Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Brown stains on the back / There were stains on the back: Causes and Treatment

Color normal human skin depends on the generation amount of melanin pigment cells, which gives integuments brown. Brown spots on the back can have different origins, so the causes and treatment of these spots will be very different. On the back of the brown spots become more intense color during the tanning.
Brown spots on the back: Causes and Treatment
The reasons for the appearance of brown spots are very different. This may be the action of hereditary factors, various chemicals, changes in hormonal status, age characteristics (aging) or pregnancy, skin exposure to ultraviolet rays. According to the color intensity of the brown spots can be a variety of shades, from bright spots milky coffee color to a rich dark brown.
Any spot on the back, which began to grow in size and grow, be sure to show the oncologist, since some of these spots have a tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
Moles. This conventional circular spots on the skin brown, which becomes larger with time. They do not itch, does not hurt. On their back can be as much as on the other parts of the body. If a mole suddenly starts to itch, increase in volume - an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Lack of vitamins. Hypovitaminosis vitamins A, C, PP can manifest foci of cutaneous hyperpigmentation (the appearance of brown spots), which, when food may disappear entirely correct.
Colorful lichen. With multi-colored shingles back skin may be covered with brown spots, which over time can become white due to inhibition of melanin production of pigment cells. Since this type of stripping caused by a fungus, then the treatment is required to use antifungal agents of local and general effects on the human body.
Melanoma. It may appear not only in the public areas of the body, but also on the back. This is an aggressive malignancy in the early stages is given by the usual spots of brown, which increases in size or changes its color in some places. Treatment of melanoma oncologist carried out only with the use of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
If there were stains on the back
If you have brown spots on the back, the main thing - to understand the reason why it happened. Many doctors say that this problem is most often treated in the summer, especially representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And the fact is that women love to soak up the sunshine. And it was as a result of exposure to sunlight on the back may appear dark spots, which then leads to severe discomfort and women begin to complete. But in fact, the cause of the brown spots on the back and can be concealed in some other features. After all, there they are not only in the summer. That is why, as soon as you find yourself in such a change - be sure to see a doctor and pass the appropriate tests, that if it is a symptom of some internal disease - do not give it worse.
Brown spots on the back: home treatment
In fact, treatment of spots on the back can only appoint a qualified doctor, as a result of the corresponding tests. However, you can use the most popular methods:1. There are plenty of whitening products for the skin. They are quite strong and can produce side effects. Therefore, it is important to use this or that product agreed with the doctor2. Be sure to limit your contact with sunlight. If you for some reason it is impossible to do - use special creams with filters that can now be found in almost any store.3. In order to whiten the skin of the back, you can use the carrot juice with drops of lemon juice. This mixture was moistened cotton swab wiped and dark spots approximately 3 times a day.
Brown spots on the back are often withdrawn by means of vitamin C, cabbage leaves, currants, and even chamomile extract. This is what concerns a more traditional treatments of the disease. However, be sure to consult a doctor, because the causes of the changes in the skin can be concealed more deeply.

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