Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Strengthening hair

1). Never wash your hair with hot water, only lukewarm.
2). Never wash your hair with tap water. Be sure to boil, soften it, to make herbal tea to wash it.
3). Protect your head from the cold, not to zastuzhivalis hair roots, protect from heat and sun.
4). Hair loss, alopecia useful systematically to eat or drink buckthorn berries decoction of young twigs, and this decoction to wash my hair. Well after washing the hair rub in a head sea buckthorn oil, 2 times a week.
5). Grass (a branch of juniper) mix evenly with the leaves of birch. Handful of the mixture to boil 3 liters of water in 5 minutes. Wrap up warm for an hour. Then this decoction to wash my hair and rinse. Strengthens hair.
6). Onions. Take a small onion, peel it, grate. Wrap grated in gauze, folded several times. Rub into the scalp. A few hours wash and rinse your head. It is advisable in this case to cut it short. After a few treatments away dandruff, itching disappears, hair strengthening, making hair supple and soft.
7). Onion juice. Rub onion juice with brandy and strong condensed decoction of burdock root. To one part brandy should take 4 pieces of onion juice and 6 parts of decoction of burdock root. It is considered by the people as a good tool.
8). Burdock root - 20 gr., Water - 200 gr. Cook over low heat until half the original volume, so that the broth was condensed. Then mix it in half with pork visceral fat by heating up, pour into the pot, cover, coat the dough and put in the oven or oven for a few hours. After cooled to the thickened mass drained if it is. Weight is a good hair restorer. Even better lubricate the scalp fresh juice mug. Dig up the roots, rinse quickly with cold water. Very quickly grate, squeeze the juice. Do it quickly because the grated root is rapidly oxidized in air and darkens. Can this pickle juice alcohol 1:1. Rubbing of the juice should dilute it half with water, rub 2-3 times a week.
9). Castor oil mix evenly with 96% alcohol. Rub a cotton swab into the scalp. After 3-4 hours wash the head with children or lanolin soap. Rinsed with acidified water. Acidified water is as follows: In the water for rinsing squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar.
10). Collection 1: the thyme - 20 oz.; Willow bark - 20 gr., Oak bark - 20 gr. 4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Cool the drain. Rub into the scalp with alopecia.
11). Collection number 2: willow bark - 20 gr.; Burdock root - 20 gr. 4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Cool the drain. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and itching of the skin.
12). Gathering # 3: nettle leaves - 30 gr., Leaves mother and stepmother - 30 oz.; Calamus rhizome - 20 gr., 6 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 10 minutes in one liter of water. Encased in 1:00 warmer. When cool strain. Decoction to wash my hair three times a week for dandruff and hair loss.
13). In boiling water, a little warm, but not higher than 40-50 degrees add honey to 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons. This water to wet the head or rub into the scalp two times a week. Strengthens hair and promotes growth.
14). Wormwood Chernobyl. Broth Chernobyl if they wash your face twice a day. Promotes hair growth (beard) on his face.
15). Rinse hair have several times with warm water and natural lemon juice or vinegar (1 l. Water 2 teaspoons lemon juice or 1 table. Vinegar).
16). Heal-all. Table 3. Tablespoons herbs simmer 10 minutes. In the closed liter vessel. Insist wrapped 4 hours, strain. It is used for washing the hair with dandruff and a bath and washing with ospalitelnyh processes of the skin. Decoction is effective for dandruff scalp.
17). Stone bramble, the whole plant from the roots. Decoction of the plant by the roots wash head for dandruff and hair increments.
18). Nettle. 100 Gy. Shredded leaves pour 0.5 liters. And 0.5 liters of vodka. Vinegar. Cook for 30 minutes. When cool, squeeze. This decoction to wash my hair at night before going to bed (no soap).

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