Saturday, July 2, 2016

The best recipe for combating pigment spots, skin roughness and fine wrinkles.

Skin care is to use different masks and rubbing. Masks used courses: 5 masks a day, then a break for a week and a new course.
1. 1 h. Spoon of turmeric powder, 1 h. Spoon of honey, 1 h. Spoon of milk. Applied to the skin for 30 min., Wash with water. This mask used at night only because the face becomes yellow, but on the morning after washing all right, does not stain the pillow. After course of such masks skin is lighter, it is also suitable for those who want to improve the complexion, and how aging prevention.
2. 1 h. Spoon of cinnamon, 1 h. Spoon of honey. On the face for 30 minutes. It has a lightening effect and fights inflammation.
3. parsley, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1 egg, a pinch of ground pepper (any) water. whitening effect.
4. BLEACH properties are: clay, wheat flour, oatmeal, whole dairy products, fruits, berries, herbs, most vegetables, the brine from sauerkraut. Watching that from the products available at home and mix in different proportions, most importantly, to make such a consistency that can be spread on the face.
5. 3 crushed aspirins, 0.5 h. Spoon of lemon juice, 0.5 h. Spoon of water. The mixture was put on face for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.
6. "Tsindol" (talker from diaper rash in infants, is sold in a pharmacy) - applied after removing make-up for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.
7. gidroperita 1 tablet dissolved in a small amount of shaving cream (the best of the simplest domestic) applied to the stain dries up, rinse, used 1 time per week. It is possible to bleach stains on any body part.
8. Apple cider vinegar and a base oil of 1: 1 mix, smear after washing, then apply the cream. It lightens and improves skin tone and reduces wrinkles.
9. Alcohol camphor 5 mL of borax 10 g., Purified water 160 g., 95% alcohol, 50 ml, 10 ml glycerol, juice of one lemon. Store in a dark bank. Apply 2-3 times per night on a clean face, do not wash off.
10. Wipe face liqueurs (vodka) or infusions (on the water): bay leaf - on his best result (by the way, great saves from acne), parsley, bearberry, banana peel, celandine.
11. Curd dilute hydrogen peroxide until thick sour cream, applied to problem areas for 20-30 minutes. Rinse.
12. A very good result given the mixture of essential oils, only such compounds is expensive.
* Oil: Grape Seed 4 ml, 3 ml of the hazelnut, evening primrose, lemon, 5 drops, 4 drops of rosewood.
* Oil: avocado 4 mL, 4 mL of wheat, cocoa 4 ml, 4 ml of almond, lavender 2 drops sandalwood 2 drops, 2 drops of geranium.
Mixtures keep in a bottle of dark glass in a dry place. Apply to slightly damp skin (preferably moistened floral or mineral water) after purification. On the whole face is enough 3-4 drops of the mixture. Apply at least 1 hour before bedtime and 30 minutes. before the morning makeup. If after 20 minutes. stayed shine, then remove the excess tissue.
13. The solution of boric acid (1.4 sachet 200 ml of water) to wipe the trouble spots during the week.

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