Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Pediculosis - parasite on human skin lice.

Under adverse conditions, epidemiological lice can be vectors of pathogens typhus and relapsing fever. Distinguish the head, wardrobes and pubic (ploshits) lice. Females head and pubic lice, laying eggs (nits) are glued to the hair, female lice - to underwear, clothing. The eggs hatch into larvae, which are converted into adult lice. The entire life cycle takes place on the host and for not less than 20 days. The adult louse lives 27-46 days. Clothes and head lice spread, crawling from person to person, mostly by close contact people. Cootie live in the folds and seams of clothes.

With strong lousiness lice can crawl on top of clothing, bedding, furniture, floor. Propagation P. usually in violation of health standards of living (irregular cleaning, a rare change of underwear and bed linen), which is associated with a low cultural level of the population or the different social and natural disasters. Head lice are parasites often in children in the temples and the nape of the neck, where they can spread to other areas. In the lesions found lice and nits.

In this case, there was a strong itching, scratching, skin can eczematization, joining pyococcus secondary infection in the form of impetigo, folliculitis, boils. In advanced cases of hair glued abundant thick exudate (mat). Increases and painful lymph nodes.

Bites of body lice cause severe itching of the skin and the appearance of urticarial rash, linear excoriations (mainly in the lumbar region, armpits, neck). Often in the secondary scratching joins pyococcus infection. Gradually, the skin on the spot scratching lihenifitsiruetsya, gets dirty grayish-brown color. Pubic lice are parasitic on the hairy part of the pubis, scrotum, upper thighs (ftirioz).

In advanced cases can spread to the armpit, back, chest, beard, mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes. Lice are tightly attached to the base of the hair. Infection occurs primarily through sexual contact, at least through the bedding and other items of general use, perhaps in the bath. In place of pubic lice bites formed grayish-blue spots of up to 10 mm, not disappearing on pressure, in 1-2 weeks, they disappear. Worried about itchy skin.

If you find head lice comb combed them, being careful not to dispel parasites. Men and children should shave (hair burned). If the hair does not shave, they cause one of the following insecticides: 10% aqueous emulsion of soap and kerosene, which is prepared from concentrate soap and kerosene emulsion (consisting of 50% soap and 50% kerosene), adding to the 100 ml of concentrate to 1 liter warm water, and 5% boric ointment (only for adults), 20% water and soap suspension of benzyl benzoate.

Consumption rate of drugs depends on the thickness and length of hair, the degree of infestation with lice.

Hair treatment usually takes 5-10 ml soap and kerosene emulsion or 10-30 ml of water and soap and a suspension of benzyl benzoate, 5-25 g of boric ointment. The drug is applied to the hair, tie a scarf tight for 20-30 minutes and then wash with warm water and soap (shampoo), rinsed with 5.10% acetic acid or diluted in half with water vinegar and comb hair comb.

When lice can use opofos (1 tablet dissolved in 50 ml of water, the resulting solution moisten the hair with a sponge, to stand for 10 minutes, then wash their hair in the usual way.)

When the wardrobe lice sanitary practices (body wash with hot soapy water) and simultaneously disinfestation underwear, outerwear, bedding, and living quarters. Disinfestation linen, clothing and bedding to perform pest cells, and in the absence of them - insecticides. Last applied to the surface of things (bedding, coats) of manual sprayers or spray or soak in emulsion (underwear and bed linen).

Use a 0.15% aqueous emulsion of malathion, which is prepared to 3 g of 50%, or 5 g of 30% malathion emulsifiable concentrate, add 1 liter of warm water, 0.06% aqueous emulsion sulfidofosa prepared with 1.2 g of 50% emulsifiable concentrate sulfidofosa add 1 liter of warm water, 20% aqueous emulsion of soap and kerosene, and 5% a dust or powder metilatsetofosa pyrethrum.

To soak one set of underwear consumed 2.5 liters of emulsion, one set of bed linen - 4-4.5 liters (exposure using aqueous emulsion 20-30 minutes sulfidofosa - 5.10 min), for irrigation of one set of clothing - 350 ml, bedding - 400 ml. Processed things can be used after their drying and airing. When processing powders on one set of underwear consumed 25 g of dust metilatsetofosa, 30-55 g of pyrethrum, one bedding set - 40 g dust metilatsetofosa, 60 g of pyrethrum, on one set of clothing - 40 g dust metilatsetofosa, 105 g of pyrethrum. After that things are put in the bag, after 2-3 hours with a dust brush off things, or a vacuum cleaner, and things are aired until no odor of the drug. To kill lice in the rooms (on the floor) and the fitment use liquid or powdered insecticides.

Per 1 m2 of use 50-100 ml of 0.5% aqueous solution chlorophos (6 g of 80% of the technical chlorophos diluted with warm water to 1 liter) or 15 g of 5% dust or powder metilatsetofosa pyrethrum. For processing facilities are also used aerosol can "Neofos-2" and "Karbozol." Depending on the capacity of the cylinder (120 or 180 g) was treated with 15-20 m2. 2 h after treatment room ventilated for 3 hours, then with a wet cleaning.

When ftirioze shave pubic hair and armpits, rub the affected areas 10% of white mercury ointment, 5% boric ointment, lotion Nittifor (Hungary) or lontsid. Patients with various skin lesions (dermatitis, etc.), children under 5, pregnant and lactating women to handle the above means is prohibited, the release of lice produce with sanitizing cutting, combing.

In case of accidental spraying into the eyes should be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. Washing is carried out in a few minutes. In case of irritation of the conjunctiva should drip into the eyes of 30% solution of sodium sulfatsil, with pain - 2% solution of novocaine.

If contaminated with skin preparation should be carefully removed with a cloth, cotton, etc., to remove the drug from the skin, you can use 5% ammonia solution, 3-5% solution of chlorine bleach, 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate. Then you need to wash the contaminated skin with soap and water.

Lice prevention includes education of the public hygiene, improved bath and laundry services. Individual prevention boils down to the regular washing of the body with the change of underwear and bed linen, periodic inspection of children in the home, as well as groups of children - kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, check examination underwear on head lice in communities with poor sanitary conditions (prolonged stay on the road , congestion when placing people), warning lousiness close contact with people


Dyspnea - shortness of breath.

Patients suffering from asthma, usually complain of shortness of breath or tightness in the chest when breathing.

Neurophysiological basis of dyspnea is unclear. It is believed that it is based may lie violations mechanisms of both central and peripheral character, controlling the act of breathing. The greatest importance in the formation of dyspnea given changes of the functional state of receptors respiratory muscles, the tracheobronchial tree, pulmonary parenchyma and vessels of the pulmonary circulation.

Increased frequency of respiratory movements occur in humans with a variety of physiological and pathological conditions, but there is shortness of breath due to changes in the sensitivity of perception of breathing, often unexpressed tachypnea. Disease for which there is shortness of breath associated with damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous system. Shortness of breath may occur due to obstructive or restrictive processes in the lung.

Obstructive apnea is peculiar type of diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, lung eamfizema, foreign body airway restrictive same type of apnea occurs when fibrosis, pneumothorax, extensive pneumonia, atelectasis. Shortness of breath develops and congestive heart failure - also called cardiac dyspnea. Central type of apnea is usually hyperventilation character.

With recognition of the nature of dyspnea address the following characteristics: the degree of dyspnea, the patient's position during dyspnea, cyanosis, severity, the nature of listening to wheezing, shortness of breath with a combination of cough, dyspnea pace of development. In assessing the degree of dyspnea into account the number of respiratory movements in 1 min and the appearance of paroxysmal dyspnea. A heart, and the origin of dyspnea during an attack of asthma patients take the forced sitting position.

Acrocyanosis - a sign of congestive heart failure. Diffuse cyanosis characteristic of thromboembolic pulmonary artery branches and also noted in patients with chronic nonspecific lung diseases. Pale gray cyanosis - a sign of emphysema. Dyspnea crowing character develops in contact with foreign bodies, tumors of the upper respiratory tract.

In obstructive lung disease accompanied by cough, shortness of breath discharge of mucous or muco-purulent sputum. The combination of dyspnea and chest pain typical of pneumothorax, thromboembolic pulmonary artery branches. Shortness of breath, combined with a fall in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia is a poor predictor. The sudden increase in shortness of breath characteristic of patients with thromboembolic pulmonary artery branches and pnevomtoraksom.

Analysis of patients clarifies the nature of breathlessness. Listens to a lot of dry rales are characteristic of patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. The presence of rales in lowback parts of the chest, cardiac arrhythmias and heart sounds suggest <heart> nature of breathlessness.

Additional studies of patients with asthma, including x-rays of the chest, ECG, blood gas study, clarify the nature of breathlessness.

Rentgenomorfologicheskaya picture of the chest reveals the characteristic diagnostic signs of pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, hydrothorax, valvular heart disease. Provides important information electrocardiography, to detect signs of pulmonary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia.

In the study of stress in the arterial blood of 02 and C02 - set the severity of hypoxemia and hypercapnia.


Seizures generalized tonic convulsions may occur in hysteria.
Usually hysterics develops in response to trauma, emotional distress.

Seizure occurs without aura, and is not accompanied by off consciousness. The patient falls, but it does not hurt.
Emerging tonic seizures are artsy character, is a great variety in forms, and in duration than differ significantly from the relatively stereotyped epileptic seizure genesis.
Typical of the so-called hysterical arc when the patient leans on the bed only head and heels, and the body arched.
Patients may bite the tips of the fingers, the tip of the tongue, lips.
Eyes during a seizure tightly together, and patients actively resist attempts to open them.
If it succeeds, it may be noted that the pupils (as opposed to epilepsy) respond well to light.
Occasionally there incontinence, but never develops defecation.
Following the form of tonic seizures may develop clinical seizures, but unlike the epileptic they are indiscriminate in nature and resemble purposeful movements: patients tearing their clothes, beat his head on the floor, etc.
Sleep after the attack usually does not occur.
Emergency. Must be removed from the premises of innocent people, to create a peaceful environment.
Attending physician and shall be such that the patient understand that nothing bad had happened to him.
Prescribe tranquilizers (Seduxen, Elenium).
Hospitalization is not shown.


Symptoms. Stop urination. After 1 - 3 day absence of urine the symptoms of kidney failure: dry mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting, headache, itchy skin. In the body of nitrogenous waste products accumulate - protein decomposition products, as well as potassium, chloride, non-volatile organic acids. Acidosis occurs. Broken water and salt metabolism. The growth azotemicheskoy intoxication leads to the development of uremia, there is a weakness, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes swelling, shortness of breath, blackout, ammonia smell from the mouth. Urea and serum creatinine increases to 100-200 and 12-15 mg / dL, respectively, and sometimes higher (normal levels of urea in the blood serum of 15-35 mg / dl, creatinine - 1-1.5 mg / dL).

Diagnosis. Anuria primarily differentiated from acute urinary retention. In children, acute retention of urine sometimes occurs due to spasm of the sphincter of the bladder. In other cases, the child can freely hold urine because of pain of urination (with vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis). The cause of urinary retention in children may also be phimosis, urethral trauma, central nervous system diseases, stones, suffered from the urethra. In adults, acute urinary retention may be adenoma and prostate cancer, fracture urethral obstruction urethral stones, acute prostatitis, paraproctitis, diseases of the central nervous system. To exclude acute urinary retention is necessary to make catheterization of the bladder. In anuria by a catheter inserted into the bladder, the urine does not stand out or you see a few drops of it.
It is important to determine the form of anuria (excretory or secretory), as it affects the nature of the therapeutic measures. The presence of calculous anuria origin according to data history (urolithiasis, stone passage, about the removal of the kidney stone disease), prior anuria renal colic. When tumors of the pelvic organs before the advent of anuria in patients can be a pain in the lumbar region. Secretory anuria not accompanied by such pain. In patients suffering from endocarditis, heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, or with a history of stroke, the cause of anuria may be renal vein thrombosis.
Emergency. In patients with pre-renal form of secretory anuria emergency medical assistance should be directed to the maintenance of cardiovascular activity. With symptoms of circulatory collapse, collapse should be introduced subcutaneously 2.1 ml of a 10% solution of caffeine intravenously - 20 ml of 40% glucose solution and put the heating pad to the feet. In shock (see) must quickly to restore normal blood pressure. With a large blood loss requires immediate redress and its use of the devices sposobstvuyuschihsch stabilize vascular tone (central venous pressure), which is used intravenously poliglyukina 400-800 ml, 300-500 ml gemodeza (neokompensana).
Admissions to state of shock - in the intensive care unit.
When obstructive anuria main form of treatment - operational, so patients with this type of anuria shown urgent hospitalization or urological surgery, where it is possible to provide emergency assistance, including emergency cystoscopy, catheterization of the ureters, the x-rays and emergency surgical removal of the cause of the violation of the passage of urine the upper urinary tract (removal of the stone, drainage pelvic kidney, etc.).
When renal anuria caused by poisoning Renting, post-abortion sepsis, acute renal failure, require emergency hospitalization, which has a device for peritoneal dialysis or device <artificial kidney>. In anuria due to chronic kidney disease or severe heart failure hospitalization in emergency medical department.

Anuria - complete cessation of receipt of urine in the bladder. Must be distinguished from the anuria of acute urinary retention in which the bladder is full of urine, but urine is impossible because of the outflow obstruction of urine through the urethra. In anuria bladder is empty. Or urine excreted by the kidneys, or do not come into the bladder due to obstacles in the course of the upper urinary tract. Depending on the cause of the Lich arenalnuyu time, pre-renal, renal and subrenalnuyu and reflex anuria. Arenalnaya anuria is rare. It occurs in infants with congenital absence (aplasia of the kidneys). The absence of urine in infants in the first 24h of life - is normal and should not be fearsome. Prolonged absence of urination in the infant requires clarification reasons of urgency. Babies may be a delay of urine due to the presence of thin adhesions in tverstiya external urethral valves or congenital urethra.

Strengthening hair

1). Never wash your hair with hot water, only lukewarm.
2). Never wash your hair with tap water. Be sure to boil, soften it, to make herbal tea to wash it.
3). Protect your head from the cold, not to zastuzhivalis hair roots, protect from heat and sun.
4). Hair loss, alopecia useful systematically to eat or drink buckthorn berries decoction of young twigs, and this decoction to wash my hair. Well after washing the hair rub in a head sea buckthorn oil, 2 times a week.
5). Grass (a branch of juniper) mix evenly with the leaves of birch. Handful of the mixture to boil 3 liters of water in 5 minutes. Wrap up warm for an hour. Then this decoction to wash my hair and rinse. Strengthens hair.
6). Onions. Take a small onion, peel it, grate. Wrap grated in gauze, folded several times. Rub into the scalp. A few hours wash and rinse your head. It is advisable in this case to cut it short. After a few treatments away dandruff, itching disappears, hair strengthening, making hair supple and soft.
7). Onion juice. Rub onion juice with brandy and strong condensed decoction of burdock root. To one part brandy should take 4 pieces of onion juice and 6 parts of decoction of burdock root. It is considered by the people as a good tool.
8). Burdock root - 20 gr., Water - 200 gr. Cook over low heat until half the original volume, so that the broth was condensed. Then mix it in half with pork visceral fat by heating up, pour into the pot, cover, coat the dough and put in the oven or oven for a few hours. After cooled to the thickened mass drained if it is. Weight is a good hair restorer. Even better lubricate the scalp fresh juice mug. Dig up the roots, rinse quickly with cold water. Very quickly grate, squeeze the juice. Do it quickly because the grated root is rapidly oxidized in air and darkens. Can this pickle juice alcohol 1:1. Rubbing of the juice should dilute it half with water, rub 2-3 times a week.
9). Castor oil mix evenly with 96% alcohol. Rub a cotton swab into the scalp. After 3-4 hours wash the head with children or lanolin soap. Rinsed with acidified water. Acidified water is as follows: In the water for rinsing squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar.
10). Collection 1: the thyme - 20 oz.; Willow bark - 20 gr., Oak bark - 20 gr. 4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Cool the drain. Rub into the scalp with alopecia.
11). Collection number 2: willow bark - 20 gr.; Burdock root - 20 gr. 4 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Cool the drain. Rub into the scalp with hair loss, dandruff and itching of the skin.
12). Gathering # 3: nettle leaves - 30 gr., Leaves mother and stepmother - 30 oz.; Calamus rhizome - 20 gr., 6 tablespoons of the mixture boil for 10 minutes in one liter of water. Encased in 1:00 warmer. When cool strain. Decoction to wash my hair three times a week for dandruff and hair loss.
13). In boiling water, a little warm, but not higher than 40-50 degrees add honey to 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons. This water to wet the head or rub into the scalp two times a week. Strengthens hair and promotes growth.
14). Wormwood Chernobyl. Broth Chernobyl if they wash your face twice a day. Promotes hair growth (beard) on his face.
15). Rinse hair have several times with warm water and natural lemon juice or vinegar (1 l. Water 2 teaspoons lemon juice or 1 table. Vinegar).
16). Heal-all. Table 3. Tablespoons herbs simmer 10 minutes. In the closed liter vessel. Insist wrapped 4 hours, strain. It is used for washing the hair with dandruff and a bath and washing with ospalitelnyh processes of the skin. Decoction is effective for dandruff scalp.
17). Stone bramble, the whole plant from the roots. Decoction of the plant by the roots wash head for dandruff and hair increments.
18). Nettle. 100 Gy. Shredded leaves pour 0.5 liters. And 0.5 liters of vodka. Vinegar. Cook for 30 minutes. When cool, squeeze. This decoction to wash my hair at night before going to bed (no soap).

Monday, October 29, 2012

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis - an illness, accident, this is a very dangerous disease, along with a heart attack and stroke, and not all patients have successfully come out of it. Under a diagnosis of "pancreatitis" in medicine means inflammation of the pancreas, pancreatitis is acute and chronic. Chronic pancreatitis is combined with a reduction in the production of digestive enzymes, that is, an enzyme deficiency.
Acute pancreatitis develops suddenly and unexpectedly. Ill may feel a sharp pain in his stomach zoster nature, nausea, vomiting. There may come a rapid pressure drop or rise. Temperature may rise. The disease is sometimes accompanied by a shock. The patient can be severe weakness, skin is covered with large drops of sweat, tongue dry and coated white and brown patina.

The most reliable survey is to determine the diastase in the blood plasma or urine. The norm in the urine of 16-64 units. In acute pancreatitis diastase (amylase) in urine may be a few thousand units. If diastasis less than 8, it says nothing of pankreanekroze leaves little chance of survival.
Cause of acute pancreatitis is a long spasm of the sphincter of Oddi and activated pancreas on the development of proteolytic enzymes (amylase, trypsin, lipase). As their access to 12-duodenum is blocked, they start to "digest" the pancreas itself and come in large quantities in the blood. The sphincter of Oddi is a kind of valve, through which a 12-duodenum receives pancreatic enzymes and bile from the liver. If this valve spasm long time, there is stagnation of enzymes in the pancreas and bile in the gall bladder, which leads to their inflammation - pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
Cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi is atony and bloated stomach and pylorus unclosed. Normally, when the pylorus is open sphincter closed. If all the time gaping pylorus, the stomach acid comes in 12 duodenum, irritate its walls and contribute to the spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. In this case, pancreatitis provided.
Often accompanied by cholecystitis and pancreatitis, gastritis. The stomach acid Wednesday, 12 duodenal ulcer - alkaline. They shared the pylorus. If he ceases to be closed, the stomach acid eating away at the wall 12 of the duodenum and cause inflammation and bile highly alkaline enzymes 12 duodenal ulcer cause inflammation of the stomach (gastritis).
Acute pancreatitis - a threat to life, when it is necessary to cause a fit of "first aid". Need a team of three experts - physicians, surgeons and critical care medicine.

Balance of mind

Researchers studying the unusual abilities of the person, claim that psychic abilities are manifested most often in those who have a more developed right hemisphere. Subjects psychics more or less informed, shape, color, material unseen object, but not its name and purpose.

The right hemisphere of the brain is connected to the left side of the body and the left hemisphere - with the right. Traditional medicine, using the principle of feedback and acting only on the right or only on the left side of the body, successfully healed many mental illnesses. Indian yoga uses breathing exercises to activate only the left or only the right hemisphere. To do this, they breathe only the left or only the right nostril, closing the opposite.
On how much brain work well, depends on the biochemical and biophysical condition of the body with all the consequences for health. Many diseases are associated with the fact that the person there is a clear functional imbalance in the brain. Chronic fatigue syndrome may occur with the constant stress and engagement as only the left hemisphere.
With constant involvement in the work of the right hemisphere may be pernicious craving for strong stimulants (alcohol, smoking), which gives the illusion of relief from negative emotions.
Universal way of healing many ailments will normalize the balance between the two hemispheres, the conscious control of their work. Involvement of alternating work of one or the other hemisphere quickly affect the biochemistry of the body, so that will be eliminated causes of disease.
Permanent dominance of one way of thinking - logical or emotional - will lead to overheating of the subcortical brain structures. Eliminating bioenergetic stress subcortex - a conscious switching of logical thinking on the emotional and vice versa.
Man breaks the harmony not only in itself but also in the world. From his wrong actions and behavior are affected animals, plants and the entire biosphere of the Earth.

Coffee or tea?

Drink of coffee is not so much a tonic as taste value. Coffee beans contain 1-3% caffeine. Instant coffee - dried extract is natural, it has less flavor substances and has 3-5% caffeine. The expensive varieties of instant coffee contains original and complex taste and flavors, which, along with the selection of varieties, maturity, grain drying technology, roasting and grinding create a unique aroma and taste of coffee.

In the coffee too much vitamin PP (niacin), and potassium. But this benefit ends. Strong and frequent (more than 3 times a day), coffee is contraindicated in angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis with increased secretion and many other diseases, as well as in old age.
People accustomed to the coffee, believe that the stomach does not cook, and a headache, if after eating not drink coffee. Many people think that you can not live without coffee. This is not so - the coffee was before the medicine, now became food. Constipation, strong heartbeat and head diseases that come from unreasonable use of coffee, mostly attributed to his physique.
Large and frequent doses of coffee after a brief improve mental and physical performance, reduce fatigue and drowsiness leading to depletion of nerve cells.
Only lowered blood pressure under the influence of caffeine increases blood pressure in the normal significant shift, as simultaneously with the initiation of respiratory, vasomotor center and the heart dilates blood vessels of skeletal muscles (especially the veins of the legs). Dilates blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, arteries of the brain and venous sinuses (path) of the brain are narrowed. Constrict blood vessels and abdominal organs (except kidney).
Caffeine is a part of almost all the headache pills. Why? Extending the leg veins and narrowing veins of the brain, caffeine promotes blood flow to the brain and deposits (collects) her legs. Remember the varices!
Coffee is a diuretic, do not forget that those who can not necessarily absent himself on work.
Tea and coffee as a flavor and a slightly lower value of tonic, contains 2-3% caffeine, niacin and potassium. The similarity ends.
Leaf tea plant contain from 9 to 35% tannins, lecithin (regulates cholesterol metabolism), nucleoproteins (containing iron, fluorine and manganese), essential oils, and vitamins C, B1, B2, K, pantothenic acid.
In contrast to the black in the green tea more vitamins, and its strong infusion useful in colitis. Tea, especially green, quenches thirst better than coffee. Useful only freshly brewed tea. Stood for more than 20 minutes and leaves the Chinese tea leaves are called "viper venom", while insisting no more than 4 minutes. It is best to use a mixture of black (mostly taste factor) and green (mainly anti-cancer factor) 1:1 tea, as soon as the green hot tea is more aggressive to the gastric mucosa.
Because some components of tea (caffeine, purine) are in relationship with uric acid, this drink is not recommended for gout and other diseases in violation of purine metabolism.

Impact on our indoor plants

Each house plant has a secret mission. Since ancient times, people attributed the flowers and plants magical. Provided themselves with some flowers in the house so that they bring the owners good luck in business and wealth, others - to strengthen peace in the house.
Azalea. This is a very beautiful flower, compared to the dazzling beauty and intoxicating charm. It creates positive energy around you, beneficial effect on conjugal love. Therefore decided to give the newlyweds azaleas.

Cactus. This is a real keeper. your home. All plants have thorns, long attributed to property protect the house from disaster. Therefore cactus - is the custodian of peace and tranquility. Position it better at the door or on the windowsill.
Lemon. This - the representative of citrus, a positive effect on mood. If you plant a lemon home, the few people in your family will be sad or depressed. Another lemon tends to bring its owners wealth. In addition to all of this is very good lemon disinfects the air in the room and gives the apartment a fresh, pleasant scent.
Jade. Another name for the plant - money tree. It is recommended to bring the people who dealt with money to sellers, accountants, bank employees. Jade helps to cope with financial problems, make the right decision in money matters. This flower helps to develop qualities such as punctuality and frugality. Violet. Previously violet was considered a symbol of tenderness and humility. It attracts you to romance and love, brings a good mood.
Cyclamen. He just needs a home where there is no peace and harmony. Not for nothing, this flower is called a peacemaker - it negates the conflict calms children. Cyclamen helps its owner to overcome the complex, isolation and embarrassment.
In any case it is recommended to keep the house more colors, which Green plants absorb carbon dioxide, which is in our apartment, and devote so necessary for our body's oxygen.


Cramps - an involuntary muscle contraction. They usually occur in diseases of the nervous system, poisoning, metabolic disorders.

Cramps in the calf muscles may be a healthy person after a long walk, swimming.

Seizures, which began on the road, can be removed by straightening the foot with one hand and stretching the calf muscles on the other.

If you experience cramps when lying or sitting to stand up and lean on the whole foot.

<Recipe for traditional medicine for cramps in legs:

It should be in the morning and evening of fresh lemon juice to lubricate the soles of feet and do not walk and do not wear shoes as long as all the lemon juice dries completely. The tool is very simple and straightforward, and most importantly - easy to access. The whole course of treatment lasts up to two weeks.