Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to get rid of nail biting

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Nail-biting does not paint any girl. It is bad on all sides looks " gnawing " girl is not attractive , and bitten nails and cuticles is not much color man. Biting prolonged time can hurt and your type of nails, change the shape of the nail. Not to mention the psychological state.To learn how to get rid of a bad habit , I turned to Elena Kazan Mannino psychologist , specialist in women's happiness and the author of the popular book " 10 Habits of a real woman ."NogtiPrivychka biting nail biting we inherited from childhood .Having started biting his nails at the age of 3-4 years , many can not leave this habit into adulthood .Here applies the phrase " external - internal reflection ."What internal processes reflects this habit ? What are the psychological reasons " otgryzaniya " nails ?Psychologists have conducted research as a result of which they have found that people with Onychophagia (so called nail-biting ) observed low self-esteem , a tendency to samoedstvo , increased anxiety . In most cases this is the result of trauma received in childhood.Inability to cope with their emotional state and makes a person look calm " through the mouth " - sucking fingers , biting his nails , smoking , drinking .How to cope with a habit of biting his nails ?So , this habit - a result of our internal state , it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its appearance . Good techniques to improve self-esteem is to keep a diary of their achievements , praise yourself instead samoedstva and criticism, various exercises to reduce anxiety.Here is one of them.
Do it when you feel anxiety.Must pronounce aloud all your actions and feelings. For example: " I ​​sit at the table and ponder your project. I am here now and picked up a pencil. Here and now I'm looking at a blank sheet of paper. I draw the infinity sign on it ( flowers , hearts ) Here and now I hear the children play in the street ( the pile hammer , etc.) Here and now I feel like I'm a little hot . I feel lighter thirst at the moment. Here and now I feel that I have the right foot itching . And so on . All these actions and feelings need to verbalize aloud because the rate of inner speech many times faster , "external" . Agree sometimes for a few seconds we have time " to himself " scroll through a dozen thoughts. During panic attacks it is likely that the inner thoughts again will carry us to the disturbing side of us . A pronouncing thoughts aloud , as if we slow down their progress , stay here and now .Often very difficult to understand and deal with the causes of the appearance of nail biting , so I recommend to go to a psychologist for consultation or visit trainings and seminars .
The main thing - to decide what you want to once and for all get rid of this habit and start acting immediately.

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