Pneumonia - an infection of the lungs. It usually affects children younger than two years old, adults over 65 and people with a weakened immune system (eg, patients with diabetes, AIDS, alcoholics). There are many types of pneumonia, which vary in severity from mild to severe and sometimes even fatal.
Causes of pneumonia
Often the cause is bacterial flora , particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae. Bacterial pneumonia can develop after an upper respiratory infection such as a cold or flu . Approximately 50% of the virus is the causative agent of pneumonia . Viral pneumonia is more common in winter and usually does not wear such as acute bacterial pneumonia .
In some cases, the pathogens are mycoplasma - microorganisms with properties as viruses and bacteria.
Other pathogens may be fungi pneumonia and parasites , but it happens much less frequently.
Symptoms of pneumonia
Symptoms of pneumonia can be similar to symptoms of a cold or flu . Depending on the etiology of pneumonia may have different symptoms.
Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia may appear as acute and gradually.They include fever , shivering, severe chest pain, profuse sweating ,
cough with thick, reddish or greenish sputum , rapid pulse and
accelerated breathing , cyanotic lips and nails.
For viral pneumonia is characterized by fever, dry cough , headache,
muscle pain , weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath severe .
Symptoms of pneumonia caused by mycoplasma , often similar to symptoms
of bacterial and viral pneumonia , but is usually expressed weaker.
Complications of pneumonia
- Inflammation of the pleura ( pleurisy )- Pulmonary edema- Lung abscess ( in the lung cavity filled with pus )- Respiratory disorders .
What you can do
Consult a physician immediately . Before this can take a febrifuge , a suitable medicine for cough .
Seek immediate medical attention or call him at home in the following cases:
- Persistent cough , chest pain , fever ;- A sharp deterioration in general condition after a cold or flu ;- Chills, shortness of breath .
For suspected pneumonia in individuals older than 65 years , people
with chronic illnesses or weakened immune systems , children and
pregnant women should immediately call a doctor who will likely offer
hospitalization .
What can your doctor
To confirm the diagnosis performed chest radiography . Pathogen is determined by a special analysis of blood and sputum . In identifying bacterial or fungal infection prescribed antibiotics and antifungal drugs .
In severe cases, the patient is sent to the hospital. For severe respiratory failure oxygen therapy .
- People over 65 and other risk groups recommended vaccination against
certain types of streptococcus ( it is one of the most common pathogens
)- For children in high-risk groups (eg , asthma patients ) developed a special vaccine- As pneumonia often occurs as a complication of flu , annual influenza vaccination is also a method of prevention,- How can you wash your hands frequently with soap for 15-30 seconds to remove germs that can cause pneumonia,- Maintain body resistance through a healthy diet , rest and regular exercise ,- Do not smoke . Smoking reduces the natural resistance of the bronchi and lungs to respiratory infections .
an ambulance if your eyes man began to choke, he turned blue nails and
nasolabial triangle , heard heavy, wheezing , difficulty swallowing .

Pneumonia is a frequent disease. Pneumonia can develop as an independent disease, and as a complication , such as bronchitis or flu. With this treatment of pneumonia is only a stage on the road to full recovery. Recovering from pneumonia plays an equally important role as and treatment. Recovering
from pneumonia involves several stages , during which certainly need to
perform all activities prescribed by the attending physician for a
speedy recovery and avoid complications. The first stage of recovery from pneumonia is strict observance of strict bed rest , but this happens very rarely . The second stage of recovery from pneumonia is normal bedrest . Followed by ward and free modes . Normal
bed rest after pneumonia Once people ill with pneumonia , four days
stay in the hospital prescribed therapeutic exercises. The temperature of the patient should not be above 37 degrees, and the well-being should be satisfactory. The patient is sent to physical therapy , breathing exercises and rehabilitation massage. Therapeutic exercises includes various exercises . For example , the patient lies on his back or sitting edge of bed , legs dangling . Therapeutic exercises involve all muscle groups of the body and limbs . The patient should perform rotary movements and inclinations . These exercises will prevent the development of adhesions in the pleura . During exhalation the patient should cough , while the nurse squeezes his chest. During cough sharply increased performance pressure inside the chest and lungs to straighten . Each exercise is performed three times . Initially follow static exercises , then move on dynamics. Upon completion of the exercises the patient's pulse is accelerated by about ten beats per minute. After medical gymnastics patient is sent to massage breasts and limbs, which lasts from ten to fifteen minutes. Recovering
from pneumonia in the House Throughout the ward regime appointed the
same exercises , in the first stage of rehabilitation . To these are added the more complex and breathing exercises to develop muscle tissue. Procedures are carried out air baths . Patient is assigned to the ward and walking on the spot. Laid-back
recovery mode after pneumonia treatment of pneumonia If passed
favorably , almost reeling patients already fourteen days translated
into compliance free regime after the disease . Exercise
aimed at therapeutic effect , provide an opportunity to restore the
normal structure of the respiratory organs and normalize their work. In
addition , it is necessary to adapt the recovered body to the usual
pre-illness physical stress , to prepare him to return to normal life . Patients at this stage prescribe therapeutic exercise , walking and massage. Recommended walking up and down the stair at a moderate pace . Physiotherapy sessions are conducted with the patient sitting or standing person , with all groups affected muscle tissue. Therapeutic
Healing starts walking up the stairs in the passage of the ten stages ,
each day the number of stages is increased by five. The
first day of this phase of rehabilitation is necessary to pass to five
hundred meters, every day the distance increases by one hundred meters. Once the patient is discharged from the steady state conditions , it is necessary to pursue your own at home . Those
patients who are difficult to weigh their own rehabilitation period may
apply for assistance to clinics or to go through this stage in terms of
sanatoriums .
Males can often notice how after sex, rubbing clothing, resulting in masturbation or for other reasons, red and swollen foreskin penis.
Inflammation of the foreskin in men is called fasting. A inflammation of the glans penis is called balanitis . Since these two diseases are constantly accompany each other , their
names were combined, and now this disease is known to us , the term
balanoposthitis .
is quite unpleasant disease is curable with timely treatment to doctors
, but if its run , the consequences could be unpredictable. So, imagine a situation in which the foreskin is swollen . What to do , being in such a predicament ? First of all, do not panic , but if possible on the same day apply to andrologu . The doctor will prescribe the correct conclusion and you set the necessary medicines .
There are three types of inflammation of the foreskin and the glans ( balanoposthitis )
simple ;
gangrenous ;
erosive .Signs simple balanoposthitis :
widespread inflammation and redness of the affected areas ;
looseness of the skin and swelling, followed by the appearance of erosions and ulcers.Gangrenous balanoposthitis has such features :
general weakness,
fever ;
festering sores on the head of the penis ;
necrosis of epithelial tissues ;
redness of the glans penis and foreskin .Common symptoms are the beginning of a gangrenous balanoposthitis and phimosis foreskin punching . Wounds and ulcers formed on the body have a predisposition to slow the healing .Erosive balanoposthitis is usually released the following features:
the formation of white , swollen areas of dead epithelium on the prepuce and the glans penis ;
the formation of large , reddened erosions, with areas of softening clearly defined periphery.In all cases of balanoposthitis is necessary to completely eliminate
the potential for disease sexually transmitted diseases , especially
syphilis.Handling more and more cases of men to the hospital with similar complaints : After sex swollen foreskin .
Is it dangerous ?Immediately hasten to answer this question is not very complicated . The fact that usually swollen foreskin after having sex only in two cases :
by mechanical stimulation ;
when entering infection.The first case (mechanical) can be easily explained . Is usually rubbing the skin of the foreskin or the glans penis . The main thing here , follow the hygiene of the genital organs and not get too carried away prolonged sexual acts .With
infectious infection picture is somewhat different : the diseased
epithelial tissue subjected to strong mechanical stimuli , resulting in
not only to infect your sexual partner , but also to a progression of
infectious disease. Exit here can be only one : immediate access to a doctor .