Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to quit smoking?

Soda mouthwash
There is another way to quit smoking, which may weaken the desire for tobacco - is to rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda.

To prepare the solution, take one tablespoon to 1 cup water. And you can take by mouth, drink half a cup of water, in which a solution of 4 teaspoons of baking soda. Note: the recipe is not suitable for those who have lowered gastric acidity

One tablespoon of crushed rhizomes coil (Highlander snake) of boiled water, in addition to simmer for 2-3 minutes. Infused for 40-50 minutes.

Filtered extract should rinse your mouth every time before an urge to smoke. When using this recipe nausea and retching, which produce an aversion to tobacco.

How to get rid of nail biting

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Nail-biting does not paint any girl. It is bad on all sides looks " gnawing " girl is not attractive , and bitten nails and cuticles is not much color man. Biting prolonged time can hurt and your type of nails, change the shape of the nail. Not to mention the psychological state.To learn how to get rid of a bad habit , I turned to Elena Kazan Mannino psychologist , specialist in women's happiness and the author of the popular book " 10 Habits of a real woman ."NogtiPrivychka biting nail biting we inherited from childhood .Having started biting his nails at the age of 3-4 years , many can not leave this habit into adulthood .Here applies the phrase " external - internal reflection ."What internal processes reflects this habit ? What are the psychological reasons " otgryzaniya " nails ?Psychologists have conducted research as a result of which they have found that people with Onychophagia (so called nail-biting ) observed low self-esteem , a tendency to samoedstvo , increased anxiety . In most cases this is the result of trauma received in childhood.Inability to cope with their emotional state and makes a person look calm " through the mouth " - sucking fingers , biting his nails , smoking , drinking .How to cope with a habit of biting his nails ?So , this habit - a result of our internal state , it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its appearance . Good techniques to improve self-esteem is to keep a diary of their achievements , praise yourself instead samoedstva and criticism, various exercises to reduce anxiety.Here is one of them.
Do it when you feel anxiety.Must pronounce aloud all your actions and feelings. For example: " I ​​sit at the table and ponder your project. I am here now and picked up a pencil. Here and now I'm looking at a blank sheet of paper. I draw the infinity sign on it ( flowers , hearts ) Here and now I hear the children play in the street ( the pile hammer , etc.) Here and now I feel like I'm a little hot . I feel lighter thirst at the moment. Here and now I feel that I have the right foot itching . And so on . All these actions and feelings need to verbalize aloud because the rate of inner speech many times faster , "external" . Agree sometimes for a few seconds we have time " to himself " scroll through a dozen thoughts. During panic attacks it is likely that the inner thoughts again will carry us to the disturbing side of us . A pronouncing thoughts aloud , as if we slow down their progress , stay here and now .Often very difficult to understand and deal with the causes of the appearance of nail biting , so I recommend to go to a psychologist for consultation or visit trainings and seminars .
The main thing - to decide what you want to once and for all get rid of this habit and start acting immediately.

Treatment exfoliating polish folk remedies

Foliation nails often found in the age of low-calorie diets . But lovers of natural cosmetics know that there are many pleasant treatments if exfoliate nails . This firming essential oils and various baths , with a mixture of lemon, and other recipes strengthen nails .And despite the abundance of finished cosmetic products to strengthen nails , nail treatment foliation folk recipes remains relevant .Some adult women , even in his youth found their effective recipe and use it for years, because for them it is more effective .If exfoliate nails , treatment can be arranged at home. To this solution with a suitable compresses all of the available components. 5 grams of alum mixed with 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1/3 cup water. For many, such a procedure is less effective than professional strengthening nail polishes .

When foliation nail treatment wine Baths can also be effective .For example , a tray with a red wine. For her, you will need 200 grams . red wine and a tablespoon of sea salt. Wine warmed to 40-50 degrees and mix with salt. Lower hands into the mixture for 10-20 minutes so that the nails were completely submerged. Then rinse your hands with warm water, towel dry and lubricate your favorite cream.For these baths is suitable not only red , but white wine. For the treatment of the layer of nails you will need: 5 tablespoons vinegar , 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 100 grams. white wine. Initially, mix vinegar and oil, then add the wine and stir well . Dip your fingers for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and blot with a towel . Cream after the procedure is encouraged.Another way to treat if exfoliate nails - bath with wine and honey . White semi-sweet wine is slightly warm . Then add the one tablespoon of butter and honey and mix. In a heated fault these ingredients dissolve rapidly . Place the nails in the tub for 10 minutes.The good result tray with wine and chamomile decoction in treating the layer of nails . For her, you will need to make 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers or tea bag ready (available at any drugstore ) 100 grams of water and soak them for about an hour. Infusion can be cooled again to heat and mix with 3 tablespoons of white semi-dry wine. As in the previous recipe , omit the nails for 10-20 minutes . Then rinse your hands with warm water.If exfoliate nails , treatment of folk remedies can be quite effective. But if it does not work, should find out what the true cause of the disease. Perhaps it lies in the lack of vitamins or other problems in the body.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Treatment of sweating palms popular methods

Many of the current problems of the human body , which bring a lot of trouble and discomfort , excessive sweating can be identified . It can occur throughout the body, as well as some parts of the body. Hyperhidrosis - Sweating individual parts of the body, underarms, face, feet , hands and palms of the hands . The main symptom of hyperhidrosis of the palms are considered wet hands. The process of getting rid of sweating can be quite lengthy and time consuming. Effective treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms at first it is desirable to find its cause and find the right remedy. If you just treat the symptoms , it will be ineffective. But if the reason is not yet installed , but the problem interferes with normal life , then use special tools , for example, are treated with sweating palms popular methods by which you can reduce or eliminate the time of this shortcoming .

For people suffering from sweating palms , very serious problem is the handshake or just a touch with the people . In society, it is believed that the cold and wet hands - a sign of pain, dishonesty or dishonesty , and a warm and firm handshake - a good indicator of attitudes and openness to the other person . To overcome the problem of wet hands should always have a handkerchief , napkin or towel. It should be borne in mind that the problem of sweating of palms is mainly social.
Many people suffer from sweating of hands and feet, but there are exceptions when a person sweats only palm. What is the cause of this phenomenon ? The appearance of excessive sweating can be caused by many different factors , some of which may be hereditary , if relatives have had this problem , genetic diseases , constant stress , different psychological disorders , fatigue , any illnesses ranging from fungi to endocrine , poor diet. There are many reasons for the emergence of hyperhidrosis of the palms .

How to get rid of sweating palms ?
When the person has excessive sweating , it means that he has broken something in the body . On enhanced functioning or improper operation of an organ may appear excessive sweating . And if people have no particular reason , such as high temperatures , climate change , there is a strong sweat , you may need to see a doctor and be tested .
From sweating of palms , some people are trying to apply deodorant , thinking that it means a lot to help reduce sweating . But in the end , it is not effective , the skin becomes dry, but after a while sweating palms reappears , usually at a very inopportune moment. Therefore, we must seek for the treatment of hyperhidrosis , not to mask .

What are the traditional methods of treating hyperhidrosis of the palms ?
Traditional medicine offers a variety of means. People who suffer from this problem, useful recipes and treatments that were going for centuries. Such treatment is affordable and does not require much cost .

Oak bark .
A very good remedy for athlete's foot and hands - oak bark . Take 1 tbsp shredded oak bark , pour a glass of hot milk and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion , add water and this solution is well poparte hands . Milk in this case plays a role of an emollient . This procedure should be done every day , preferably at bedtime , until symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is also considered an effective treatment for sweating of the hands. Dilute solution teaspoon = 5 apple cider vinegar to 0.5 liters of water. Add enough hot water , but not scalding . From this solution can make trays or wet hands . The time of the procedure 20 minutes.

The easiest recipe of traditional medicine from sweating hands - saline. 1 tsp Common salt is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. This popular method of treatment used in mild forms of hyperhidrosis , when palm sweating slightly .

Tea brew .
It is believed that the sweating of palms helps trays with fresh brew a strong tea that is best done before going to bed .

Holidays at sea .
To get rid of this problem is well on the sea beach , where the combined naval and sunbath . You can combine the bath with sea salt to the sun.

Vinegar .
Traditional treatments for hyperhidrosis of the palms offer a bath of vinegar solution for hands. ¼ of the usual cup of vinegar mixed with 1 liter of water.

Leaves of birch .
Trays of birch leaves will help reduce the sweating of the palms . Take the leaves of birch , add water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave . Dip your hands in the tub with the infusion for 15 minutes, then remove and do not wipe , let them dry. After 10 sessions you will see the result of this traditional medicine .

Glycerine, rubbing alcohol , lemon juice.
Remove the sweating of palms can be a special ointment . For the preparation of ointments take part glycerin ½ , ¼ part rubbing alcohol , ¼ part lemon juice , mix everything . Use the ointment after each hand washing , putting on his palm.

Cream based on medicinal herbs.
You can cook a special cream from sweating palms. We need to take dandelion, calendula, plantain, nettle in equal parts , grind and mix . One tablespoon of the herb mixture , pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 40 minutes. Then you need 2 tablespoons infusion mixed with 50 g of pork, chicken or interior fat , add 1 tbsp honey and 2 tablespoons castor oil. At washed hands to apply this remedy 1-2 times a day.

Foot bath with vinegar

Baths with vinegar foot - it is inexpensive and available to everyone the way to get rid of a lot of problems , namely, nail fungus , cracks on the heels of excessive sweating of the feet and the occurrence of unpleasant odors. Unlike cosmetic procedures, skin and hair , which is only suitable for natural apple cider vinegar , vinegar can be used for the legs the most ordinary , 9% , although some recipes still useful and apple cider vinegar.
The easiest way to cook foot bath with vinegar - it's just add a cup of vinegar in 5 liters of warm water and put your feet in the solution for 30-45 minutes. If desired, in the tub , you can add a few drops of any essential oil, which among other things will help to soften and moisturize the skin on the feet.
A relaxing bath with vinegar for tired feet
cup of sea salt½ cup vinegar5 liters of warm water
This foot bath will help relieve heavy legs , relieve tired feet back and allow the ease and freshness.
Bath with vinegar against Athlete's Foot
5 cups of apple cider vinegar5 cups water
Taking these foot baths daily for 7-10 days you can get rid of excessive sweating feet long time and maybe forever forget about this problem .
Bath against unpleasant foot odor - the recipe number 1
glass of ordinary vinegar3 liters of water3 drops of essential oil of thyme
In this recipe to deal with an unpleasant foot odor vinegar will not only help , but also the essential oil of thyme , which has antiseptic properties. Just because of the presence of thyme oil baths are not recommended for those who have any wounds on the feet , including the cracked heels .
Bath against unpleasant foot odor - the recipe number 2
4 cup apple cider vinegar4 cups water1 ½ cups of soda
Enough to take a bath for 10-15 minutes.
Vinegar against corns and warts on feet
1 part vinegar1 part water
Using vinegar to get rid of corns and warts on the feet is a fairly effective way to quickly get the desired result. Similar to salicylic acid, acetic acid allows you to quickly get rid of skin problems and make the skin healthy.
Getting rid of dry feet with vinegar
In order to return the feet soft and tender , you need to soak them in a bath of vinegar , cooked on the very first recipe, for 30-40 minutes , and then carefully treated with pumice or a cleaning brush . After this leg should rinse well with water , wipe dry with a towel and moisten with nourishing cream . Perhaps the first attempt to get the desired results have not been fully successful, but after a few treatments , he is sure to be achieved.

The causes unpleasant foot odor

Sweating of the feet - a problem which is more susceptible to men , however , of this trouble sometimes suffers and the fair sex . Physiological characteristics , diet , rich spicy food , smoking, alcohol , improper metabolism , combined with the summer heat exacerbate this delicate problem. Those whose feet after a day of work or travel in vehicles spread is not the most pleasant smell , is to attend to the problem in advance. Unfortunately , no deodorant foot industrial production is not able to deliver you to the end of the smell of sweat. The only way - treatment of sweating folk remedies . Daily adoption of special baths , powder of natural ingredients and homemade creams for the feet after a week and a half can solve the problem of excessive sweating . Use herbal concoctions components that have an antibacterial effect , as well as add a cure for foot odor herbs that help to reduce pores. Do not let a problem to itself, because the unpleasant odor emanating from the lovely lady as well as a representative of a strong masculine sex, does not add to the holder nearomatnyh feet or respect of others, nor the desire to communicate with that person. Help to remove the smell from the feet of folk remedies , they are available and are time-tested , so will certainly be effective.
Baths with oak bark
- Half cup chopped oak bark- Liter of water
This means the smell of sweat feet, perhaps the most popular and effective . In addition, this bath will help relieve leg fatigue . However, to do such a bath is necessary to maintain the effect in the warm - three or four times a week, and in the winter - just one day a week for prevention. So , fill the crust with water and boil for 6-9 minutes. Strain the boiling water and add to a liter of cold water. Now you can take a bath for the feet until the water is not cool , but not less than a quarter of an hour.
Foot powder from the bark
If for some reason you do not have so much time to give your legs and take regular baths , can sleep at night in socks powdered oak bark . In the morning it will be enough just to rinse your feet cool running water without the use of shower gels or soap and unpleasant foot odor problem will be forgotten for a day . Just try to crush the bark is very small, almost dust, that there was no discomfort from foreign objects in your socks.
soda poultice
- 1 cup of warm waterteaspoon soda - drinking
In the evening, mix baking soda and warm water . At first, rinse the feet of soda water, and then take a few cotton pads or tampons , dip into the solution and place them between your fingers. Leave these homemade wet compresses on my feet at night . For long-term disposal of hyperhidrosis have to repeat the procedure for the entire week . The morning also need to rinse your feet soda solution .
- 2 tablespoons of lavender, celandine , chamomile and yarrow- One and a half liters of water
Pour the mixture of herbs with boiling water and allow to stand for half an hour. Now you can pour the broth into a bowl , dilute with cold water , add sea salt and steamed horoshenechko feet are prone to sweating
Cooling peppermint bath
- 5 spoons ( tablespoons ) of a mixture of herbs ( sage, mint and nettle)- Liter barely a boiling water
Pour the boiled herbs just water and leave for 25 minutes. Now you can strain the broth , diluted with tap water temperature to be comfortable and enjoy the balmy quarter of an hour the cooling bath. If you have a bad smell in addition there is an infection of the feet , or prickly heat , use this tool every day for one and a half or two weeks.
acetic bath
- 3 liters of water a comfortable temperature- A quarter cup of white vinegar
This is the most radical and violent means, which eliminates 3-4 days , not only from the unpleasant odor of the feet, but also from fungal infections . Dilute acetic acid in water and soak your feet for as long as you feel the tingling and burning. Try to hold your feet in the water for at least 7 minutes. Take vinegar bath twice a day.