Friday, March 21, 2014

Treating cracked heels at home

Recipes treat cracked heels national method
● Before you go to bed at night wash your feet in warm water with tar soap . Wipe dry with a towel and lubricate with grease heel , carefully rubbing it into the thickness of the skin. Put your feet on plastic bags , and on top - wool socks . Morning, waking from sleep , remove all heel and wipe thoroughly with a tissue or cloth.
If you are not going to go anywhere , you can not wipe the evening. Again in the evening and wash your feet and repeat the above procedure. In mild cases, you will be cured of cracked heels for three or four days , and in the running - ten .
● bosh good heel fat and grease on top to make a poultice of fresh cabbage leaves for 20 minutes. Wash your feet in warm water.
● Apply as a compress to the heels of grated onion gruel with milk. Or cut the onion in half cleaned , pour it on the night vinegar. Remove the bulb and apply twice a day to places cracked heels .
● Mix equal parts of lemon juice and grated potatoes through a grater . Put compresses on the heels of every two hours : fine cracks heal .
● Boil the milk in a few prunes and hot applied to the soles of his feet for half an hour . Rinse with warm water .
● pulverized into mush couple apricots and mix it with half a teaspoon of honey , put on your heels for half an hour , rinse with warm water .
● Lubricate the cracks on the heels of mayonnaise and keep for one hour.
● Likewise put sour cream or cottage cheese for an hour , rinse, then lubricate heels honey for ten minutes and then rinse with water.
● Most of finely chopped onion fry in oil until golden brown. Remove from pans onions, add a little oil and beeswax gently boil . Cool and pour into the jar , but no sediment . Steam the legs ( heel) , soap and rub them with a pumice stone and wipe dry with a clean towel and anoint a mixture of banks at night , wearing socks and cellophane .
● Lubricate overnight pharmacy heels hand cream " Glycerine with lemon ." After two treatments your heels you will not know they are smooth and crack disappeared.
● Take the cake out of two tablespoons of flour and one - honey , divide into two equal parts (for both heels ) . Evening before going to bed properly steam the legs for 10-15 minutes , wipe them dry and attach cooked tortillas to the heels , wrapping first polyethylene, then bandage (or cloth ) , put up socks. Remove all morning , rinse your feet with water and roll the cake into a ball and set aside until the next evening . Evening again hover legs and repeat the procedure again (if the cake falling apart , you can add a little more flour and knead ) . Procedures do every day for a week. During this time, hardened skin, come down, and your heels will become like a baby : smooth and free from cracks.
● Take a small bulb , rotate it in a meat grinder and put in the package. Put on foot to the heel bow package . Initially fix onion mass and tie on top of a warm scarf . This procedure is carried out before bedtime. In the morning , waking up , and grease heel scrape any fat cream . 3-5 procedures cracked heels disappear , the skin becomes smooth ( tested! ) .
● In the evenings, do warm foot bath with pine extract solution or ordinary dietary salt ( dissolved in a liter of water one to two tablespoons) . Place inside the shoe thin birch bark , birch leaf or mug. At night, horny , hard land feet lubricate castor oil and put on cotton socks.
● Cracks in the heels you can treat using the following recipe. Mix 1 tablespoon of suet , one medium-sized onion , rubbed through a grater , and a teaspoon of camphor oil. The resulting mixture was lay on plastic wrap and tie tightly at night to the heels . It would be nice if the next day you trample with this bandage until lunch. Sometimes this procedure once enough . No wonder they say : healing onions - from seven disease !

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