Thursday, January 15, 2015

Treatment of stroke folk remedies

Stroke - a process of momentary ischemic attacks due to a blood clot in the brain blood vessels clogged by atherosclerotic plaque-. Most often a complication and growing stage of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and others.

Distinguish hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

In hemorrhagic stroke occurs rupture of the vessel in the brain, the patient loses consciousness, he develops a coma (disappears every reaction, eyes closed, swollen veins in the neck, there is cyanosis, hoarse breathing, shortness).
In case of temporary power failure a separate area of the brain and impaired blood flow in the cerebral arteries occurs ischemic stroke.

Preceded by ischemic stroke headache, dizziness, sudden onset of weakness in the limbs. Confusion develops gradually and not in all cases, it is profound. When narrowing of the arteries for a long time may develop necrosis (dying) area of the brain tissue, which leads to paralysis and speech disorders.
At the first sign of stroke caused "first aid"; put the patient and ensure complete rest (clothes unbuttoned, the head is raised), to impose a head cold compresses (ice, wet swabs), attach the feet warmer or hot mustard. Possible to produce bleeding (in the elbow bends light to make an incision vein or insert syringe needle and lower black venous blood as long as the light does not go).

Treated patients in the acute period at home effectively. This should be carried out in the hospital and after elimination of acute events begin treatment folk remedies.

Preventive measures for the prevention of stroke or its treatment includes activities for the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and others. Diseases that can cause a stroke.
Before starting treatment with the effects of stroke and to prevent its occurrence is necessary to make cleansing of the body. Perform cleansing every quarter.
Be sure to spend 1 day a week starvation (on the water) if there is no diabetes.

Recipes folk remedies treatment of stroke.

Daily 2 times a day to perform physical exercises, massage and self-massage (including a quadriplegic language).

It is useful to have onions and cumin; drink tea from Sophora; rub the body of a mixture of tincture (color acacia + honey + onion juice).

Exclude tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, coffee and sugar.

Very useful to drink green tea, decoction of the needles with the addition of lemon juice, tea sage.

Delete the slightest excitement, constipation, and attempts at stool.

Revise your diet

To clean the digestive tract and blood vessels

Tea and sage broth from young and fresh pine needles, fir with lemon juice.

Paralysis language gargle decoction of cress (watercress), long chew sage leaves.

Paralysis of limbs put compresses of tincture '100 g acacia flowers pour 200 ml of vodka, insist 15 days; to lower limbs in a bag with red ants for bites: the sting they secrete formic acid, has healing properties.

Every day, morning and evening, empty stomach to eat 1 tbsp. spoon mixture (honey + garlic).

Daily drink tea made from elderberry.

To cure paralysis drink 30 drops of tincture chilibuha (substitutes: Echinops, Echinopses) - 1 tbsp. spoon pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for 21 days.

Drink 2 times a day (in the morning - 20 min. Before meals and at night - at 21 o'clock) decoction of the collection (2 tbsp. Spoon collection to 0.5 liters of water to boil for 2 minutes .; fee: chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, birch kidney - 100 g of each type). The course of treatment - until the end of the entire volume of the collection. Repeat every 6 months.

Treatment of stroke traditional preparations:

a) for the expansion of blood vessels and improve blood flow - Cavintonum, cinnarizine, nikoshpan;
b) blood thinners to reduce thrombus formation - aspirin therapy, thrombotic-Ac agapurin, chimes, plavike, tiklid;
c) Other - karnitsetin, Nootropil, Piracetam, tserebralizin, latitsin, aktovegin, karnitetin, Biolan.

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