Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eczema Home Remedies - How to Get Rid of Eczema

Eczema Home Remedies - How to Get Rid of Eczema

Eczemais a general term for rash-like skin conditions. It is also called dermatitis. Eczema is affect all age groups. Approximately 10 percent to 20 percent of the world population is affected by this chronic, relapsing, and very itchy rash at some point during childhood. The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent or recurring skin rashes characterized by redness, skin edema , itching and dryness, with possible crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Areas of temporary skin discoloration sometimes characterize healed lesions , though scarring is rare. The causes of eczema are many and varied. Atopic eczema is thought to be a hereditary condition, being genetically linked. It is an allergic condition that makes your skin dry and itchy. It is most common in babies and children. It is proposed that people with atopic eczema are sensitive to allergens in the environment which are harmless to others. In atopy there is an excessive reaction by the immune system producing inflamed, irritated and sore skin. Associated atopic conditions include asthma and hayfever. Other types of eczema are caused by irritants such as chemicals and detergents, allergens such as nickel, and yeast growths. In later years eczema can be caused by a blood circulatory problems in the legs. Eczema can occur on just about any part of the body; however, in infants, eczema typically occurs on the forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp, and neck. In children and adults, eczema typically occurs on the face, neck, and the insides of the elbows, knees, and ankles. In some people, eczema may "bubble up" and ooze. In others, the condition may appear more scaly, dry, and red.
Chronic scratching causes the skin to take on a leathery texture. Some people may suffer "flare-ups" of the itchy rash in response to certain substances or conditions. Eczema is almost always itchy. Sometimes the itching will start before the rash appears, but when it does the rash most commonly occurs on the face, knees, hands or feet. About 10 percent to 20 percent of all infants have eczema; however, in nearly half of these children, the disease will improve greatly by the time they are between five and 15 years of age. Others will have some form of the disease throughout their lives. One of the most important components of an eczema treatment routine is to prevent scratching. Because eczema is usually dry and itchy, the most common treatment is the application of lotions or creams to keep the skin as moist as possible Many people prefer to explore the use of complementary therapies in addition, or as an alternative, to conventional treatments. Complementary therapists offer a holistic approach which is usually based upon the individual's needs. Evening primrose oil is now commonly used and other treatments such as aromatherapy, relaxation and homeopathy are readily available. Alternatives to nonprescription corticosteroids include more potent prescription corticosteroid creams and ointments, which are effective

Home Remedies for Eczema

  • Apply a teaspoon of sandalwood paste mixed with a teaspoon of camphor to the affected areas.
  • Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon camphor and 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste on the rashes.
  • Apply nutmeg paste to the affected areas. Put natural vitamin E on the affected skin, it will relieve you of itching.
  • Take Biotin pills is essential to prevent dermatitis. 
  • Coconut oil can be applied to the portions with eczema. It helps the skin to remain soft.
  • Light mudpack applied over the place of eczema is also very beneficial. Good Home Remedy for Eczema.
  • Sunbathing is also beneficial as it kills the harmful bacteria.
  • Water treatments have also been proved useful in treating eczema like cold compress or cold wet fomentations. It can be applied twice daily depending on the severity of the problem.
  • Add 1 teaspoon camphor to 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected eczema areas. Good Home Remedy for Eczema.
  • Boil 200 grams of mustard oil in an iron vessel. In the boiling oil add 50 grams of fresh clean leaves of neem. When the leaves turn black, stop heating, cool the oil and sieve it. Apply this oil 4 times a day.
  • Soak 4 grams wormwood and 4 grams kutki in 125 grams of water in a glass vessel in the night and cover it. In the morning sieve it and drink the water. Now add 125 grams of water in the same material and vessel so that it can be used for 4 days continuously.
  • Drink tomato juice daily, it will cure the symptoms in a few days.
  • Zinc taken orally and applied directly on the affected skin is effective.

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