Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Recovering from pneumonia at home

  Pneumonia is a frequent disease. Pneumonia can develop as an independent disease, and as a complication , such as bronchitis or flu. With this treatment of pneumonia is only a stage on the road to full recovery. Recovering from pneumonia plays an equally important role as and treatment. Recovering from pneumonia involves several stages , during which certainly need to perform all activities prescribed by the attending physician for a speedy recovery and avoid complications. The first stage of recovery from pneumonia is strict observance of strict bed rest , but this happens very rarely . The second stage of recovery from pneumonia is normal bedrest . Followed by ward and free modes . Normal bed rest after pneumonia Once people ill with pneumonia , four days stay in the hospital prescribed therapeutic exercises. The temperature of the patient should not be above 37 degrees, and the well-being should be satisfactory. The patient is sent to physical therapy , breathing exercises and rehabilitation massage. Therapeutic exercises includes various exercises . For example , the patient lies on his back or sitting edge of bed , legs dangling . Therapeutic exercises involve all muscle groups of the body and limbs . The patient should perform rotary movements and inclinations . These exercises will prevent the development of adhesions in the pleura . During exhalation the patient should cough , while the nurse squeezes his chest. During cough sharply increased performance pressure inside the chest and lungs to straighten . Each exercise is performed three times . Initially follow static exercises , then move on dynamics. Upon completion of the exercises the patient's pulse is accelerated by about ten beats per minute. After medical gymnastics patient is sent to massage breasts and limbs, which lasts from ten to fifteen minutes. Recovering from pneumonia in the House Throughout the ward regime appointed the same exercises , in the first stage of rehabilitation . To these are added the more complex and breathing exercises to develop muscle tissue. Procedures are carried out air baths . Patient is assigned to the ward and walking on the spot. Laid-back recovery mode after pneumonia treatment of pneumonia If passed favorably , almost reeling patients already fourteen days translated into compliance free regime after the disease . Exercise aimed at therapeutic effect , provide an opportunity to restore the normal structure of the respiratory organs and normalize their work. In addition , it is necessary to adapt the recovered body to the usual pre-illness physical stress , to prepare him to return to normal life . Patients at this stage prescribe therapeutic exercise , walking and massage. Recommended walking up and down the stair at a moderate pace . Physiotherapy sessions are conducted with the patient sitting or standing person , with all groups affected muscle tissue. Therapeutic Healing starts walking up the stairs in the passage of the ten stages , each day the number of stages is increased by five. The first day of this phase of rehabilitation is necessary to pass to five hundred meters, every day the distance increases by one hundred meters. Once the patient is discharged from the steady state conditions , it is necessary to pursue your own at home . Those patients who are difficult to weigh their own rehabilitation period may apply for assistance to clinics or to go through this stage in terms of sanatoriums .

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