Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

The sharp contraction of the diaphragm and the frequent call hiccups. Unexpectedly and at the wrong time can attack hiccups per person. But hypothermia, bust alcohol, overeating, dry and solid food are likely to be the cause of hiccups. Unpleasant discomfort brings us hiccups. Hiccups can last for several minutes or even hours, wearing much the body. Accompanied by a loud sound hiccups indecent, if not completely closed glottis and jerky bulging belly.
How to Get Rid of Hiccups

Hiccups may end in itself, but more often it must be stopped. It needs air to breathe deeply and rapidly, and then exhale it gently and slowly. Try to scare ikayuschego can help.
There is another way to stop hiccups: a glass of boiled water to drink in one gulp. In ikayuschego human fingers should be woven into the lock behind him. Therefore apply water to ask someone from the audience. Drink water to slow deep gulps. Well, if there is no one should be tight cotton swab my ears and drink a glass or a few sips of water.
If hiccups persist continues, then you need to hold your breath and connect the little fingers with the thumbs of both hands to get two rings. In this position, you need to keep your fingers until it stops hiccups.
If a long and painful hiccups, you can lie down on the couch, put the "pit of the stomach 'yellow card and try to maximize relaxation. You can also press the middle finger slightly in the stomach to the active point and cutting it to shoot. Repeat this five times squeezing. This board of oriental medicine.
You can do another exercise. Stand up, hands clasped behind his back, to breathe through the nose and the body at right angles to raise their hands. Pause for a moment and breath slowly through your mouth to take a deep breath. Repeat the exercise should be three times and hiccups quickly pass.
When hiccups can swallow a piece of dry bread or a cube of ice, pull the tongue itself a couple of times, but carefully.
If the attacks are frequent hiccups, prepare a soothing tea. To do this collection: in 1 liter jar 30 oz. valerian root and 25 grams. melissa, mint, hop cones (crushed), 20 g. herb St. John's wort and rosemary leaves. Ingredients mix well, the bank closed tightly. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l collection, leave it stand for two hours. Then strain the infusion. It should take 30 minutes. ¼ cup before meals three times a day. Drink is soothing and healing. It has on the whole body relaxing and beneficial effects and cures hiccups.
Symptoms of some diseases can be hiccups. Hiccups can occur in infectious diseases, myocardial infarction, mental stimulation, brain diseases.
Should see a doctor if:

* Hiccup lasts more than an hour;
* Hiccups occur several times a week or several times a day;
* Except hiccups person concerned a violation of swallowing, heartburn, chest pain.

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