Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to get rid of dandruff

Types of dandruf.
Dandruff can be both dry and oily . Only to find out the nature of the problem , you can begin treatment. About Dry dandruff signaled by the appearance of dry flakes in a couple of days after washing.
If after washing the hair starts to shine , and after that there are white " flakes " , then the problem is called " oily dandruff ." Response and may suggest a simple test : a few days after washing , rub parting cloth - for oily dandruff , it will absorb the fatty film .
Causes of Dandruff.
Layered flakes of dandruff are often due to deficiency of B vitamins come to the aid of pharmaceutical complexes . Get rid of the problem and can diet, including peanuts, seafood and fresh vegetables ( fruit, berries ) .
In some cases, dandruff occurs due to the aggressive effects of hard water (in this case it is advisable to wash your hair with filtered ) .
In the vast majority of cases of dandruff flakes become " decoration " of the head due to improper choice of means for hair care . They violate the sebaceous glands , which leads to the appearance of the problem.
Dandruff is one of the symptoms of some internal problems affecting the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system ( on this issue should consult with your doctor ) .
How to get rid of dry dandruff ?
 There are a number of tools to help in this .Mask for dry dandruff on the basis of apricot kernel oilMix a couple of egg yolks and two teaspoons of apricot kernel oil . The mask is applied to problem areas before each washing the head . Keep the composition 20-30 minutes.
Mask for dry dandruff based quinceQuinces grate or chop the blender , mix with sour cream and apply on hair shortly before shampooing.Mask for dry dandruff oil-basedRub into the scalp oil mixture consisting of three parts almond oil and one part castor .Garlic mask for dry dandruff
Mix a teaspoon of sour cream, castor oil and chalk. Add pounded garlic clove . Rub the mixture once every seven days for one and half months.
How to get rid of oily dandruff ?
Get rid of oily dandruff help following recipes .Pepper tincture against oily dandruff
To get rid of dandruff , chop pod of red hot pepper and pour alcohol diluted with water (1:1). Give tincture stand week , strain , and every three days rub into the scalp using a cotton swab .
Nettle against oily dandruffBoil 100 grams of powdered nettle leaves in a mixture of half a liter of water and the same amount of 6 % vinegar . Wash the head strained broth without using soap. Procedure is carried out for ten days.
Tansy against oily dandruff
Tablespoon tansy brew half a liter of boiling water and let stand for three hours. Strain the infusion , and wash your hair every other day for a month.
Barberry against oily dandruff
Boil two tablespoons of barberry fruit cup boiling water, bring to a boil, set aside and let it brew . Then broth Filter and wash them down.
Cloudberry against oily dandruff
100 g of cloudberry plants ( with roots ) pour half a liter of boiling water , and warm water bath for fifteen minutes. Strain the broth , let cool and wash them down.Juice nasturtium against oily dandruff.Clean hair juice nasturtium ( then wash your head ) .
Honeysuckle against oily dandruff
Prepare a concentrated decoction of leaves and fruits of honeysuckle. Then cooled and filtered liquid for use compresses ( treatment time - an hour and a half ) .
How to get rid of dandruff at home? You have to be patient - the result of home treatment is not immediately visible . It is extremely important not to abandon the procedures and implement them on a regular basis - in this case you have all chances to get rid of the problem.