Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunburn folk remedies

Begins the most anticipated season of the year - summer. It has been eagerly waiting for both children and adults. With the advent of the first sunny days immediately want to go closer to the pond , on the sandy beach or simply flooded with sunlight meadow. Sun - is undoubtedly man's best friend . Only this "friendship " should not be neglected , because you can buy worst enemy . The sun can cause the body harm if its excessive amount will fall on the skin and can cause severe burns . Sunburn can be healed and folk remedies and traditional medicines . But only some of burns turn into ugly scars remain for life, in wounds and even dangerous in cancer education.

Therefore can not be left unattended , no burns, remaining from sunlight. In addition , do not interfere, and alleviate the condition of the victim. Good alleviate and eliminate sunburn folk remedies have already helped more than one person . No sense of measures during exposure to the sun leads to the fact that the victim is ready to apply all known in folk medicine remedies to eliminate discomfort. What exactly is folk remedies help relieve sunburn, look further.

Traditionally used agents made on the basis of dairy products. This can be yogurt, sour cream , yogurt or even yogurt. They can also dampen the cloth of natural linen , applied to the burned area . When the feeling of cold compress pass, you should change the bandage. The average duration of a single wrap around twenty minutes exposure . Packs of this type can not be imposed on the area of the bronchi.

Known folk remedy for burns - this vegetable wraps . For example , you can use grated raw potatoes , raw carrots, raw cabbage leaves . Applying these packs can be half an hour. Well helps compress made ​​from raw eggs and butter. You can take a hundred grams of butter , mix with two eggs , put on gauze or cotton cloth to apply to a place where there was a sunburn.

If the hand would be cucumber , watermelon or tomato juice , then you can wipe them sunburn . You can use potato juice . If there is only tea, it is possible to rinse them burn. Tea should be cold and preferably strong.

Help quickly eliminate burn aloe juice . This herb in folk medicine is considered the king of all herbs , without it costing almost no cure diseases or preventive measures.

With a very strong burns can use apple cider vinegar . If large quantities of this means , then take a bucket with cool water , add two hundred and fifty milliliters of apple cider vinegar and then moisten a cotton cloth or sheet so that you can wrap the whole body. This can be done only in cases where no colds and coughs . This procedure should be carried out not more than fifteen to twenty minutes.

Well help made ​​using sunflower oil. His first heated on a hot skillet , then add a little beeswax , all thoroughly mixed and brought to a molten state . This perfectly removes burn ointment , if used and applied to the body for five to six times a day.

The fastest tool that helps eliminate sunburn, long considered fresh protein. It should be cooled , it should be used during the day . Protein can be used separately , or you can mix it with butter, turning it into a homogeneous mass consistency .

An ointment in the home and can be prepared with the addition of potassium permanganate butter. They are mixed until the manganese pellet until completely dissolved. As a result of mixing 50 grams of butter and a couple of crystals of manganese should get this mass , which is used as an ointment . It is applied on the affected area of ​​the body is not too thick to several times throughout the day.

Sunburn is known , gives a lot of pain . To reduce the pain , you can use this national council. A place where there was a strong burn or redness, moistened with cool water, then , when this area of ​​the body is dry , attach to it a gauze bandage abundantly soaked in alcohol . Desirable to use a completely sterile bandage to the place of the burn has not got any infection . After the need to remove the gauze bandage , which treat burns , apply a paper napkin , slightly some dry alcohol , to hold until the alcohol evaporates . Good relieve pain poultice of curd .
You can also use the recipes , which are prepared from herbs and plants. For example, to facilitate good skin sunburn can with a regular leaf plantain or celandine. Plantain washed, applied to the burnt areas of the body, from the top to make a bandage made ​​of natural fabrics . Of celandine juice can be used and useful to lubricate them burn.

Prevent the likelihood of blistering sunburn can using gruel prepared from fresh potatoes . Grate it is applied to burns. Second potato and rub the pulp is placed in a refrigerator . Through time compresses change. Potato starch is well promotes healing of burns and places rid of blisters and bubbles.

 You can not transferring folk remedies , not to mention the pumpkin. This wholesome vegetables helps in many diseases and burns relieves wills, redness and promotes rapid healing . Pumpkin prepared usual mush that is applied on the burn and cover with a bandage , leaving a couple of hours .

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