Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What to feed the child after vomiting?

Every loving mother pretty badly experiencing any discomfort your child is not an exception, and vomiting. There are several reasons for its occurrence: food poisoning, diarrhea, bacterial infection, the temperature rise in viral disease, but that would not have caused such an unpleasant state of the crumbs, it is very important to give him the necessary assistance and to observe some important rules after.
First aid
The first question that arises from their parents - is how to feed the child after vomiting? But, above all, mothers and fathers should know that this unpleasant process, as well as the attendant temperature rise and diarrhea contribute to a significant loss of fluid from the body and disturbance of water-salt balance in the crumbs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the baby drinking and assets included in its membership salt, baking soda, potassium and glucose (eg, rehydron, glyukosolan or Orolo). To remove toxins and other "dirty tricks" the body of the baby is necessary to give him sorbents (such as activated charcoal or smektu). And only then to think that you can eat after vomiting child.
nutrition and diet regime
On the question: "Can I eat after vomiting" - all professionals responsible unequivocally: "Yes, is not only possible but necessary!" But it is worth noting that, most likely, your kid himself refuses to eat in the early hours after the cessation of offensive process, so the question is: what to feed the baby after vomiting, become relevant only after 5-8 hours. Breast kiddies for recovery can not recommend anything better than mother's milk. Toddlers also older you can begin to feed rice or buckwheat porridge, cooked in water and milk in a ratio of 1: 1. I would like to note that for children of any age the diet should be gentle. Here's what you can still give your child after vomiting:
2 days later, administered in the diet cheese, starting with 20 g and vegetable puree;
Liquid food: Low-fat soups or food in semi-liquid state;
protein products: boiled meat in the form of puree or soufflé;
dishes cooked by steaming or by baking.
Diet after vomiting in a child excludes products such as fresh bread, raw fruits and vegetables, fresh acidic juices, chocolate and other sweets. Also, in any case should not be given to the kid and spicy fried food. Restore normal that you can eat after rvotykormlenie child after vomiting help crackers or dried bread: tired of the grueling ailments kids happy their bite.
Finally I want to say, if the baby vomiting periodically renewed, you should always consult a doctor. It will help to establish the true cause of the ailment and prescribe treatment. All of the above recommendations for the recovery of the child after vomiting effective but in acute situations (vomiting of blood, bile, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea), it is better not to procrastinate and to call an ambulance, because there is nothing more important than the health of our children.

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