Thursday, January 15, 2015

Herbal medicine - herbal therapy.

The history of herbal medicine (herbal medicine) from ancient times to the present day.

In the long-long time ago, at the dawn of mankind, plants were our ancestors and a roof over your head, and tools, and a source of heat, and drugs and poisons. Hunger, cold, the attack of wild animals, natural disasters caused diseases, injuries, injuries. Step by step, they discovered the secrets of the human body, especially of the world of plants. And of course, could not pass unnoticed by the human behavior of sick animals, which in such cases instinctively find and eat they need grass and leaves, that is treated with herbs. Healing experience handed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. And so it went on for many centuries.

Herbal therapy.

Even primitive people used wild herbs, roots and fruits to get rid of various ailments. Doing it, mostly priests, sorcerers, shamans and medicine men. This gave them power over people, so they kept secret medical drugs and methods for their use.

Another six thousand years ago, the Sumerians harvested herbs fresh and prepared from these extracts and powders. Solvent they were water, beer and wine.
In the 2nd millennium BC inhabitants of the kingdom of Babylon, and then the Assyrians already widely used medicinal plants. They already knew that the light is bad for the healing properties of certain plants, that they should be dried in the shade, and henbane and belladonna collected even at night. Egyptians borrowed knowledge about medicinal plants and Assyrians made some semblance of pharmacopoeia. To this day preserved Egyptian "Ebers Papyrus". It contains 900 formulations healing potions and potions, tips on healing and herbal therapy.

The most highly developed herbalism reached in ancient Greece, where this was done not priests and scholars. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates claimed that in the juices of herbs selected biologically active principles, miraculously affects the human body. Hippocrates described and used 236 medicinal plants. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Theophrastus (4th c. BC) has left an excellent description of various plants: fruit, aromatic, ether-oilseed, poisonous and medicinal. There are about 500 species, of which about 50 foreign. Avicenna in his famous work "Canon of medical science" is recommended for about 900 plants.

Since ancient times, there was a traditional medicine of the East. China as it is divided into two parts - North, which is a barren land where only in rare places on the rocky soil grass grew, and South, where there was an abundance of plants and herbs. That is why the Northern part of the country was the birthplace of acupuncture, and on the fertile lands of the south developed drug medicine, based on the use of herbs and bark of plants for herbal therapy. The first Chinese book of herbs "Ben Cao" appeared around 2660 BC There are about 900 species of medicinal plants, where their use is described in detail.

The belief in the healing power of herbs was prevalent in ancient Russia. Treated with herbal healers and sorcerers. Were already well known to many of the plants' vrachevskie. "They were brought from Alexandria, Baghdad, Egypt, Persia. Came to Russia goods with herbs from the Greeks, from Genoa and Sicily, Cyprus and Rhodes.

With the emergence of writing were the first medical manual. Before survived "Izbornik Svyatoslav" (1073), which describes the drugs.
With the introduction of Christianity in Russia began the persecution sorcerers, magicians, zeleyschikov is associated with evil spirits. The role of healers assumed monks. It was the guardian of the monastery medicine and medical knowledge nakopitelnitsey. Only by Ivan the Terrible in 1581 opened the first pharmacy that manages Aptekarskaya Chamber.

  When Peter began to plant 1 apothecary gardens. Gradually, the need for imported herbs disappeared. A lot of effort and work put scientists to unravel the secrets of nature. List opens first Russian Academician Ivan Lepekhin, who described the hundreds of species of medicinal plants. Many scientists are trying to restore knowledge of herbal medicine that we use.

And now, despite the development of the pharmaceutical industry, we are increasingly turning to environmentally friendly natural raw materials.

A healthy lifestyle is not only a rejection of bad habits and physical activity - it is also a transition to a healthy diet. Only natural, eco-friendly products can benefit.

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