Saturday, January 9, 2016

Pale toadstool poisoning symptoms and first aid

In pale toadstool extremely bad reputation. Even the Roman philosopher Seneca described the series of murders in the family of Emperor Claudius. Empress Agrippina decided lime and hoist her Blessed on the throne of his son Nero.
With poisoner Lakusta been concocted dish that Claudius liked so much that he asked to cook it more often. Alas, over meals in the life of the emperor was not. Send to the light of her husband, inspired by the success of Agrippina, he continued a series of calamities, and plagued by the same method two imperial children, three grandchildren, and captain of the guard, along with a detachment of 100 soldiers.
Most of the class Mycota poisonous or conditionally edible - one can be poisoned with insufficient heat treatment, others are dangerous when combined with alcohol, the third cause painful indigestion. But there is a special group of critically endangered. Pale toadstool poisoning almost always results in death, but about when eaten poison survive, in the newspapers.Deadly danger
Poisoning pogankoyAmanita phalloides - world champion cunning and poisonous. Emperor Claudius enjoyed his last meal, because the mushrooms have a pleasant smell and taste. The danger lies in the fact that poisoned while not experiencing any discomfort. Symptoms of poisoning pale toadstool appear an hour or 12 hours, sometimes days pass before there are signs of intoxication. At this time has come irreparable damage in the body, so save a man rarely works.
Even poisonous spores that are dispersed by wind and may be in the surrounding berries and herbs. Poisoning will not happen if you learn unmistakable danger and refuse the temptation to fill the basket new to "catch". It is also necessary to sensitively capture the smallest symptoms of poisoning and their manifestation immediately seek medical help, because it affects the success of treatment and life.What is Amanita phalloides
As ironed pale pogankaShlyapka and leg young Amanita phalloides white, green or yellowish. The hat is almost round, then takes the shape of a bell or a dome, and in the end becomes flat. Young fruit covered with a thin shell, which is in the process of growth is broken. Parts are covered below, forming a kind of cover, and sometimes stick to the cap in the form of patches.
Colouring darker in the center than at the edges of the flat where the color takes on a whitish hue. The reverse side consists of white plates, no darkening with time. In very young animals poisonous underside of the cap is covered with a film that is torn, it remains in the form ring on the barrel. The length of the legs at the base of the thickened reaches 10-12 cm, thickness - up to 2 centimeters. The white flesh smells like raw potatoes. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of a ring-cup.
Most often dangerous prey attracts inexperienced fans quiet hunting that confuse it with the fungus or mushrooms. We must remember that at the plate mushroom painted, while syroezhek no rings on the trunk, and it does not thicken down. It occurs mainly in the venom of light deciduous and mixed forests, although the incidence is very wide - we can say that the habitat is limited only Antarctica.Causes toxicity
DPrichiny toxicity pale toadstool now under the guise of national signs are prevalent misconceptions alleged that distinguish poisonous from edible forest products. According to legend, a signal inedibility disgusting smell and taste, but Amanita phalloides smells almost exactly like mushrooms, or even devoid of flavor. It is also assumed that the worms and insects do not eat poison, which is not true. Silver spoons and bulbs do not darken the proximity of the poison, and the milk is sour. Drop these allegations, much safer to take in food products, the reliability of which you are unsure.
Pale toadstool poisoning caused by toxins - indole derivatives. They do not break down even at prolonged heating, resistant to freezing and do not evaporate upon drying. Our enzyme system can not reduce the risk of amanitotoxin. Once ingested, the poison does not manifest itself immediately, pale toadstool poisoning symptoms usually occur at the stage when the medicine is already powerless. Amanitin phalloidin and affect the liver, kidneys, nervous system, spleen and heart muscle. Lethal dose contains 30 grams - the same nut. Effective antidote does not exist.Symptoms
Sometimes the effect is compared with phalloidin viper venom, referring to the lack of a reliable antidote. With this statement is debatable, because the toxin is no finds himself so long, that time when you can save a person is missing. The first symptoms appear between 10 to 30 h., And expressed increasing signs: Violation of view when mushroom poisoning

visual impairment;
burning pains in the stomach;
cramps in hands and feet.
bilious vomiting and diarrhea;
pain in his right side, especially noticeable on palpation;
profuse sweating;
growing cold limbs;
weakening heartbeat;
drop in body temperature to 36-35 degrees.
The attack continued for several hours, after which the symptoms subside for a while.
A day or so later manifest the following symptoms:

stool and vomiting become yellow or green and watery, sometimes with blood, thirst Attack
repetitive seizures lead to unquenchable thirst;
by dehydration reduced pressure, pale skin;
quickens the pulse;
thickens the blood;
almost completely stopped urinating.
This period of apparent recovery is replaced when the symptoms are lubricated, and the patient feels much better. But these signs are misleading, since during the alleged improvement continued tissue destruction. Many doctors believe that on the third day of a crisis. In the following days, new symptoms of poisoning pale toadstool: skin and mucous membranes of man become yellow, and in the right upper quadrant pain is felt and the severity of that caused by hepatitis and nephropathy.

If the poisoning death cup was heavy, death comes from the heart, liver or kidney failure within 10 days. Recovery from mild intoxication occurs after a few days. Status of medium gravity is overcome in 3-4 weeks. With a favorable outcome of all functions are fully restored.Treatment
Call rvotuDovrachebnaya assistance is often ineffective because of the penetration of the poison to the moment when symptoms appear pale toadstool poisoning, takes too much time. Therefore, when the first suspicions of intoxication needed without delay to bring the patient to the hospital. The treatment will be successful if you start in the first 36 hr., Even if the symptoms of intoxication are not yet clear. Until the ambulance arrived, can be attempted detoxification:

If you do not need to clean the stomach of vomiting after drinking two liters of warm water and clicking on the root of the tongue.
Take a sorbent (activated carbon).
On admission to hospital the patient will be performed the following procedures:
1. Deep gastric lavage.
2. There is no specific antidote, so antidotal therapy is benzyl penicillin, silibinin and lipoic acid.
3. From the dewatering is injected drugs Trisol, Acesol, Ringer's solution and physiological saline. It will be delivered with a glucose drip and put chlorides.
4. To speed up the detoxification used hemosorption and stimulate diuresis.
5. To tone up the cardiovascular system, appoint kardiopreparaty.
6. Increased blood clotting to prevent the use of the proteolytic enzymes.
7. Therapy for liver is the use of vitamins of B (nicotinamide Riboxin).
The results of treatment depend on the amount taken into the body of poison and the general state of health. Severe poisoning pale toadstool ends lethal in 99% of cases, and adults a chance to survive longer.

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