Monday, October 29, 2012

Coffee or tea?

Drink of coffee is not so much a tonic as taste value. Coffee beans contain 1-3% caffeine. Instant coffee - dried extract is natural, it has less flavor substances and has 3-5% caffeine. The expensive varieties of instant coffee contains original and complex taste and flavors, which, along with the selection of varieties, maturity, grain drying technology, roasting and grinding create a unique aroma and taste of coffee.

In the coffee too much vitamin PP (niacin), and potassium. But this benefit ends. Strong and frequent (more than 3 times a day), coffee is contraindicated in angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis with increased secretion and many other diseases, as well as in old age.
People accustomed to the coffee, believe that the stomach does not cook, and a headache, if after eating not drink coffee. Many people think that you can not live without coffee. This is not so - the coffee was before the medicine, now became food. Constipation, strong heartbeat and head diseases that come from unreasonable use of coffee, mostly attributed to his physique.
Large and frequent doses of coffee after a brief improve mental and physical performance, reduce fatigue and drowsiness leading to depletion of nerve cells.
Only lowered blood pressure under the influence of caffeine increases blood pressure in the normal significant shift, as simultaneously with the initiation of respiratory, vasomotor center and the heart dilates blood vessels of skeletal muscles (especially the veins of the legs). Dilates blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, arteries of the brain and venous sinuses (path) of the brain are narrowed. Constrict blood vessels and abdominal organs (except kidney).
Caffeine is a part of almost all the headache pills. Why? Extending the leg veins and narrowing veins of the brain, caffeine promotes blood flow to the brain and deposits (collects) her legs. Remember the varices!
Coffee is a diuretic, do not forget that those who can not necessarily absent himself on work.
Tea and coffee as a flavor and a slightly lower value of tonic, contains 2-3% caffeine, niacin and potassium. The similarity ends.
Leaf tea plant contain from 9 to 35% tannins, lecithin (regulates cholesterol metabolism), nucleoproteins (containing iron, fluorine and manganese), essential oils, and vitamins C, B1, B2, K, pantothenic acid.
In contrast to the black in the green tea more vitamins, and its strong infusion useful in colitis. Tea, especially green, quenches thirst better than coffee. Useful only freshly brewed tea. Stood for more than 20 minutes and leaves the Chinese tea leaves are called "viper venom", while insisting no more than 4 minutes. It is best to use a mixture of black (mostly taste factor) and green (mainly anti-cancer factor) 1:1 tea, as soon as the green hot tea is more aggressive to the gastric mucosa.
Because some components of tea (caffeine, purine) are in relationship with uric acid, this drink is not recommended for gout and other diseases in violation of purine metabolism.

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