Saturday, November 3, 2012

How to remove dark spots

Spots. How many girls these "sun kisses" messed up? Before going to the salon for expensive treatments, try to bring their folk remedies. How to remove age spots | How to make the most

These recipes are good because they are part of the only pure natural ingredients, which are in each refrigerator. Lemon juice, red currants, vinegar, cucumber, grapefruit, onions, is in every home. These vegetables and fruits are all charged with vitamins and have a bleaching effect. Remove spots you can own, you just do not be lazy and make masks regularly. I tried these recipes on her friends (me, thank God, this sorrow was over) :) Now they face soft and smooth. Here are some proven recipes. For normal to oily skin will benefit mask viburnum, black or red currants. Crushed berries wooden pestle or hands wet napkin and juice for 10-15 minutes apply it to freshly washed face. By juice can add the egg white, then mask to hold on the face for 20-25 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 2 weeks every night. These berries, as in sauerkraut and lemon, lots of vitamin C, cleansing the epidermis. Therefore, they must not only be used for cosmetic procedures, but more often to eat. To display the dry spots on the skin, perfect yogurt. Fresh drink 2 times a day is used for lotions. Very quickly, the mask of the parsley. The leaves and stems of this magical herb pestle to grind wood, so that they let the juice. Gruel grease stains. After 20 minutes, carefully wash composition. Within a week the person will get a gentle tone, fade spots and fine lines. Parsley can be used in place of a bearberry, yarrow, cucumber. Onion juice, mixed 1:1 with honey applied on the face for 15 minutes and then removed wet swab. Wipe off the face. I verified that the fruit and berry masks are better alternate: because their effect is achieved faster. Brown spots go quickly if mixed and vitamin masks to use relatively aggressive products. For example, a mask of mustard, improves blood circulation, stimulates the sebaceous glands, removing inflammation, destroying not only freckles and age spots, and pimples. For such a procedure will require mustard powder, which is diluted with water or milk to a thick cream. The mask is applied to the face and washed off immediately, as soon as the burning. Bleaching composition can be prepared from 100 g of three percent hydrogen peroxide, and 2 g of liquid ammonia. The resulting mixture twice a day instead of using lotion, rubbing his face. There is still a large number of recipes for getting rid of age spots. All have one thing in common: the compositions are applied only on freshly washed skin, and before applying, make sure that you are not allergic to the products used. To do this, apply a bit mask elbow. If after 10-15 minutes, do not cause irritation, you can safely deduce spots the mask. How to remove age spots | How to make the most

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