Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Folk recipes for hair loss in men

Alopecia or baldness, as you know, is more common in the strong half of humanity. At the same time, the disease occurs both in young people of 20 years old and in the older generation. The main reason for excessive hair loss in youth is a hereditary predisposition, so it is difficult to resist this process. However, regularly using traditional medicine, good results can be achieved consisting in strengthening the roots, improving their structural structure, stimulating the growth of new hair. Folk recipes in addition to saturating the scalp and hair with useful vitamins and minerals provide good prevention

Tincture of red pepper on alcohol
Pepper tincture, prepared independently or acquired in a pharmacy, stimulates and accelerates the growth of hair follicles, has antiseptic properties. To enhance the effectiveness and prevent burns for owners of sensitive skin types, it is recommended to mix the tincture with an oil (or any other greasy) base.
To accelerate hair growth, apply:
in equal parts mix tincture of pepper and burdock or castor oil (can be replaced with sunflower); after applying the mixture to the head, you need to wait 15-20 minutes and rinse off the mask with a firming shampoo on herbs;
100 ml of sour milk (kefir, yogurt) is mixed with 2 tbsp. l pepper tincture; the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes;
pepper tincture plus May honey - after application, stand for up to 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

A treatment based on burdock leaves
Burdock contains a large number of biologically active substances. Burdock is known for its beneficial properties, it has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. For hair, the plant is used to strengthen the stem and the bulb, as well as the prevention and treatment of dandruff. One of the oldest and most effective recipes against baldness is based on the use of burdock leaves and burdock oil: +

1 tbsp. chopped leaves of the plant is poured 1 tbsp. burdock oil;
during the day the medicine is infused in a dark, cool place, then put on a slow fire, where it is kept, stirring, for up to 15 minutes;
the mixture must be rubbed into the scalp 30 minutes before washing, several times during the week.

Onion is a great natural cure for baldness
Onions are considered a source of a large amount of vitamins (vitamins of group B, E, C, zinc, potassium, iron and many other useful substances), it contains oils and keratin, which is part of the hair shaft.
Onions - a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals for hair

Folk remedies, which include onions, have been used for many generations against hair loss in men. The effectiveness of treatment is high with regular use, the length of the course is 10-15 procedures.
Onion recipes are quite simple to use:
one middle onion is peeled and passed through a meat grinder (can be chopped with a blender), gruel is rubbed well into the skin and kept for 60-90 minutes;
chopped onion is mixed with several tablespoons of liquid honey, and then applied to the head, leaving for 1.5-2 hours;
to enhance the effect, onion gruel is added cognac and garlic (passed through the garlic), in proportions one to one; the product is carefully rubbed into the skin and aged for half an hour.
Despite the useful properties of the vegetable, many are confused by the unpleasant odor, which is saturated with all the hair. To do this, wash off such masks with shampoo, which has a sharp aroma that eliminates an unpleasant odor.

Oils to Help Against Hair Loss
The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of oils (burdock, castor, sea buckthorn and others) of various manufacturers and relatively affordable prices. Oils prevent baldness, strengthen brittle hair, stimulate the growth of new ones. After applying such funds, the hair becomes thick, silky and healthy.
To strengthen the hair, one of the selected oils is rubbed into the skin, after 30-40 minutes it is washed off with water. Before applying, it is recommended to warm the solution. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to achieve the desired effect.
Burdock oil - a real find against alopecia in men
Burdock oil - a real find against alopecia in men
Herbal infusion against baldness
Do you use folk remedies to combat baldness? Yes No
At home, in order to treat male pattern baldness, plants such as hop cones, burdock root, common calf grass, and marigold leaves are used. All ingredients contain a large amount of vitamins, act as an antiseptic and strengthen the follicle from the inside. To prepare the composition, all components are crushed and mixed in equal proportions. Pour hot water and insist 2-3 hours. The finished solution is rubbed into the scalp daily

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