of one medium-sized tomatoes (you can use tomato juice, 3-4 tablespoons) with 1 tablespoon of sour milk . Put the weight and after 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Take 1 tablespoon of white clay , and the same amount of sour cream. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey , and a bit of sour milk . Stir everything until a thick homogeneous mass, which apply on the skin. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in cool water. After this procedure, the facial skin is noticeably refreshed , and available on it lightens freckles .

Folk remedies for warts


Before treatment, the warts folk remedies strongly recommend you first consult a dermatologist .Folk remedies borodavokOchen ancient folk remedy for warts :Halve one small crude and crude potato. Each half of the rub , all your body or face warts, then add these halves together and tie them tightly thread.After that, throw the potatoes on the street, and when it is completely rotted away , and the warts disappear.Optional throw potato on the street , you can simply wrap it in paper and put out , as long as the potatoes start to rot.Also, instead of potatoes , you can use apple, beet, or any other vegetable or fruit .
A similar procedure for getting rid of warts can be done with ordinary thread. Taken for this one line , and over every wart on her tied one knot (preferably done it a waning moon ) . Then this thread with knots must throw out on the street, over the left shoulder , or even better - to bury . It is believed that once the rot thread, followed by the lost and warts .

In the treatment of warts folk remedies good fit and regular ash .Take a few wooden matches, they break off the sulfur head and then fully burn these matches. The resulting coal grind into powder, and then add to it a small amount of water to form a thick black paste. Properly lubricate the warts this gruel , and that it does not crumble , cover the top of the wart , for example, conventional plaster .Every day on the warts is necessary to impose a new ash , burning new matches, and already after a few days you will see that the warts begin to " shrink " as if gasping and dry out .

In the treatment of warts folk remedies good fit and regular ash .Take a few wooden matches, they break off the sulfur head and then fully burn these matches. The resulting coal grind into powder, and then add to it a small amount of water to form a thick black paste. Properly lubricate the warts this gruel , and that it does not crumble , cover the top of the wart , for example, conventional plaster .Every day on the warts is necessary to impose a new ash , burning new matches, and already after a few days you will see that the warts begin to " shrink " as if gasping and dry out .
Acetic acid treatment for warts :For him, you need to acetic acid, which is stronger than regular vinegar.Take one strip of adhesive tape , and cut through the middle of a small hole in it , the size of the existing body warts . Now you need to paste this patch so that the slotted holes protruded from the wart , but the skin around it was protected by plaster.Add to acetic acid a little flour while stirring to formed a thick " dough ." Apply a small amount of this test to the wart , gently pressing it to her toes , and Cover the top of something , such as a bandage .Every day, apply to warts novoprigotovlennoe dough, and quite soon they will begin to dry up and fall.However, after the drug on the skin after warts may remain small scars .