Friday, March 21, 2014

Treatment of conjunctivitis at home

To date, conjunctivitis is one of the most common diseases of the eye. It is characterized by lesions of the outer shell - the conjunctiva covering the eyeball. In this disease the eye is red, it is felt the pain and burning.
Treatment of conjunctivitis can not be held exclusively in the home. At the first sign of the disease the patient should see a doctor. Based on a series of studies to establish the true cause of the doctor if you feel unwell , make an appointment and give appropriate recommendations.

Causes of conjunctivitis
Among the main causes of the disease is the infiltration of bacteria in the mucosa of the gas. They cause inflammation , resulting in the redness of the conjunctiva, the appearance of discharge from the eyes and burning sensation .
Conjunctivitis often develops due to an infectious , viral and chlamydial flora. Current sources of mold infestation are dirty hands, bathing in contaminated areas with water.
Cause of the disease is to use cosmetics that have expired , and the use of poor quality cosmetics , having in its composition ingredients that can cause allergic conjunctivitis . Incidentally, the latter can occur when exposed to allergens - pollen , animal hair, dust, smoke , chemicals, and even ultraviolet radiation.
Individuals suffering reproach , chickenpox and SARS at times increased risk of developing conjunctivitis .
The disease can occur due to incorrect contact lens hung eyestrain and hypothermia. Conjunctivitis - a frequent companion of people with nearsightedness , farsightedness and astigmatism .

How to cure conjunctivitis at home?
Before proceeding to the treatment of illness in the home , you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of using a particular method of treatment. There are many folk treatments for conjunctivitis , but not everyone may be suitable for a particular patient. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor.
Due to the fact that the conjunctivitis is viral, bacterial and allergic , you need to find out the cause of the disease , to eliminate possible pathogens , and only then deal with conjunctivitis, combining basic treatment prescribed by a doctor, with traditional methods .
During treatment, do not forget about hygiene. Conjunctivitis patient must use a separate towel, which should be changed at least once a day. In addition to treating the body needs support in the form of a vitamin complex .Traditional methods of treatment of conjunctivitis
1 tbsp. liter. steamed wild camomile 400 ml boiling water, infuse for 1 hour under the hood. When the agent for the treatment of conjunctivitis is ready, drain and it should be used for rinsing eyes . Chamomile well relieves swelling , redness and itching.
Can treat conjunctivitis usual brew of black tea. It should be washed eyes and make her lotions .
Well helps to relieve burning and itching egg, which should be divided into the yolk and white , mix the latest in 100 ml of warm boiled water and then rinsing produce sore eyes. Each eye is washed with a separate sterile bandage . In subsequent proceedings should be prepared fresh cleaning agent .
In the treatment of conjunctivitis help lotion from a decoction of yarrow and fresh dill juice and aloe . Last to be diluted 1:10 with warm boiled water.


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