Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Pediculosis - parasite on human skin lice.

Under adverse conditions, epidemiological lice can be vectors of pathogens typhus and relapsing fever. Distinguish the head, wardrobes and pubic (ploshits) lice. Females head and pubic lice, laying eggs (nits) are glued to the hair, female lice - to underwear, clothing. The eggs hatch into larvae, which are converted into adult lice. The entire life cycle takes place on the host and for not less than 20 days. The adult louse lives 27-46 days. Clothes and head lice spread, crawling from person to person, mostly by close contact people. Cootie live in the folds and seams of clothes.

With strong lousiness lice can crawl on top of clothing, bedding, furniture, floor. Propagation P. usually in violation of health standards of living (irregular cleaning, a rare change of underwear and bed linen), which is associated with a low cultural level of the population or the different social and natural disasters. Head lice are parasites often in children in the temples and the nape of the neck, where they can spread to other areas. In the lesions found lice and nits.

In this case, there was a strong itching, scratching, skin can eczematization, joining pyococcus secondary infection in the form of impetigo, folliculitis, boils. In advanced cases of hair glued abundant thick exudate (mat). Increases and painful lymph nodes.

Bites of body lice cause severe itching of the skin and the appearance of urticarial rash, linear excoriations (mainly in the lumbar region, armpits, neck). Often in the secondary scratching joins pyococcus infection. Gradually, the skin on the spot scratching lihenifitsiruetsya, gets dirty grayish-brown color. Pubic lice are parasitic on the hairy part of the pubis, scrotum, upper thighs (ftirioz).

In advanced cases can spread to the armpit, back, chest, beard, mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes. Lice are tightly attached to the base of the hair. Infection occurs primarily through sexual contact, at least through the bedding and other items of general use, perhaps in the bath. In place of pubic lice bites formed grayish-blue spots of up to 10 mm, not disappearing on pressure, in 1-2 weeks, they disappear. Worried about itchy skin.

If you find head lice comb combed them, being careful not to dispel parasites. Men and children should shave (hair burned). If the hair does not shave, they cause one of the following insecticides: 10% aqueous emulsion of soap and kerosene, which is prepared from concentrate soap and kerosene emulsion (consisting of 50% soap and 50% kerosene), adding to the 100 ml of concentrate to 1 liter warm water, and 5% boric ointment (only for adults), 20% water and soap suspension of benzyl benzoate.

Consumption rate of drugs depends on the thickness and length of hair, the degree of infestation with lice.

Hair treatment usually takes 5-10 ml soap and kerosene emulsion or 10-30 ml of water and soap and a suspension of benzyl benzoate, 5-25 g of boric ointment. The drug is applied to the hair, tie a scarf tight for 20-30 minutes and then wash with warm water and soap (shampoo), rinsed with 5.10% acetic acid or diluted in half with water vinegar and comb hair comb.

When lice can use opofos (1 tablet dissolved in 50 ml of water, the resulting solution moisten the hair with a sponge, to stand for 10 minutes, then wash their hair in the usual way.)

When the wardrobe lice sanitary practices (body wash with hot soapy water) and simultaneously disinfestation underwear, outerwear, bedding, and living quarters. Disinfestation linen, clothing and bedding to perform pest cells, and in the absence of them - insecticides. Last applied to the surface of things (bedding, coats) of manual sprayers or spray or soak in emulsion (underwear and bed linen).

Use a 0.15% aqueous emulsion of malathion, which is prepared to 3 g of 50%, or 5 g of 30% malathion emulsifiable concentrate, add 1 liter of warm water, 0.06% aqueous emulsion sulfidofosa prepared with 1.2 g of 50% emulsifiable concentrate sulfidofosa add 1 liter of warm water, 20% aqueous emulsion of soap and kerosene, and 5% a dust or powder metilatsetofosa pyrethrum.

To soak one set of underwear consumed 2.5 liters of emulsion, one set of bed linen - 4-4.5 liters (exposure using aqueous emulsion 20-30 minutes sulfidofosa - 5.10 min), for irrigation of one set of clothing - 350 ml, bedding - 400 ml. Processed things can be used after their drying and airing. When processing powders on one set of underwear consumed 25 g of dust metilatsetofosa, 30-55 g of pyrethrum, one bedding set - 40 g dust metilatsetofosa, 60 g of pyrethrum, on one set of clothing - 40 g dust metilatsetofosa, 105 g of pyrethrum. After that things are put in the bag, after 2-3 hours with a dust brush off things, or a vacuum cleaner, and things are aired until no odor of the drug. To kill lice in the rooms (on the floor) and the fitment use liquid or powdered insecticides.

Per 1 m2 of use 50-100 ml of 0.5% aqueous solution chlorophos (6 g of 80% of the technical chlorophos diluted with warm water to 1 liter) or 15 g of 5% dust or powder metilatsetofosa pyrethrum. For processing facilities are also used aerosol can "Neofos-2" and "Karbozol." Depending on the capacity of the cylinder (120 or 180 g) was treated with 15-20 m2. 2 h after treatment room ventilated for 3 hours, then with a wet cleaning.

When ftirioze shave pubic hair and armpits, rub the affected areas 10% of white mercury ointment, 5% boric ointment, lotion Nittifor (Hungary) or lontsid. Patients with various skin lesions (dermatitis, etc.), children under 5, pregnant and lactating women to handle the above means is prohibited, the release of lice produce with sanitizing cutting, combing.

In case of accidental spraying into the eyes should be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. Washing is carried out in a few minutes. In case of irritation of the conjunctiva should drip into the eyes of 30% solution of sodium sulfatsil, with pain - 2% solution of novocaine.

If contaminated with skin preparation should be carefully removed with a cloth, cotton, etc., to remove the drug from the skin, you can use 5% ammonia solution, 3-5% solution of chlorine bleach, 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate. Then you need to wash the contaminated skin with soap and water.

Lice prevention includes education of the public hygiene, improved bath and laundry services. Individual prevention boils down to the regular washing of the body with the change of underwear and bed linen, periodic inspection of children in the home, as well as groups of children - kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, check examination underwear on head lice in communities with poor sanitary conditions (prolonged stay on the road , congestion when placing people), warning lousiness close contact with people

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