Friday, April 3, 2015

What to do if you have a toothache?

When a toothache is not in any way be applied to the tooth aspirin, you can get burned. It is recommended as soon as possible to visit the dentist
What to do if you have a toothache and dentistry is not available:1. A few drops of valerian alcohol applied to the tooth;2. If the pain does not subside, take 20 drops of alcohol valerian or motherwort, 3 times a day, and at the first opportunity to apply to the dentist;3. Attach a cotton wool soaked in tincture of calendula to the tooth;4. If you had the fillings you can insert a piece of camphor alcohol in the hollow zuba.Esli does not help moisten gum camphor spirit. Just do everything very carefully that would not get burns;5. Helps still root Calamus. Paul tablespoon at half a glass of water and rinse your mouth texture of this;6. Take a little bit of black bread and garlic, chew on them, make a lot of types of clay and they seal the aching tooth and the gum around it.7. Take two teaspoons sage flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand. Rinse this decoction aching tooth8. toothache well help broths following herbs: cinquefoil goose, zmeegolovnika, yarrow. Rinse it in warm liquid.Teeth always better to treat early. Do not let things take their course. If all you do not run more than one dental help.

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