Thursday, July 31, 2014

Prevention of cataracts

  If a person has found a cataract of the eye, then with the help of any drugs or traditional medicine to cure this disease is not possible. But these drugs are an excellent tool for the prevention of cataracts and slowing its development. 

  Eye drops for cataract prevention in the world there is a wide variety of eye drops, differing composition, effectiveness and costs, which will be a great tool for preventing and slowing the progression of cataracts.
  If a person notices at any eye problems, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. In that case, if the doctor finds a predisposition to the development of cataracts, it may assign special eye drops that will protect against the development of this disease. 

Are the most effective drugs such as: vitsein; viktafol; kvinaks; taufon; taurine. 

  It should be remembered that these drugs are very effective, so you can not start taking them on their own without first talking to your doctor, as unprofessional self can only hurt. One of the best preparations for the prevention and slowing the progression of cataract is considered to be developed by Japanese scientists "Kvinaks." The drug is perfectly protects the eye from the lens opacities, but for full protection from the disease, it is necessary to bury the eyes quite a long time. The main components of the eye drops for the prevention of cataract are biogenic stimulants, vitamins and inorganic salts. Also, quite often a part of such medicinal drugs include: riboflavin, ascorbic and glutamic acid.
  In recent years, a large number of eye drops containing a nicotinic acid as the substance contributes to the penetration of useful active substances inside the eye. Commonly used eye drops, consisting of vitamin complexes dissolved in glucose. They saturate the eye with useful substances, thereby minimizing the transformation of normal cells into the affected lens cataracts.  

Prevention of cataracts folk remedies  
  Since cataract is a common eye disease, especially for people in middle age, somewhere in the world there are many different folk remedies to prevent the development of this disease. The most effective prescriptions imposed below.  

Needed in equal proportions to mix coriander seeds and fennel, then add to them a little bit of brown sugar. This mixture should be consumed daily, in a strictly scheduled time, 10 grams of the morning and evening. This recipe is the most effective folk remedy for cataract prevention. Six almond fruits and the same amount of pepper should be possible to grind and mix. The resulting mixture was ground through a sieve, whereupon it is added to the sugar. Necessary every morning and evening to eat a teaspoon of this tool. Need ten grams of crushed white pepper mixed with 50 grams of almonds. Besides, what happened, you should add 10 grams of melted butter and natural forty grams of brown sugar. The resulting mixture is used daily for 20 grams. Ten grams of fresh onion juice you need to mix with the same amount of honey and add a little camphor. The resulting mixture is stirred glass vessel until a homogenous pasty mixture. This pasta every day, the best - before bedtime, should creep into the skin of the eyelid. For the preparation of more than one effective means of preventing cataract, it is necessary to take an equal amount of fresh carrot juice, Indian gooseberry and spinach. All juices are thoroughly mixed, then every day should be completed within 2-3 months. Crushed coriander need to pour a glass of water, then boil. After cooling, the decoction of coriander need to rub in the eye lids. 

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