Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Treatment of sweating palms popular methods

Many of the current problems of the human body , which bring a lot of trouble and discomfort , excessive sweating can be identified . It can occur throughout the body, as well as some parts of the body. Hyperhidrosis - Sweating individual parts of the body, underarms, face, feet , hands and palms of the hands . The main symptom of hyperhidrosis of the palms are considered wet hands. The process of getting rid of sweating can be quite lengthy and time consuming. Effective treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms at first it is desirable to find its cause and find the right remedy. If you just treat the symptoms , it will be ineffective. But if the reason is not yet installed , but the problem interferes with normal life , then use special tools , for example, are treated with sweating palms popular methods by which you can reduce or eliminate the time of this shortcoming .

For people suffering from sweating palms , very serious problem is the handshake or just a touch with the people . In society, it is believed that the cold and wet hands - a sign of pain, dishonesty or dishonesty , and a warm and firm handshake - a good indicator of attitudes and openness to the other person . To overcome the problem of wet hands should always have a handkerchief , napkin or towel. It should be borne in mind that the problem of sweating of palms is mainly social.
Many people suffer from sweating of hands and feet, but there are exceptions when a person sweats only palm. What is the cause of this phenomenon ? The appearance of excessive sweating can be caused by many different factors , some of which may be hereditary , if relatives have had this problem , genetic diseases , constant stress , different psychological disorders , fatigue , any illnesses ranging from fungi to endocrine , poor diet. There are many reasons for the emergence of hyperhidrosis of the palms .

How to get rid of sweating palms ?
When the person has excessive sweating , it means that he has broken something in the body . On enhanced functioning or improper operation of an organ may appear excessive sweating . And if people have no particular reason , such as high temperatures , climate change , there is a strong sweat , you may need to see a doctor and be tested .
From sweating of palms , some people are trying to apply deodorant , thinking that it means a lot to help reduce sweating . But in the end , it is not effective , the skin becomes dry, but after a while sweating palms reappears , usually at a very inopportune moment. Therefore, we must seek for the treatment of hyperhidrosis , not to mask .

What are the traditional methods of treating hyperhidrosis of the palms ?
Traditional medicine offers a variety of means. People who suffer from this problem, useful recipes and treatments that were going for centuries. Such treatment is affordable and does not require much cost .

Oak bark .
A very good remedy for athlete's foot and hands - oak bark . Take 1 tbsp shredded oak bark , pour a glass of hot milk and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion , add water and this solution is well poparte hands . Milk in this case plays a role of an emollient . This procedure should be done every day , preferably at bedtime , until symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is also considered an effective treatment for sweating of the hands. Dilute solution teaspoon = 5 apple cider vinegar to 0.5 liters of water. Add enough hot water , but not scalding . From this solution can make trays or wet hands . The time of the procedure 20 minutes.

The easiest recipe of traditional medicine from sweating hands - saline. 1 tsp Common salt is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. This popular method of treatment used in mild forms of hyperhidrosis , when palm sweating slightly .

Tea brew .
It is believed that the sweating of palms helps trays with fresh brew a strong tea that is best done before going to bed .

Holidays at sea .
To get rid of this problem is well on the sea beach , where the combined naval and sunbath . You can combine the bath with sea salt to the sun.

Vinegar .
Traditional treatments for hyperhidrosis of the palms offer a bath of vinegar solution for hands. ¼ of the usual cup of vinegar mixed with 1 liter of water.

Leaves of birch .
Trays of birch leaves will help reduce the sweating of the palms . Take the leaves of birch , add water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave . Dip your hands in the tub with the infusion for 15 minutes, then remove and do not wipe , let them dry. After 10 sessions you will see the result of this traditional medicine .

Glycerine, rubbing alcohol , lemon juice.
Remove the sweating of palms can be a special ointment . For the preparation of ointments take part glycerin ½ , ¼ part rubbing alcohol , ¼ part lemon juice , mix everything . Use the ointment after each hand washing , putting on his palm.

Cream based on medicinal herbs.
You can cook a special cream from sweating palms. We need to take dandelion, calendula, plantain, nettle in equal parts , grind and mix . One tablespoon of the herb mixture , pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 40 minutes. Then you need 2 tablespoons infusion mixed with 50 g of pork, chicken or interior fat , add 1 tbsp honey and 2 tablespoons castor oil. At washed hands to apply this remedy 1-2 times a day.

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