Saturday, April 1, 2017

Why the lips crack in the corners of the mouth: causes, treatment and prevention

Why do the corners of the lips crack? How quickly to cope with itching and redness? How to get rid of the disease and prevent it again? We study all the reasons why the lips crack and there is inflammation in their corners.

In folk medicine, when the lips dry and the corners are cracked, the phenomenon is called zaedami. In the official phenomenon, there are several names: angulitis, angular stomatitis, cheilitis ... In each case, there is the presence of irritation and inflammation, which moves from the corners of the lips to the surrounding skin. Red spots have the ability to literally "creep" over the face, which is why an unpleasant "Pierrot mask" is formed on it.

The disease causes physical and psychological discomfort, but the reasons why the lips crack in the corners of the mouth, and the technique of treating the disease have long been known. When the disease develops, doctors talk about the onset of an inflammatory process of bacterial or fungal nature. It does not develop from scratch: you may have noticed that spots and cracks appear in autumn or spring, that is, during the off-season. At this time our immunity works at the limit and is often in a weakened state. The slightest weakening makes it possible for the growth of the opportunistic flora ("conditionally", because this flora always lives on our skin, but it becomes dangerous only if immunity decreases).

And the disease develops in the areas that are least protected from it. Therefore, experts with dry lips and cracking their corners called the following provoking factors.

Avitaminosis - a deficiency of vitamins B, A and E becomes a risk factor for angular stomatitis. To prevent disease, during the off-season, you should take vitamin preparations.
Caries - it is not uncommon to answer the question why the corners of the lips are cracked, there can only be 2 doctors: a dermatologist and a dentist. The first will determine the type of infection, and the second will cure carious disease, which also stimulates inflammation in the corners of the lips.
Incorrect bite - or wearing braces, dental processes. In each case, the natural outflow of saliva is disturbed, and it accumulates in the junction of the lips. Corners become wet, their protective flora changes, conditions for fungal growth arise.
The habit of licking lips (and in children sucking a nipple, finger) - in these cases the skin cracks in the corners of the lips, the surrounding tissues dry and flake. The skin loses its protective properties, becomes susceptible to the effects of fungi and bacteria.
Disturbance of metabolism and development of diabetes mellitus is not the most common, but quite probable cause. Diabetes changes the condition of all mucous membranes, including the oral cavity. Another symptom of a dangerous disease is a constant thirst that does not go away, even if you drink a liter of water with a volley.
Allergy to cosmetics is also a likely factor, because of which the corners of the lips crack. What to do in this case? Observe: if after using lipstick irritation occurs, itching, dryness, from such cosmetics should be urgently disposed of.


The correct solution to the problem will be an appeal to a dermatologist, who will find out the reason why the corners of the lips crack and prescribe the treatment. It always requires an integrated approach, that is:

     Use of funds to eliminate inflammation;
     Elimination of stimulating factors.

The first include:

Antibacterial ointments (for example, erythromycin, liniment of synthomycin), if the inflammation is bacterial in nature. Or funds based on fluconazole (nystatin, sulfur-salicylic, levorin ointment), if the disease is fungal in nature. Find out the type of inflammation will help visual inspection by a specialist and scraping the affected tissue. The result is usually determined within a few minutes, and the treatment is highly effective.
Means for oral administration, also based on antibiotic or fluconazole. They are prescribed with a significant development of infection or in the presence of metabolic diseases, immune disorders. If the disease occurs for the first time and only the corners of the lips crack, the treatment usually does not require taking the drugs inside, limited only to the use of ointments.
Folk remedies - use products that moisturize and soften the skin. A good softening effect is possessed by all oils (olive, vegetable, sea-buckthorn), reduces inflammation of tea tree oil. The stimulation of the healing of aloe, calanchoe, psyllium.

If the problem is what to do if the corners of the lips crack, it is important for you, preventive measures should be taken, even if the disease is already behind.

Timely treatment of caries.
Refusal to smoke as an addiction, which violates the natural flora of the mouth and surrounding tissues.
Use of high-quality cosmetics and mandatory lip protection with balsam or hygienic lipstick if you leave the house in cold and windy weather.
A balanced diet with lots of vitamins - they are found in fruits and vegetables.
As you can see, if the corners of the lips crack, the cause usually lies on the surface. Observe preventive measures to prevent relapse of the disease, and if it occurs, be sure to visit the doctor for a choice of treatment tactics.