Sunday, June 29, 2014

Getting rid of acne on the back and shoulders at home - the most effective recipes

From the appearance of acne ... these enemies of beauty and mood Crusher is safe no one. Whatever good you had no heredity, environment or a healthy diet, acne in one day can disrupt all your plans and stay "away" for a long time. Underwear deliver significant problem spots on the back and shoulders to get rid of that at home is difficult.

Causes of:

  Too active sebaceous glands. Pores become clogged sebum that triggers the formation of comedones. Bad skin breathes, becomes uneven and rough, when the penetration of bacteria appear inflammation. Yes, a nice little - especially for girls.
     Heredity - often many pimples on the back explains transmitted defect pores and is a violation of their purification.
     Synthetic materials. Many garments are currently made ​​from materials such as acrylic, polyester, polyamide, or is a part of tissue. These unnatural ingredients do not give the skin to breathe, her sweat and dirt accumulated as a result of increased sebum and clogged pores. By this point relates to the impact of tight clothing. Friction and pressure from surrounding things strongly adversely affect the skin, destroying its moisture and heat.
     Stress factors. Tension affects the production of hormones involved in the sebaceous glands.
     Puberty. Increased production of hormones, characteristic for this period causes an increase in pore size of the sebaceous glands enhanced and, as a consequence, the appearance of acne.
     Lack of vitamins. For example, lack of vitamin B5 can lead to long-term inflammation of the skin.
     Frequent and rough peeling. Often, young people, thinking that the skin on the back and shoulders is more resistant, it is constantly disturbed, spending endless cleaning (chemical, physical, etc.). You want to remove acne and damaged epithelium loses protection, and they come with a vengeance.

Getting rid of acne on the back and shoulders home

Fast cure acne on the shoulders and back is harder than it may seem - the catch is that they are more painful and more difficult to treat. The skin in this area is slightly thicker than on the face, besides inflammation are constantly in contact with the clothing (as opposed to the face). This exacerbates the situation. Remember, if the skin condition is very bad, it is better to consult a doctor. May need to be potent drugs.

But something you can do yourself:

     In everyday life, try to wear clothes made ​​of natural fabrics (linen, cotton, silk, viscose, etc.). Avoid tight straps. So you will significantly reduce the irritation and inflammation of the development of new pause. Leave itching and redness.
     Provide competent care. Very good to take a bath with normal potassium permanganate. Type of warm water in the bathroom, a few crystals of potassium permanganate dilute to weak pink. Lie there for 15 minutes. Be extremely careful - manganese helps dry skin and can stain it. So do not breed very strong solution - will not pimples faster and burn will be easy to get. The procedure is repeated every day. Intensively wipe impossible - infection spreads through the body. Back better simply soak a soft towel (which, incidentally, should be an individual!).
     Washing sequence is also very important. First, you need to wash your hair, then the body only. It's simple: shampoos can cause clogging of the pores of the body.
     Pick the right loofah body wash - not too soft, but not rigid. It should clean the skin. Again, avoid scouring pads made ​​of artificial materials.
     Do not use a pumice stone and rough tools for problem areas - spread the infection and injure skin.
     Sunny bath, solarium - such procedures are allowed only in moderation. Excess UV and burnt skin does not help in healing. Avoid massage oils - they are not for your case, as clog pores and worsen the condition of inflamed skin.
     Start taking brewer's yeast and multivitamin complexes (follow dosage of vitamins and consider the compatibility of medicines).

Recipes from acne on the back and shoulders

     3% solution of hydrogen peroxide - regularly treat problem areas.
     Salicylic acid - may be used for every application.
     Bath with sea salt and herbs decoction (celandine, chamomile, oak bark, a series - a set of plants for oily skin). Improved tone, elasticity and anti-inflammatory effect.
     Masks made ​​of clay, mud, algae (all available in pharmacies).
     Wiping acne calendula tincture 2 times a day.
     Correction of power: the rejection of fatty, fried, sweet and limit refined foods. Need to eat more fiber and fresh food.
     As possible - reducing stress effects.
     If the effect of the people's money you do not like, try a stronger medication, such skinoren, baziron, Zener. They have some contraindications, so be sure to read the instructions.

If the treatment you notice increased desquamation, lubricate back panthenol. It is safe and can be applied frequently.

Attention! Not recommended to squeeze pimples on the back. Infection is entered under the epithelium, and deal with the problem would be even harder. If acne stubbornly refuse to disappear and the condition worsens, consult with a dermatologist and consult a physician. You will be assigned analyzes - perhaps the problem lies within. Also, you will be given individual advice regarding prevention of recurrence of lesions.

The most important issue in how to get rid of acne is that it is necessary to complete the treatment. That is, using only one bath or just sitting on a diet, you will not be able to cure inflammation. It is necessary to mix and match procedures, determining that best suits your skin. Only with patience and perseverance enough, you can remove the rash.

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