Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stomatitis - how to treat at home?

Stomatitis - this is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity, in other words inflammation. Once in my life It affects almost everything. Most transfers stomatitis in childhood, but for many reasons, such as the weakening of the body or natural predisposition, disease can occur in adults. The disease rarely becomes chronic, but often gives relapses. In all this there is a positive side - stomatitis can be treated at home, and very effectively. Stomatitis and treatment at home - it's a natural practice worldwide.
Stomatitis. Why is he there?

The disease can not be considered particularly dangerous. Many doctors even say that people should be grateful for an early signal about the problems in the body. Stomatitis occurs as a secondary disease, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, non-compliance, oral hygiene, the manifestations of immune system diseases. It also happens that stomatitis appears after you have had a serious illness, as the disease responds quickly to the poor condition of the immune system. But how do you recognize 

The main symptoms of stomatitis

The disease affects the mucous membranes of the mouth. Patients stomatitis appear small sores on the gums, tongue and inside the cheeks. In some types of stomatitis flow characterized by the appearance on the tongue and cheeks, small blisters filled with fluid mealy color. These blisters burst, leaving small sores. Stomatitis patient feels dry mouth, bad breath, discomfort when eating - all these symptoms are not exactly pleasant, but inflammation in the mouth - this is not the worst thing that can happen in life.
Children and adults stomatitis

Stomatitis, as mentioned earlier, it is often seen in children. He becomes the result of allergies and immune system strong enough. In adults, inflammation is increasingly becoming a side effect of herpes and other diseases. Doctors say that the disease in adults to treat the disease more difficult and gives relapses. However, if improperly treated disease in childhood, it can also give dismal results - the re-emergence of inflammation and other unpleasant effects. It is worth remembering that you can not run stomatitis disease and treatment at home can be good only up to a certain time.

Treat stomatitis in adults at home: basic tips

If you are sick and stomatitis treatment at home is not a problem for you - there are plenty of tools to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Treatment of inflammation in the adult oral cavity depends on the stage at which the disease is located. However, many facilities are well taken with the beginning of the disease and until complete recovery.


This method of treatment of stomatitis is the most common, simple, and demand at all times. Rinse variety of drugs are used - from alcoholic liquors, before fees and decoctions of herbs. First and most important tool - water and hydrogen peroxide. The mixture obtained quickly - a glass of water and one teaspoon of peroxide. Rinse your mouth worth, despite the discomfort, which will most likely appear in the process.

Stomatitis treatment in adults
If you do not carry the peroxide, you should pay attention to other solutions. For example, the mixture works well fresh carrot juice with water and aloe, diluted with water. By the way, aloe, if you can not endure the most pleasant taste, and can be chewed fresh in stomatitis. Thus, the action of this medicinal plant juice is even faster and more efficient.

 Herbal lotions and poultices.

Garlic, raw potatoes and chopped fresh cabbage - that's best friends stomatitis patient. Gruel of these vegetables is an excellent means of treatment. You only need to grind the vegetable into mush and time applied to the wound. If stomatitis is particularly evident on the cheeks, press mixture language. Garlic is the best of the consideration given, but in order to use it, you will need to mix it with sour cream. Only in this case, you can keep an already irritated mouth from the harmful action of garlic.
Stomatitis in a child: how to treat, not to harm?

What to do with stomatitis and treatment at home if the patient - a child? Stomatitis treatment at home in children is complicated by the fact that adults will suffer, not always suited to the child. How do you explain to your child that garlic is useful for its treatment? How to make him chew aloe? Not everyone can get their children to be treated by such traditional methods, and for the delicate mucous membrane, not every kid is suitable medication. However, the methods of home treatment of stomatitis in children do exist.

Wiping solution of soda

Soda solution in water 1 teaspoon baking soda in a glass of water. So how to make a small child to rinse your mouth is very difficult and very very kids and not able to do that, you have to show the trick. See what toys or things of a child often in his mouth, and wipe with a solution of this thing. If the child has already started teething, then soda and water solution suitable for virtually everything that can get into his mouth. Fighting with stomatitis and its treatment at home with the help of this solution is extremely effective.

Vegetable oils

Such oils are used in order to handle from stomatitis lesions in the mouth. Perfectly suited peach oil, flax, wild rose. Would be an excellent choice and kalanchoe juice, but of all the above it is most unpalatable.

Completion and prevention tips

Prevention stomatitis largely repeats his treatment - more "fertilize" your body with vitamins. Eat more fruits and vegetables, strengthen the immune system, and then you are unlikely to encounter stomatitis. Also, watch for oral hygiene. Do not neglect things like mouthwash and dental floss, brush your teeth regularly. Remember that although stomatitis quite real cure at home, this disease can not be run. The best solution for symptoms of stomatitis will appeal to a qualified doctor.

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