On the question of how to properly wash the nose, we usually encounter at the beginning of colds. However, this procedure is not only useful for improving nasal breathing, but also as part of the daily hygiene.
The nose is not only necessary for us to breathe. The sinuses warm air and takes its purification from harmful agents. Furthermore nose helps us feel the smells, taste and feel utter sounds. Swollen nose prevents full sleep and eat.
To improve nasal cavity and the removal of edema shows good efficacy nasal lavage with saline. For this purpose, it is best to use sea salt. Because it is easy to prepare at home should be dissolved. It helps to stop the growth of bacteria and destroy them.
sea water is a good antiseptic, the regular washing of such a solution
is not only clear the nasal passages of dust and pus, relieve congestion
and relieve inflammation. Thanks to this nose regains a healthy breath. Such washing useful for people of all ages and even for babies.How to prepare a solution for rinsing the nose?
For classical solution will need 1 tsp. Sea salt with a small top, dissolved in 400 ml of warm boiled water. However, these proportions may be adjusted, based on the feeling during washing. When hypersensitivity nasal mucosa during inflammation can reduce the amount of salt.
Sometimes doctors recommend the use of a concentrated solution. It is used after a person from dusty environment and with a strong inflammation. For such a solution dose of salt should be increased twice. Since such a saturated saline desiccate the nasal mucosa and can be used only occasionally.
If the hand was not sea salt, we can use ordinary table salt. In this case, it is necessary to take 1 tsp salt in a pint of water.
Furthermore it is possible to complete the pharmacy prioobresti brines based on sea water. They are made in the form of spray, so they are easy to use. These are drugs like "Humor", "Nazomarin", "Marimer", "akvamaris", "Otrivin Sea", "Solin" and others.
However, washing the nasal sprays will not be as effective as washing using a syringe. This creates more pressure and better washed out bacteria and dirt.How to wash your nose?
washing the nose refers to a simple procedure, easily performed at
home, many people can not adapt to it and prefer to do without it. However, you just have to know a few simple rules that need to be put into practice.
This procedure is necessary to adjust by selecting an optimal manner. You can simplify the task of acquiring the pharmacy system designed for washing the nose. It is called the "Dolphin".
In addition, you can do a syringe or a syringe with a soft nozzle. Some people quite easily washed his nose without the help of any additional tools. They pour the solution into the palm, actively involve his nose, and then he poured through the mouth.
Nasal lavage technique using a syringe is quite simple. To do this, type in the blower prepared warm solution. Lean over a sink or container for collecting liquid, turn your head slightly to one side. In one nostril, insert the tip of the syringe, hold your breath, open your mouth and stick out your tongue a little.
Slowly squeeze the bulb, introducing the solution into the nose. The liquid passes through the nasopharynx, and spilled the language. Then lightly blowing your nose and do the same with the other nostril. Such washing can be done several times a day.
Life advises not to be afraid of nasal lavage, and try to find a
convenient way by which you can help to get rid of a cold nose and gain a
healthy breath.

You'd be surprised, but more than half of people in the world snore. And only a few are able to recognize this fact. The rest just do not hear what they snore during sne.Kak fight snoring
It is worth noting this simple pattern. If you believe the pollsters, one of the causes of divorce is notorious snoring. Also, it can cause a disorder of sexual relationships in couples.
If irritation of snoring was the main problem, then this illness can not be so hard to focus on. But the problem is that snoring people, primarily harm their own health.
According to doctors, snoring does not appear out of nowhere. He is one of the main symptoms of serious diseases, such as hypoxia, which can lead to chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. It should be mentioned and that snoring causes the development of
obesity, high blood pressure, deterioration of the heart and that is
very important for men impotence.Why there is snoring and how to deal with this disease?
The primary cause of snoring - is overweight. Most people who are obese, snore. It is well-known and quite common fact. Remember the saying that it is necessary to give dinner to the enemy? It is not without reason. The fact that the stomach is filled in a dream the diaphragm bends and this can occur snoring. It is very easy to avoid - not to load at night.
the majority of films and notice a pattern - most alcoholics are
shaking the walls of their dwellings terrible snoring. Why is this happening? The fact that alcohol contributes to relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles. This becomes the cause of snoring. Get rid of the problem is simple - try not to drink before going to bed, and even more so, not to get drunk.
Harmful not only alcohol, but smoking. Tobacco smoke, irritating the nasal mucosa, causes inflammation of the pharynx and the trachea, as well as edema of mucous. As a consequence, there is a narrowing of the airways and not uncommon sleep apnea.
Often the cause of snoring can become incorrect position for sleep. Usually those people snore. who like to sleep only on their backs. This situation is compounded by the work of the respiratory tract, the
language of the West, it becomes a kind of partition in the larynx and
on this there is snoring.
Try to get used to sleeping on your back and abdomen. This is the correct posture for a pleasant and restful sleep. It should also be noted that it is very important the position of the head, so try to choose the most convenient pillow. It should be moderately hard and moderately soft. It's best to buy a special orthopedic pillow.
There are many causes of snoring. are not linked to external factors or bad habits. The
cause of snoring can be a particular organism, such as congenital
narrowness of the nasal passages, malocclusion, decreased thyroid
function. But with these illnesses at home can not cope, so you should consult a specialist.So how do you treat the notorious snoring?
The most effective way to deal with this nasty disease is laser therapy. 10-15 minutes painless irradiation under a special instrument and you get rid of hrapa.Kak fight snoring
But if you do not trust any surgical procedures in your body, then there are easier ways to get rid of the disease. Scientists have developed a special instrument, mouthpiece snoring. Reflex irritating tongue and throat, it increases the tone of the sky and, as a result, prevents snoring.
US scientists also propose to make a special injection in the upper sky. From snoring forever you will not get rid of, but at least 19 months, your loved ones will sleep peacefully.
But if you want to get rid of snoring without any intervention or
simply want to prevent illness (because it can occur at any time in your
life), you should perform daily a kind of "gymnastics".
Simple exercises for snoring:
1. Close your mouth and try to breathe through the nose. straining the back of the tongue, with the power to pull her throat. Such an exercise, it is desirable to repeat 10-20 times a day to strengthen the soft upper palate.
2. Tighten the muscles of the pharynx, palate and neck, try to pronounce the sound "and". This exercise should be repeated 20-30 times a day, morning and evening.
Pretty simple exercises, is not it? You can easily carry along with them as the morning exercises, and a break for lunch. Remember, your good health and peaceful sleep native people entirely depend on your desire to compete with snoring.