Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beauty home remedies, Guide to a beautiful skin

Skin is one of the most beautiful possessions in our body. A good skin reflects good health and displays beauty of a person which requires a special beauty skin care . According to the latest fashion trends a beautiful skin is also a must for good looks along with the choice of good dress and right makeup. Without a good skin all your makeup will look a waste. A good skin is also one of the most attractive features for a sexy body that only comes out from a proper beauty skin care. A beautiful skin attracts everyone. If you maintain your skin it will help you to keep yourself healthier and look younger.
Having said all that, you might be thinking that a good skin would be a complex core but it is not exactly so. A good skin care routine is very natural, simple and easy to follow. Explore the ways in which you can make your skin glow out with smoothness, beauty and radiance of good health.
Some of the most healthy and useful beauty skin care:
  1. Wash your face to remove the makeup completely. It is suggested to put off the makeup nicely before you go to bed to avoid skin problems and recharge your skin beauty. The reason is your skin pores will get blocked by the makeup and all the harmful oils and excretory of the skin will stay inside your body (i.e. skin). This damages your skin and your health. So don?t forget to wash your face with water before going to bed and in the morning.
  2. Exfoliate daily: After washing your face at night, don?t forget to exfoliate. Use a delicate scrub for beautiful skin care. Use a tablespoon of sugar or oatmeal to keep you skin healthy and fresh.
  3. Use Facial masks: Facial masks helps a lot keeping a beautiful skin. It is a great beauty skin care. Find recipes for preparing your own facial mask here, Face masks.
  4. Pamper your skin with enough of moisturizer: Your skin needs it badly. You can apply moisturizer at night. You can also treat your skin with alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin A or C, or any similar cocktail treatment. Apply your moisturizer after these treatments gets absorbed in your skin.
  5. Don't trust blindly on any cosmetics: You will have to find it out which works well for your skin. Take a test of all those trusted names to find beautiful skin care the one that suits you best.
  6. Treat your skin gently: Don?t pull, scratch or scrub your skin harshly. Be very gentle when you clean it, moisturize it or makeup on it beauty skin care. This will lessen the chance that you'll damage your skin and get wrinkles.
  7. Keep your skin protected from direct sunlight: Use proper lotions in your skin before you go out for sunbath. You can also try artificial skin tanning nut from the trusted hands only that has serious affects on your skin beauty.
  8. Eat fresh foods and drink lots of water: This plays a very important part in keeping your skin healthy and beautiful throughout your life, naturally.
Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin
A beautiful skin is the dream of every woman. But in today's world there are several factors in our surroundings which affect the quality of our skin. Stress, population and erratic lifestyle choices are to name a few. Home remedies for beautiful skin should be opted in these times to ensure good health of the skin. It is owing to the fact that the skin care products available in the market are made up of harmful and potent chemicals which further add to the misery of having bad skin.
Prior to knowing about the natural ways of taking skin care, one must clearly be aware of the actual meaning of the term "home remedies". It not only implies preparation and applying of some cheap, time-tested natural ingredients but also imply adopted certain excellent lifestyle practices in the daily life. It might call of placing some genuine efforts to set things right in the chaotic ways of living presently.
What are the Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin
  1. Dead skin cells of the body can removed by applying mixture of olive oil and salt. The same effect can also be derived by replacing salt with granulated sugar.
  2. Pour one-fourth of a cup containing salt or sugar in a bowl and put olive oil until the salt or sugar gets completely covered by it. Mix the preparation well, apply it and rinse thoroughly later.
  3. Soft and smooth skin can be obtained by applying moisturizers to the skin from time to time. It can be prepared naturally by blending oatmeal, honey, egg white and yogurt in boiling water. The preparation can be applied on the body and left for 15 minutes to get dry. Warm water should be used to rinse thoroughly thereafter.
  4. A natural cleansing mask can be prepared by mixing egg yolk and avocado in half cup of milk. The lotion can be applied twice daily to get healthy skin.
  5. For oily face, a natural mask can be prepared by adding two table spoons of honey, lemon pulp and water in four tablespoons of clay. The mask has to be applied on face to be left for fifteen minutes. Warm water can used to later to wash off the face.
  6. Four ounces of Shea butter and jojoba oil, three teaspoons of essential oils and one ounce bee wax can be mixed well to prepare natural body butter. Though the ingredients are expensive, the results are quite effective.
  7. One-eight cup of corn starch can be mixed with two egg whites in chilled state. Applying the mixture of face, leaving it for 20 minutes and washing the face off can make it tight.
  8. The sensitive skin under the eyes is very susceptible to get dark and the condition is called getting eye bags. A very natural and popular way of treating this condition is by placing tea bags on the dark circles. The effects would be evident even better if green tea bags are used.
Conclusion: All these mentioned natural remedies for beautiful skin can be prepared at the convenience of our home. But, it is equally important to continue applying them to get sustained results.

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