Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Swollen foreskin

  Males can often notice how after sex, rubbing clothing, resulting in masturbation or for other reasons, red and swollen foreskin penis.
  Inflammation of the foreskin in men is called fasting. A inflammation of the glans penis is called balanitis . Since these two diseases are constantly accompany each other , their names were combined, and now this disease is known to us , the term balanoposthitis .
This is quite unpleasant disease is curable with timely treatment to doctors , but if its run , the consequences could be unpredictable. So, imagine a situation in which the foreskin is swollen . What to do , being in such a predicament ? First of all, do not panic , but if possible on the same day apply to andrologu . The doctor will prescribe the correct conclusion and you set the necessary medicines .

There are three types of inflammation of the foreskin and the glans ( balanoposthitis )
simple ;
gangrenous ;
erosive .Signs simple balanoposthitis :
widespread inflammation and redness of the affected areas ;
looseness of the skin and swelling, followed by the appearance of erosions and ulcers.Gangrenous balanoposthitis has such features :
general weakness,
fever ;
festering sores on the head of the penis ;
necrosis of epithelial tissues ;
redness of the glans penis and foreskin .Common symptoms are the beginning of a gangrenous balanoposthitis and phimosis foreskin punching . Wounds and ulcers formed on the body have a predisposition to slow the healing .Erosive balanoposthitis is usually released the following features:
the formation of white , swollen areas of dead epithelium on the prepuce and the glans penis ;
the formation of large , reddened erosions, with areas of softening clearly defined periphery.In all cases of balanoposthitis is necessary to completely eliminate the potential for disease sexually transmitted diseases , especially syphilis.Handling more and more cases of men to the hospital with similar complaints : After sex swollen foreskin .

 Is it dangerous ?Immediately hasten to answer this question is not very complicated . The fact that usually swollen foreskin after having sex only in two cases :
by mechanical stimulation ;
when entering infection.The first case (mechanical) can be easily explained . Is usually rubbing the skin of the foreskin or the glans penis . The main thing here , follow the hygiene of the genital organs and not get too carried away prolonged sexual acts .With infectious infection picture is somewhat different : the diseased epithelial tissue subjected to strong mechanical stimuli , resulting in not only to infect your sexual partner , but also to a progression of infectious disease. Exit here can be only one : immediate access to a doctor .

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