Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Seizures generalized tonic convulsions may occur in hysteria.
Usually hysterics develops in response to trauma, emotional distress.

Seizure occurs without aura, and is not accompanied by off consciousness. The patient falls, but it does not hurt.
Emerging tonic seizures are artsy character, is a great variety in forms, and in duration than differ significantly from the relatively stereotyped epileptic seizure genesis.
Typical of the so-called hysterical arc when the patient leans on the bed only head and heels, and the body arched.
Patients may bite the tips of the fingers, the tip of the tongue, lips.
Eyes during a seizure tightly together, and patients actively resist attempts to open them.
If it succeeds, it may be noted that the pupils (as opposed to epilepsy) respond well to light.
Occasionally there incontinence, but never develops defecation.
Following the form of tonic seizures may develop clinical seizures, but unlike the epileptic they are indiscriminate in nature and resemble purposeful movements: patients tearing their clothes, beat his head on the floor, etc.
Sleep after the attack usually does not occur.
Emergency. Must be removed from the premises of innocent people, to create a peaceful environment.
Attending physician and shall be such that the patient understand that nothing bad had happened to him.
Prescribe tranquilizers (Seduxen, Elenium).
Hospitalization is not shown.

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