Monday, October 29, 2012

Balance of mind

Researchers studying the unusual abilities of the person, claim that psychic abilities are manifested most often in those who have a more developed right hemisphere. Subjects psychics more or less informed, shape, color, material unseen object, but not its name and purpose.

The right hemisphere of the brain is connected to the left side of the body and the left hemisphere - with the right. Traditional medicine, using the principle of feedback and acting only on the right or only on the left side of the body, successfully healed many mental illnesses. Indian yoga uses breathing exercises to activate only the left or only the right hemisphere. To do this, they breathe only the left or only the right nostril, closing the opposite.
On how much brain work well, depends on the biochemical and biophysical condition of the body with all the consequences for health. Many diseases are associated with the fact that the person there is a clear functional imbalance in the brain. Chronic fatigue syndrome may occur with the constant stress and engagement as only the left hemisphere.
With constant involvement in the work of the right hemisphere may be pernicious craving for strong stimulants (alcohol, smoking), which gives the illusion of relief from negative emotions.
Universal way of healing many ailments will normalize the balance between the two hemispheres, the conscious control of their work. Involvement of alternating work of one or the other hemisphere quickly affect the biochemistry of the body, so that will be eliminated causes of disease.
Permanent dominance of one way of thinking - logical or emotional - will lead to overheating of the subcortical brain structures. Eliminating bioenergetic stress subcortex - a conscious switching of logical thinking on the emotional and vice versa.
Man breaks the harmony not only in itself but also in the world. From his wrong actions and behavior are affected animals, plants and the entire biosphere of the Earth.

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