Saturday, July 5, 2014

What is hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and how to cure it

Why it happens, and most importantly - how to recover? Today I continue the theme of excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis in medically.

As is known, human sweat glands secrete sweat. Normally they sweat when overheated body during physical exertion or emotional excitement.

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating is that arises, however, no reason. That is, the room is cool man dressed for the season, with drawers and does not run his chief on the carpet does not. And just once, and sweating. With minimal disturbance, for example. Or a little warmer in the room was.

I should say that when the nervous system has an overload (adolescence or menopause, for example), the sweating may be increased. But it goes with age and requires no treatment.

Also, excessive sweating occurs as a consequence of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. Here I mean the so-called "cold sweat" when sharply weakened cardiovascular activity.

Sweating often observed in some pathological (disease) states. In TB patients is such sweating at night - "night sweats." Of course, at high temperature can be increased sweating, such as tonsillitis (angina). Such patients are sweating all over.

Sometimes, however, sweating is local (LAN). Most often it is the palms, soles, armpits, groin area. And, sweat can be quite plentiful and even bring misery to man.

Bacteria that normally always found on the skin, decomposed substances secreted sweat. An unpleasant smell, and in addition - weakened barrier (protective) function of the skin. May maceration (irritation) of the skin, itching and redness.

By name and the disease has a sweat - sudamen. It happens not only in young children, but also adults. Appear scrapes, diaper rash, even bubbles. Stroll to pustular or even fungal infections of the skin.

Now let's talk about the treatment of excessive sweating. The first fight with then - it's a personal hygiene. Shower necessarily every day, and sometimes more than once a day. Should be thoroughly washed and rinsed vulnerable to sweat places.

Also good to use warm healing baths. They can be coniferous, with sage, with oak bark. All these plants affect the sweat glands, reducing their activity. Needles and sage in addition disinfected.

And pine baths soothe well, which is also important. Especially if you have excessive sweating associated with excitement. So pine bath for excessive sweating - the most it.

Also try, if possible, to wear clothes made ​​of natural fabrics. Synthetics bad "breathes" and enhances sweating. In addition, synthetic poorly absorbs sweat, which remains on the skin and irritate it.

Of course, after a shower or bath is good to use deodorants and antiperspirants. Pick for yourself, because there are a huge number of such vehicles. Just remember that any of them are applied only on clean skin. And that from a flavor you go!

More to stop after a shower or wash your feet just useful to make a warm bath for 10 minutes. In the water, add a little potassium permanganate solution to the water turned pink. Well, bathe babies.

Also for a bath, you can use chamomile or oak bark. After that, wipe your feet and powdered with baby powder or talc.

These trays can be done for the palms. Do not forget the feet and hands from time to time to grease cream, respectively, for the feet and palms. And what of all those trays dehydrating the skin.

If sweating is very high, you can try using a paste or Teymurova "Formidron." These are two very active drugs that inhibit the activity of sweat glands, and then completely stopped.

Of course, pay attention to the shoes. In rubber shoes feet perspire a lot. Sometimes, even if it is rubber-soled shoes. About synthetics I have said - socks (stockings) only cotton.

Pick up shoes open as possible. Summer often go barefoot, strengthen the foot! If you run or do some other sports, the shoes wear wool socks and wash them after every use. Insoles, if removable, remove and ventilate at night.

Approximately, so about hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. Write, if you have questions, because in one article about sweating just will not tell.

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