Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Brown spots on the body: causes and treatment at home

Almost every one of us has a certain spot. The most common among them brown, dark spots on the body. Causes, symptoms and treatment of these spots you need to know. As time grows unnoticed stain on the skin can be a formidable melanoma. Others spots can be quite harmless and do not be in use for stains (eg, moles and freckles).

Brown spots on the body: causes and treatment
Human skin responds to all changes occurring in the body. Dark spots on the skin may occur as a result of stress, fatigue. Dark spots formed on the body, refer to the type of skin problems, which is not so easy to define.
Dark spots can appear anywhere in the body and cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Some of them have a rather large area, visible, itch and want to get rid of them in any way.
In case of dark spots on the body of the first task will be to establish the reasons for its occurrence. The appearance of dark spots on the body in medicine called hyperpigmentation - melanin beyond measure. In the mild form it manifests the appearance of freckles, a severe form is the appearance of dark spots all over the body. Consider the main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the body:1.Prolonged exposure to the sun contributes to the appearance of dark spots on the body. Under the action of sunlight on the skin of the body produces excess melanin to protect the skin, he beams.2.Dark spots on the body are formed as a consequence after a blistering, burns, wounds. Such spots are by themselves with time;3.Hormones can also cause the appearance of dark spots on the body, especially in the run-up to and after delivery. Doctors advise in such cases nothing is done, those dark spots will be on their own, though not fast.4.Incorrect prescription drugs may be causing the appearance of dark spots on the body. Stopping the medication will serve as the beginning of the disappearance of the spots;5.Violation of the adrenal gland - Cushing's syndrome and Addison's disease is the cause of the appearance of dark spots on the body, sometimes they itch and peel. If, along with the appearance of spots observed mood swings, fatigue, muscle pain, you should seek help from a doctor.
The skin of an adult white race can be covered with a scattering of small brown spots, which do not rise above the rest of the areas of the skin, it is absolutely painless and does not cause a nuisance to man - a mole. With age, the skin of the body exposed areas are often covered by the so-called age spots. The reason for the formation of such spots is the excessive accumulation in the area of ​​skin pigment cells - melanocytes, which produce special dyestuff (melanin). Excess melanin just leads to the appearance of dark spots.
Sometimes people start to notice new brown spots after sunburn. Strengthen pigmentation brown spots can and solarium.
In some cases, the appearance of brown spots of dark due to the so-called gipermelanozami, most of which have a hereditary nature.
Brown spots on the body: the treatment
Currently, pharmacies can find a wide range of products for skin whitening containing in their compositions substances with lightening effect. However, you need to use them with caution, as an overdose of such funds can lead to uneven lightening spots on the body.
If dark spots on the body began to dry, itching and flaking, it is a chance for an early visit to a doctor, who will be able to understand their nature and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Whatever the nature of the appearance of dark spots on the body, after their disappearance is not suitable for exposure to the sun as possible relapse.
Brown spots on the body: xeroderma pigmentosum
The main manifestation of the disease is fotodermatit, which is accompanied by the appearance of many brown spots, often merging among themselves. The disease ends with the development of malignant tumors of the skin (eg, melanoma), and patients rarely live up to 30-40 years. A lighter form of xeroderma pigmentosum called retinitis kserodermoidom Jung, in which also form malignant tumors, but they are there for one or two decades later. The primary prevention of cancer pathology at gipermelanoza this form is complete avoidance of exposure to sunlight and artificial analogues.
Brown spots on the body: black acanthosis
In the area of ​​natural folds begins pigmented skin growths appear and up to 5 mm. The disease is almost always is a marker of cancer processes, which take place in the body. In this regard, any adult with the appearance chernogoakantoza must undergo a full examination.

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