Who among us has never noticed an unpleasant smell from feet? I think we all were like. And the smell is present absolutely everyone, even the most cleanly people. But the worst thing is that sometimes it can give way to know for yourself that scares everyone around you! So let us now learn why stink feet?
Causes of bad breath
Let's start here with what - that feet are the very part of our body, which accounts for increased physical activity. Think about it - what would we do, almost always in the participating our feet. And imagine what people who work 12 hours a day, not sitting down? For example, the same waiters - work exclusively standing ... So, constant load causes the skin on your feet very quickly wear out. She initially rejects her old particles on which place very quickly grow new ones.
Another important point - because we are for the most part is in the upright position, the fluid in our body tends to flow down. The result is a spin-off, which we know as sweat - aqueous solution of salts and organic substances secreted by sweat glands. Evaporation of sweat is used for thermoregulation of the body.
The smell of feet, which we feel there is a reason for the activity of microorganisms that feed on connections that go along with our sweat, as well as on dead skin particles. The worst thing is that excessive sweating, or as it is called hyperhidrosis, can only enhance the unpleasant smell.
By the way, a very interesting point - children feet smell often even stronger than in adults. How Come? The fact that they possess enhanced metabolism. Their bodies by means of sweating gets rid of excess heat and toxins. And then on the road rises favorite shoes teenagers - shoes made of synthetic fabric, which not only provide excellent conditions for hyperhidrosis, but also for the development of harmful microorganisms.
What if the smell of feet?
Recommendations are actually very simple and you are sure they are not often heard. And yet, for a start we will talk about them a little more detail.
So, first of all, experts advise to monitor their hygiene - namely, wash your feet at least once a day. Why do it? The fact that the washing removes the top layer of dead skin cells together with the secretions that are optimal food for microbes and certain hazardous insects (mites, for example).
Next, you need to start choosing the right footwear. If it is a warm time of year, you can use open sandals or sandals that are made of leather or fabric, and it should be natural and not synthetic. In general, the use of artificial skin is not recommended because it does not allow feet to breathe, can not be said about the natural. In winter, use closed shoes only from genuine leather. If there is fur boots, then it must also be present.
It is also recommended to give your legs a rest, for example, at work, freeing them obuvki. However, to do this turns out not all - it is understandable.
As for the socks, they just have to be created from wool or cotton, because only these materials can instantly absorb excess moisture. But nylon or synthetic socks to wear is not recommended - not only that his feet will smell, so still and rest will not.
If all else fails, you can use special means, which are well represented in our market. So, it can be special deodorants that kill odor in the bud. You can also take advantage of special insoles containing activated carbon. The fact that it is an element remarkably absorb chemicals, thereby absorbing and odor. All these means one thing in common - they are struggling with the investigation, and not a disease itself.
folk remedies
In fact, many of them, we only tell you about some of them, which, according to all accounts, quite effective.
And in the first case of camomile tea. For him, take three tablespoons of colors that must be filled with one liter of boiling water and cover. After one hour in the resulting infusion add a tablespoon of baking soda and then used for grinding. Most of all you need to rub, of course, feet, although some grannies say that this folk remedy can be cleaned and armpits.
If sweating is very strong and it does not protect against any change of shoes or change of socks, and the smell is getting stronger, you can try to wash the feet of a strong welding. Sometimes it helps greatly salt water, more severe cases - vinegar (not essence!): 100 g per liter of water, two times a week for 10 minutes (foot bath).
The following means - a mixture of oils of sage, eucalyptus and pine oil is added to the warm water while taking a bath (not more than 15 drops). It is believed that this will help to get rid of the smell, not only from the legs, but the entire body as a whole.
Has worked well decoction of oak bark. By the way, he has a lot of followers. You will need two tablespoons of chopped oak bark, which need to pour one cup of boiling water. Then the resulting liquid is necessary to put in a water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Thereafter, the resulting mixture cool for 15 minutes, passed through a gauze, and the volume of liquid made up to 200 ml by addition of the usual boiled water. With the broth must be done to stop baths, which lasts 15-20 minutes. In this case, after the procedure is not recommended to rinse feet, only need to wipe them dry with a towel. By the way, there is another option with oak bark - it in powdered form is poured into socks and go to bed in such a form, and in the morning shake her out of socks, while the legs do not need to wash - just shake them.
If you do not help either one of the ways that you can find on the Internet, do not need to despair - sign up for a specialist, so it is something certainly help you cope with the problem

Treatment of toothache traditional methods
Teeth require special attention and care, as in the mouth of man are constantly hundreds of different microbes penetrating the diseased teeth into the bloodstream and cause sometimes very serious illness. Preferably at least two times a year to show teeth doctor for cleaning, sealing and so on. Himself did not forget to brush your teeth after each meal or at least rinse your mouth.
Most often toothache nerves, cold, tooth decay. Calms the nervous toothache bromine or valerian drops. They can take two - three times per day. Well put valerian leaves the cheek or chew them, it quickly helps soothe even in caries.
With a cold teeth, especially rheumatic useful to put in the ear fresh root plantain wrapped in gauze. Helps to rub the gums with quinine or purified slice of garlic, you can take a tincture of quinine on vodka. Rheumatism dental field is characterized in that aching pain may be, even in places where the teeth are removed, since the remaining whine nervy.Osobenno excruciating pain when opened dental nerve. If the tooth can not be healed, then it must be removed so that it does not infect other teeth. Temporarily to calm the pain in the hollow tooth can put cotton wool soaked with drops of peppermint or clove oil.
To eliminate bad breath, very good gargle broth periwinkle (cup of boiling water for 2-3 pinches of dry grass).
Teeth deteriorate due to various causes. For enamel harmful use of very cold and very hot food, especially undesirable alternating cold and warm and especially hot. From this enamel crack. Should not limit your diet too soft foods and products, poor in lime, - then weaken teeth. Too acidic foods dissolves tooth enamel. A high intake of sugar, especially milk, it corrodes. Strongly destroys teeth receiving iron in solution. It is recommended to take capsules or through a straw, and then rinse your mouth very well.
Sometimes teeth hurt from acute inflammation of the gums, or periosteum, by the spread of infection from tainted tooth. Inflamed gingiva formed on the flux, ie. E. A tumor, it is very sore, especially at night and when receiving the cold or hot food. Diseased gums must be lubricated twice iodine gargle often hot infusion of chamomile or sage cheek and keep warm. When inflammation of the periosteum there is a feeling that one tooth "rose" and prevents occlusion. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Attention should be paid to the correct occlusion. Correction of malocclusion (crooked teeth) by a special dentist orthodontist. It can provide you with orthodontic treatment systems, in particular bricks.
Treatment of toothache traditional methods.
Facilitate toothache such folk remedies.
Rinse your mouth with vodka tincture Calamus root. After rinsing tincture hold in the mouth.
It is useful to rub the gums plantain juice and rinse your mouth with infusion of this grass, making teeth stronger.
If you put on the aching tooth leaf sorrel or hollow berry bird cherry, a piece of incense, the pain subsides. Both tools help well, but keep them in the mouth for a long time is impossible, as will crumble teeth.
Finely chop the onion slice, wrap in cheesecloth and put in the right ear, if a toothache on the left, and vice versa.
Pound garlic clove, wrap in cheesecloth and tie on the pulse of the right wrist, if a toothache on the left, and vice versa. Keep no more than 20 minutes, or until garlic corrode the skin lesions.
Helps keep the mouth broth green makovok milk. Domes - unripe poppy seeds with white inside.
Put on the neck below the nape hot compress or grated horseradish, wrapped in cloth, mustard, baked to a well.
Against the cream of tartar on the teeth to eat more strawberries and lemons.
To strengthen weak gums need every day to eat at least one clove of garlic, and rinse your mouth healthy urine of a young child.
Pregnant women should be sure to drink every day lime water a tablespoon. Lime is necessary for the formation of the skeleton of a child.
Brew sage and warm broth rinse your mouth, trying to keep it a little longer in the tooth of the patient. Doing this you often 3-4 times during an hour, then the pain subsides.
When toothache used cat's paw. Dried plant cut as tobacco, smoke and give the patient. A few hours later the pain subsides, and if smoking 2-3 times, it is not returned.
Slices of fresh pork fat or salt, but cleared of salt, put on the aching tooth between the gum and the cheek and hold for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pain will subside.
In flux and in general in tumors and abscesses gum healers traditional medicine used such means. Pour a small pan on the bottom of a thin layer (less than 1 cm) of liquid lime honey. Red-hot very old, rusty nail strongly and put it in honey. Around the nail forms a thick black substance like tar. And they should be lubricated gum, preferably overnight, before going to bed. An abscess usually soon breaks, swelling rapidly shed.
Traditional methods of treatment of stomatitis.
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth (stomatitis). In this disease mainly affects the gums, tongue edge, the inner surface of the cheeks - they become inflamed, redden, swell. Dryness in the mouth. Sometimes ulcerative stomatitis becomes, in which are covered by the first bleeding ulcers in the gums of the lower incisors, then the teeth become loose and fall often. Often his mouth comes a disgusting putrid smell.
The cause of the disease may be ill-fitting dentures, any internal disease, congenital weakness of the oral mucosa.
The simplest treatment - regularly rinse your mouth with one - three percent solution of potassium chlorate, or at least a solution of hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon per cup of water), and lapis burn sores. If you can not get lapis, it can be very good tool. Mix two cups of dried mint, chamomile and paprika, folded in a jar, fill with alcohol, cover and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks. Then filter it and add a crystal menthol or peppermint oil 2-3 drops. Medicine store is very tightly corked, so as not to run out of steam. Inflammation of the mucous ulcers and gently moisten. Will immediately burn very much, but the swelling and sores heal quickly, the pain goes away.
Traditional methods of treatment of stomatitis.
Home remedies with stomatitis. Very useful when a small wounds in the mouth several times a day to rinse your mouth with water so hot, so as not to burn yourself.
When friability and bleeding gums good rinse your mouth with tincture of rose flowers on vodka.
See: Gingivitis and stomatitis treatment
People's treatment of aphthae.
Aphthae called small sores on the oral mucosa, gums, under the tongue, cheeks, and sometimes even in the larynx. While eating, they are very painful. From these sores easily get rid gently brushing them two or three percent solution of silver nitrate. Typically, only two treatments with an interval of one day. When you do not lapis, you can rinse your mouth several times a day with very hot water, from any sores that heal well.
Aphthae occur from the misuse of sweets, from unwashed dried fruit, especially apricots, spicy food, and others. People who often suffer aphthae useful once or twice a week, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of alum.
Some oral mucosa so delicate and sensitive that a fairly small imprudence in eating, and inflamed mucous, sores appear. To strengthen the mucous membrane is necessary to rinse your mouth after every meal with a solution of common salt, baking soda and urea.
Language has an exceptional ability to heal, more than all the rest of the body, both internal and external. Therefore bite during meals, burns, etc.. Heal very quickly by themselves or rinse the mouth with the simplest means - boric acid, potassium permanganate, chamomile, sage and even very hot water. Small sores from excessive consumption of sweets, pickles, sunflower seeds are on their lubrication lapis. But from smoking, especially pipe, often in a language develops very unpleasant disease, threatening bad consequences. First, the language, and then the inside of the cheeks appear a little gray eminence as warts. If the time to quit smoking, the disease can be stopped. Otherwise, it will develop in this way: the language begins to crack, covered with bruises, and the consequences can be severe.
Traditional methods of treatment of scurvy.
Scurvy is caused by a lack of dietary vitamin C. The disease is as follows: first appear chilliness, dragging pain in the legs and rump, palpitations, drowsiness; then the gums near the teeth are blue, swell, are oozing blood, teeth stagger and fall. Then maybe a rash all over the body, subcutaneous and intramuscular hemorrhage, indigestion, anemia.
The patient should be given as much raw vegetables, fruits, especially useful lemons, tomatoes, onions, garlic, apples, oranges. If you can not get the vegetables and fruits, you have to chew the meadow grass, it is also enough vitamins. The main thing - to take the disease as early as possible.
Well give in scurvy decoction of bark - two teaspoons finely chopped peel in a glass of water. They also need to rinse your mouth. In addition, the mouth should be more often rinse with very hot water (especially for wounds) or decoction of oak bark (a teaspoon per cup of water), the infusion of horseradish on the water or alcohol, formic alcohol. It is useful to chew raw garlic, drink vegetable juices.
If there were sores on the body, well put brewer's yeast, they also ingest a little 3-4 times a day. No laxatives with scurvy can not be given.
Vintage antiscorbutic - broth pine needles and fresh watercress, which in Russia under the sow at Easter colored eggs. In this grass a lot of iodine, which is particularly useful in scurvy.
Once scurvy was in Siberia a very common disease. To treat it quacks began to use a decoction and infusion from different parts of aspen. Decoction is prepared as follows: 300 g of aspen bark kidney or boiled for 5 - 10 minutes without the lid, ostuzhivayut and drink as tea, sweetening with honey, one - three cups a day, until the complete disappearance of all signs of scurvy.
The infusion is prepared as follows: 300 g of aspen kidney poured into the bottle and pour the vodka top. After several days of infusion is ready. Take 20-40 drops (150 sometimes drops) in warm water several times a day.

Stroke - a process of momentary ischemic attacks due to a blood clot in the brain blood vessels clogged by atherosclerotic plaque-. Most often a complication and growing stage of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and others.
Distinguish hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.
In hemorrhagic stroke occurs rupture of the vessel in the brain, the patient loses consciousness, he develops a coma (disappears every reaction, eyes closed, swollen veins in the neck, there is cyanosis, hoarse breathing, shortness).
In case of temporary power failure a separate area of the brain and impaired blood flow in the cerebral arteries occurs ischemic stroke.
Preceded by ischemic stroke headache, dizziness, sudden onset of weakness in the limbs. Confusion develops gradually and not in all cases, it is profound. When narrowing of the arteries for a long time may develop necrosis (dying) area of the brain tissue, which leads to paralysis and speech disorders.
At the first sign of stroke caused "first aid"; put the patient and ensure complete rest (clothes unbuttoned, the head is raised), to impose a head cold compresses (ice, wet swabs), attach the feet warmer or hot mustard. Possible to produce bleeding (in the elbow bends light to make an incision vein or insert syringe needle and lower black venous blood as long as the light does not go).
Treated patients in the acute period at home effectively. This should be carried out in the hospital and after elimination of acute events begin treatment folk remedies.
Preventive measures for the prevention of stroke or its treatment includes activities for the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and others. Diseases that can cause a stroke.
Before starting treatment with the effects of stroke and to prevent its occurrence is necessary to make cleansing of the body. Perform cleansing every quarter.
Be sure to spend 1 day a week starvation (on the water) if there is no diabetes.
Recipes folk remedies treatment of stroke.
Daily 2 times a day to perform physical exercises, massage and self-massage (including a quadriplegic language).
It is useful to have onions and cumin; drink tea from Sophora; rub the body of a mixture of tincture (color acacia + honey + onion juice).
Exclude tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, coffee and sugar.
Very useful to drink green tea, decoction of the needles with the addition of lemon juice, tea sage.
Delete the slightest excitement, constipation, and attempts at stool.
Revise your diet
To clean the digestive tract and blood vessels
Tea and sage broth from young and fresh pine needles, fir with lemon juice.
Paralysis language gargle decoction of cress (watercress), long chew sage leaves.
Paralysis of limbs put compresses of tincture '100 g acacia flowers pour 200 ml of vodka, insist 15 days; to lower limbs in a bag with red ants for bites: the sting they secrete formic acid, has healing properties.
Every day, morning and evening, empty stomach to eat 1 tbsp. spoon mixture (honey + garlic).
Daily drink tea made from elderberry.
To cure paralysis drink 30 drops of tincture chilibuha (substitutes: Echinops, Echinopses) - 1 tbsp. spoon pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for 21 days.
Drink 2 times a day (in the morning - 20 min. Before meals and at night - at 21 o'clock) decoction of the collection (2 tbsp. Spoon collection to 0.5 liters of water to boil for 2 minutes .; fee: chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, birch kidney - 100 g of each type). The course of treatment - until the end of the entire volume of the collection. Repeat every 6 months.
Treatment of stroke traditional preparations:
a) for the expansion of blood vessels and improve blood flow - Cavintonum, cinnarizine, nikoshpan;
b) blood thinners to reduce thrombus formation - aspirin therapy, thrombotic-Ac agapurin, chimes, plavike, tiklid;
c) Other - karnitsetin, Nootropil, Piracetam, tserebralizin, latitsin, aktovegin, karnitetin, Biolan.

The history of herbal medicine (herbal medicine) from ancient times to the present day.
In the long-long time ago, at the dawn of mankind, plants were our ancestors and a roof over your head, and tools, and a source of heat, and drugs and poisons. Hunger, cold, the attack of wild animals, natural disasters caused diseases, injuries, injuries. Step by step, they discovered the secrets of the human body, especially of the world of plants. And of course, could not pass unnoticed by the human behavior of sick animals, which in such cases instinctively find and eat they need grass and leaves, that is treated with herbs. Healing experience handed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. And so it went on for many centuries.
Herbal therapy.
Even primitive people used wild herbs, roots and fruits to get rid of various ailments. Doing it, mostly priests, sorcerers, shamans and medicine men. This gave them power over people, so they kept secret medical drugs and methods for their use.
Another six thousand years ago, the Sumerians harvested herbs fresh and prepared from these extracts and powders. Solvent they were water, beer and wine.
In the 2nd millennium BC inhabitants of the kingdom of Babylon, and then the Assyrians already widely used medicinal plants. They already knew that the light is bad for the healing properties of certain plants, that they should be dried in the shade, and henbane and belladonna collected even at night. Egyptians borrowed knowledge about medicinal plants and Assyrians made some semblance of pharmacopoeia. To this day preserved Egyptian "Ebers Papyrus". It contains 900 formulations healing potions and potions, tips on healing and herbal therapy.
The most highly developed herbalism reached in ancient Greece, where this was done not priests and scholars. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates claimed that in the juices of herbs selected biologically active principles, miraculously affects the human body. Hippocrates described and used 236 medicinal plants. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Theophrastus (4th c. BC) has left an excellent description of various plants: fruit, aromatic, ether-oilseed, poisonous and medicinal. There are about 500 species, of which about 50 foreign. Avicenna in his famous work "Canon of medical science" is recommended for about 900 plants.
Since ancient times, there was a traditional medicine of the East. China as it is divided into two parts - North, which is a barren land where only in rare places on the rocky soil grass grew, and South, where there was an abundance of plants and herbs. That is why the Northern part of the country was the birthplace of acupuncture, and on the fertile lands of the south developed drug medicine, based on the use of herbs and bark of plants for herbal therapy. The first Chinese book of herbs "Ben Cao" appeared around 2660 BC There are about 900 species of medicinal plants, where their use is described in detail.
The belief in the healing power of herbs was prevalent in ancient Russia. Treated with herbal healers and sorcerers. Were already well known to many of the plants' vrachevskie. "They were brought from Alexandria, Baghdad, Egypt, Persia. Came to Russia goods with herbs from the Greeks, from Genoa and Sicily, Cyprus and Rhodes.
With the emergence of writing were the first medical manual. Before survived "Izbornik Svyatoslav" (1073), which describes the drugs.
With the introduction of Christianity in Russia began the persecution sorcerers, magicians, zeleyschikov is associated with evil spirits. The role of healers assumed monks. It was the guardian of the monastery medicine and medical knowledge nakopitelnitsey. Only by Ivan the Terrible in 1581 opened the first pharmacy that manages Aptekarskaya Chamber.
When Peter began to plant 1 apothecary gardens. Gradually, the need for imported herbs disappeared. A lot of effort and work put scientists to unravel the secrets of nature. List opens first Russian Academician Ivan Lepekhin, who described the hundreds of species of medicinal plants. Many scientists are trying to restore knowledge of herbal medicine that we use.
And now, despite the development of the pharmaceutical industry, we are increasingly turning to environmentally friendly natural raw materials.
A healthy lifestyle is not only a rejection of bad habits and physical activity - it is also a transition to a healthy diet. Only natural, eco-friendly products can benefit.