Saturday, January 9, 2016

Harm carbonated drinks

To quench the thirst of people often use carbonated beverages. They are believed to make up a deficit of liquid and are also a source of energy. Small amounts of a single use of soda does not cause the body to a healthy adult man any harm, but regular inclusion in the diet of these drinks can lead to very harmful consequences. We consider in detail what is in soda, and what harm it can cause frequent use.What is contained in the carbonated drinks
Harm carbonated beverages due to their composition. Modern manufacturers of "pop" does not hide the ingredients from which the goods are manufactured.
A typical soda consists of:

Sugar (or sugar substitutes);
Flavors (sodium benzoate, and other flavor enhancers and substitutes);
Carbon dioxide;
This mixture, getting on the taste buds, creates a misleading impression of quenching thirst, but in fact a full-fledged arrival of fluid in the body does not occur. Moreover, it is necessary to drink a fair amount of pure water to neutralize the harmful effects of soda. Consider the basic ingredients of beverages in more detail.Sugar
Sugar - a simple carbohydrate, which after ingestion instantly sucked the blood and into the liver. One glass of fizzy liquid contains about 4 tablespoons of sugar. The presence of such amounts of glucose in the blood leads to excessive production of insulin - a hormone responsible for the processing of sugar.  

Along the way, it is synthesized in the body in excessive amounts of dopamine - a neurotransmitter involved in the reward system.
Excess sugar leads to the depletion of the pancreas and stimulates the development of diabetes. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the amount of glucose and added sweeteners instead of sugar. However, not all of the chemicals, which act as sweeteners, harmless to health. So, xylitol promotes the formation of kidney stones, sorbitol (E420) and aspartame negatively affect vision, cyclamate is regarded by some doctors as a carcinogen. In addition, some people sweeteners can cause allergic reactions - from pruritus to angioedema.Acids
Acids act as preservatives and flavorings. These substances interfere with bacterial growth in the water, thereby increasing the shelf life of beverages. Citric and phosphoric acid (which may be referred to as a part of both E330 and E338) - substances, regular consumption of which can lead to the development of diseases such as caries, osteoporosis, urolithiasis.

Benzene and sodium benzoate
Hydrocarbon substance when mixed with other chemical elements to help beverage producers to recreate the flavors identical to natural. Previously used as the main flavor benzene - a substance with carcinogenic properties. Now often used less hazardous substance - sodium benzoate. However, when mixed with ascorbic acid, which is very often added to soda, sodium benzoate, is converted into a toxic benzene. This element in the long-term exposure leads to cell mutations and increases the risk of cancer.Caffeine
The rush of energy and increase efficiency after the use of certain types of sodas - not an illusion. That action has caffeine. The catch is that the vigor, caused by this element - in time: after the end of a burst of energy is replaced by irritability and fatigue. Another piece of "doping" to rectify the situation, but again, not for long. Thus, the use of the beverage becomes a kind of addiction.Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide - it is the bubbles for the children and adults who like fizzy drinks. By itself, the gas is harmless, but can be harmful in contact with water. As a result of the chemical reaction produces carbonic acid, a dangerous mucosal digestive tract.What consequences can cause soda
Among the many negative effects that cause constant use of soft drinks and other Pops, the most dangerous are these pathological conditions and diseases:

Obesity and overweight; Caries
Type II diabetes mellitus;
Stones in the kidneys;
Inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease;
Fatty liver;
Alzheimer's disease.
Overweight is clear - an excessive number of "fast" carbohydrates in the body leads to the storage of energy as fat. Excess calories are contained in sweet drinks, almost no effect on the feeling of hunger - it remains at the same level. For this reason, a person consumes much more energy than the body needs. Excess weight, according to doctors - one of the main causes of metabolic and endocrine disorders that cause diabetes.
Studies show that people who regularly use drinks with bubbles, more likely to suffer from kidney stones and renal colic. The main reason for the adverse effects on the kidneys - in the presence of phosphoric acid soda. This compound contains nearly all lemonades and "kolah".
Inflammatory bowel disease, gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes - the consequences caused by the presence of carbon dioxide. Even people with healthy stomach and bowel with prolonged use of drinks with gas are beginning to suffer from digestive disorders caused by an increase in acidity.
Tooth decay and deterioration of the bones - a consequence of the influence of acids that dissolve minerals. To reduce the harmful effects on the tooth enamel is recommended to drink soda through a straw and do not brush your teeth immediately after consuming beverages with bubbles.

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