Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Crunching Joints - treatment of folk remedies

Cracking in joints : Causes
A man crouches and suddenly hears a crunch in his lap. What's this? Is there cause for concern? These issues certainly arise in any person . We are happy to immediately - if not accompanied by pain crunch , swelling , limited mobility in the joints , then do not worry . This physiologic normal crunch in the joints, which causes the following - at bending limbs joint capsule is stretched, and the pressure in the fall . As a result of this joint fluid like " boil " and there are gas bubbles that burst, creating the same crunch in joints .
Another reason is the normal crunch increased physical load on the joint. Joint fluid is released in insufficient quantities and articular surface a little harder to rub against each other. " Lubricants are missing " - as told to a mechanic. But as the body adapts to the stress, increased production of synovial ( joint ) fluid and an obsessive crunch disappears in the joints.
Reasons that may cause pathological crunch or " creaking " , usually accompanied by additional discomfort , or sound in the joint occurs without appreciable load . It should also start to worry if crunches are not one or two joints , and more.
Crunch may be one of the manifestations of inflammatory , degenerative and dystrophic phenomena in the joints.That is not a complete list of diseases that can cause a crunch in joints :

arthritis ( arthritic , rheumatoid and other forms );
arthrosis ;
sclerotization of soft tissue ;
calcium deposits
If crunch in joints bother you, you need to start treatment . After all, the earlier you start treatment , the easier and faster you get rid of the disease with the least financial cost. Worried crunch - a doctor! In no case do not trust the advice of absentee Internet professionals who prescribe a treatment regimen without seeing the patient. Treat joints in absentia - the same as the cut on the phone. Only the hair will grow , but new joints - no.
Here are some recipes :

Rhizome - 1 part pine buds - 2 parts oregano - 3 pieces , lemon balm - 2 parts . A mixture of dried and powdered plant in the proportions poured boiling water ( 3 tablespoons to 1 liter of water) and put on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Take broth for half an hour before meals.
Ledum - 4chasti , yarrow - part 2 , St. John's wort - 3 parts , eucalyptus - 2 parts . The mixture was poured boiling water ( 2-3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water) and put on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Take broth for half an hour before meals.
Nard - part 3 , flax seed - 2 parts , a series - 5 pieces , agrimony - part 4 , St. John's - 2 parts . Method of preparation - such as in the previous recipes.
Linden flowers - Part 1, birch buds - 3 parts , hop cones - 3 parts , mint - 1 part rosemary - 5 parts daisy - part 3 . The method of preparation and use described earlier.
To improve the flow of blood and lymph to the joints is useful to massage and warm ( after consultation with your doctor ) . Massage will be more useful if apply the gel before the procedure "Collagen Ultra ." Also good for a massage, use ointment based on essential oils of various plants . The famous " Star" or ointment "Collagen Ultra" will promote lymphatic drainage and, thanks to plant extracts , to reduce inflammation and pain. Whatever the cause of the crunch in joints , treatment in any case must be accompanied by a decrease in the load on the joint. And good luck!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Why healthy male prostate massage?

If you hate to think or read that a man has a thin spots , which are located in an area that is not available for all to see , then you are lucky , your man copes with everything myself. Or he's healthy, that is even better.
But not in vain oriental doctors advise any man ( and his companion ) prostate massage practice (video , especially in the beginning , the first assistant ) at least once in 2-3 months.
You women , you know that caring for hair, skin, teeth , nails and feet etc. must begin before any wrinkles , varicose veins , or hair loss. Here , too, we would not stop to engage the main body supporting youth and health before problems begin . This prostate .
I am a little jealous when I read about all sorts of 80-90 year olds men solemnly receiving confirmation of their masculinity as the next heir. Look at our grandparents , there is a bed and does not smell , what children?
But to be honest , the kids in advanced age - it is not necessarily , but that's a healthy body , a clear mind and firm legs (well, something else ) - it's great .
Healthy Prostate - it is a deep sleep, high tone , great nervous system , high efficiency , good humor , gratitude and life partner ...
This healing , literally rejuvenating procedure , easier to eat and not get out himself , and therefore want to know how beloved woman to do it. Especially because of the zone to the " golden point " can be reached from both inside and outside. Well, start with the complex is not necessary.
When you ask for a massage or take our caresses , they too begin " around the bush " and movements are gentle and simple . Really?
Here , too, prostate massage begins with the most simple and accurate movements in the back, waist and hips ( as it was his start , too easy to understand video ) . And in order to make prostate massage correctly , be sure to watch the video with her husband ( and will be less shy , and if that is not clear , you can immediately ask the guinea as he imagines ) or go along with her husband for a couple of sessions to a professional .
Regular massage of the prostate is needed not only a man than he is healthier , more active, confiding to you and your hands , the longer your relationship will be spared from ailments and clinics .