Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bacterial plaque on teeth

On microscopic examination of bacterial plaque detected mainly cocci, rods, flagellated forms of bacteria, spirochetes. Microbial cells can be arranged in a dense layer on the entire surface of the tooth (to 0.5 mm or more). In addition to microorganisms, in the plaque include epithelial cells, leukocytes, protozoa (amoeba, Trichomonas), food particles, toxins, enzymes.

Presence of pathogens leads to tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss (edentulous)

Risk factors and causes the formation of dental plaque

- Lack of oral hygiene.
- Immunosuppression (including diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.).
- Gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.
- Malocclusion.

Manifestations of bacterial plaque

The most disgusting display of dental plaque is a permanent bad breath (halitosis). Moreover, the patient himself may not feel that it emanates a foul smell. To determine whether it is necessary to breathe in the smell of an empty glass, and then sniff the contents. Teeth look yellow, sometimes with a brownish or even black patina.

Bacterial plaque can be loose but firmly attached to the tooth surface. In normal rinse water is not rinsed. With long-term preservation of plaque inflammation of the gums - gingivitis (bleeding gums increases), which can develop into periodontitis. Destruction of structures that support the teeth, gradually leads to loosening and loss of teeth.


In MC "Alternative" professional teeth cleaning is performed, ie Removal of plaque and dental plaque by means of ultrasound. This procedure is safe, painless and effectively helps remove plaque and prevent a range of dental disease. If desired, you can simultaneously perform teeth whitening ZOOM, lightens enamel 8-12 tones per procedure

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