Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to remove the veins under the eyes

Look attractive and desirable dream of every woman. The main factor to achieve this cherished goal - excellent health, because even such a trifle as the blue veins under the eyes, is not only able to visually add a dozen years, but also to give to any lovely face painful peaky. If at a young age, this cosmetic defect occurs occasionally and is easily destroyed by a decorative and home remedies, the beauties that overstepped "30+", you need to think more and more how to remove the veins under the eyes, or they significantly damage the image of a successful woman.

Where to start?

No matter appear bluish veins under the eyes occasionally, with the "enviable" regularity or have already become dark circles, experts advise before you remove them, find out the cause undesirable cosmetic defect.

    1. One of the main "culprits" manifestations of small vessels and veins under the eyes, even in adolescence, beauticians called delicate and sensitive skin, especially with the lighter shade. Over the years, when the epidermis becomes denser, bluish veins may become less noticeable, unless they have arisen because of a genetic predisposition.
     2.Suffer from dark circles under the eyes and lovers of hard newfangled monodiets, as a result of drastic weight loss thin layer of subcutaneous fat in the face region is losing its last reserves, leaving visible all the vessels responsible for blood flow.
     3.Often, these problems occur in women too busy with work, ignoring proper rest and sleep, constantly staying in stressful situations, conducting front of a computer for 8 to 10 hours a day.
     4.Veins under the eyes - "eternal" satellites smoking ladies. Also, be aware that this defect appearance affects women suffering from problems with the gall bladder and the kidneys, adrenal glands, organs of the urogenital area, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases and heart ailments. Doctors say that such vascular spider veins under the eyes can be the result of allergic reactions or prolonged and uncontrolled medication (antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives). In order to eliminate the root causes associated with possible disease, you need to get advice from an experienced phlebologist.

Sometimes the identification of these factors and their removal ever decides cosmetic problem of dark circles on the face. Nutritionists recommend for this purpose to radically change your lifestyle, excluded from the diet is too salty and spicy food, do not eat a lot of liquid for a couple of hours before bedtime, not to get further puffiness under the eyes; sleep at least 8 hours, avoid stress, leading to chronic fatigue, reflected in the first place, to the "business card", often spending time in the fresh air, getting to work on foot.

What cosmetics should give preference?  

Modern beauty industry offers an abundance of whole range of tools to help effectively get rid of visible veins under the eyes and prevent their recurrence. To this end, many miraculous cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin around the eyes, contain natural oils, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, magic, each molecule of which holds a thousand times more water than its own volume. With these components, beauty-products perfectly toned dermis, maintain the level of moisture in it, as well as stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow. These funds cosmetologists recommend to store in the fridge and apply to the skin chilled for best results. Thus, they not only strengthen the skin turgor, nourish all its layers, but also reduces swelling and tightens pores, noticeably improving the appearance of the skin. 

The traditional "grandmother" cosmetics

In contrast to the radical cosmetic techniques, folk remedies to help get rid of venous "pattern" under the eyes, are more gently, with fans celebrate their naturalness, accessibility and low cost, not to burden family or personal budget. Stable result - a young and blooming skin can be achieved by regularly homemade beauty treatments of the products present in abundance on any kitchen or at the local supermarket.

Masks and compresses

 -Contrasting washing of strong tea leaves (can be used as black and green tea), decoction or infusion of herbs (sage, tarragon, mint, chamomile, horse chestnut, oak bark) can be carried out in the morning or at bedtime. Pre 5.7 g of vegetable raw pour 200 ml boiling water and infuse for 5 minutes, then cool. A second portion of the infusion of herbs used in the form of heat to a comfortable temperature. Start washing with warm phase, then rinse face with cold infusion. These procedures can be replaced compresses, using cotton pads that you need to wet alternately changing their temperature.
  -An excellent result given wiping cosmetic ice cubes. They can be made ​​from the juice or decoction of parsley, celery, aloe and other medicinal plants, as well as from the frozen cucumber, apple, cherry juice. Excellent job with dark circles under the eyes of the mask chopped greens (cabbage leaves, celery), flowers (mallow), fruit and berries (blueberry and aronia, banana and peach).

How to bring a tattoo at home

How do I choose the wizard services or traditional methods?

For modern cosmetology virtually nothing is impossible. And just as easily as to put a tattoo, the cabin can take advantage of removing old or failed tattoos. Moreover, methods and techniques for this purpose exists set. And they guarantee a good result with minimal "residual phenomena."

But today we will talk about "popular" way of removing tattoos at home, or, in other words, with their own hands.

Immediately necessary to prevent those wishing to take advantage of the proposed method, that these procedures quite painful and instant results will not do. You will need to stock up on a double (even triple) patience and strictly adhere to all the recommendations outlined below.

In addition, when sloppy implementation of all actions, you may encounter problems such as severe burns and inflammation. So, if you are not 100% certain that you want to go through and consistently reduce the tattoo yourself, think about the option of professional assistance for a beauty salon.

Instructions for removal of tattoos with their hands

So. The first thing you need to do - get in a drugstore iodine solution 5%. Note that the iodine is to be exactly such a concentration, as a saturated solution may cause skin strong chemical burn.

Carefully, using a cotton swab, iodine solution should be applied to the tattoo three times a day. In this case, too much iodine is not required, it will be enough to hold a couple of times over all the contours drawing.

Attention! Avoid iodine pristine paint skin! Do not increase the burn!

After treatment with a solution of iodine tattoo in any case, do not cover medical adhesive or gauze bandage. Do not neglect this rule, if you do not want to get burned!

Almost immediately you will notice that the skin on the treated area started to peel. This means that the withering away of the upper layers has already begun. Therefore, together with the skin start to go and tattoo.

Do not try to speed up the process, stripping peeling skin! Firstly, it is quite painful, and secondly, as rigorously by you zoom in the desired results, but only complicate the task itself.

To slightly moisten the skin, at night you can handle it with ointment "Actovegin".

If every day for a month to "draw" iodine solution "copy" of your tattoo, the picture gradually come down, while not causing any harm to the skin.

It should be noted that the period of 2-4 weeks - is the average. In each case, may require either a greater or lesser number of procedures and hence time. It all depends on how deeply attached drawing tattoo, paint what he had done, how long tattoo "live" on your body.

In any case, stop halfway is not necessary, and if so you notice the first positive results - bring the matter to an end. If everything went well, without complications and "tattoo" has completely disappeared, iodine treatment can be stopped.

To help the new pink skin recover, lubricate it some time in the same "Actovegin" cream and avoid long exposure to the sun.

Reduce tattoo yourself this way, of course, hard and long. But as a result you get a clean, "very young" area of ​​the skin, without any scars. And this effect may not offer all the professional cosmetic procedure!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Irritation and pain in the eyes

When your eyes something interferes, they immediately give to know about it. Speck no bigger than a point at the end of this sentence, having fallen under the eyelid, feels like a burr entrenched there. And if your eyes dry in the wind, or watering of bleach, to focus on something other than these stimuli, it is extremely difficult. Fortunately, the problem hurt one's eyes are often decided in the blink of an eye.
Reasons hurt one's eyes

Our world - dusty place: it would be surprising if foreign particles from time to time not settled on a damp and tender eyeball. This causes severe discomfort. Fortunately, we shed tears, save the eyes from drying, washing them with dirt and killing germs.

If this moisture is not enough, his eyes red and suffer from colic. Alas, tears with age less, and this is one reason frequent eye irritation in the elderly. However, it happens and the youth. The reasons could be hay fever, work at the chemical plant, a severe drought or smoke-filled air in the room.
Dust control
Do not!

Do not use vasoconstrictor drops, get out of eye redness. They do not provide moisture, which causes the problem. Furthermore, the eye may become even drier than before. Need artificial tears.

If the eye has got a mote, gently pull on the upper lashes to pull the eyelid away from the eyeball. Now rotate the eye. If leaked tears was not enough to wash away the speck use for this artificial tears or sterile saline.
Some, using the method described above, evert the upper eyelid. Sometimes that's enough.
If such a "gymnastics" does not work or you do not like, try a simple rinsing. Wash your hands, fold the palm scoop, type them in warm water, immerse the closed eye and open it under the water to rinse off all the excess.
If a mote gets into the eye, where the contact lens, first remove the lens, and then do what you described above. Before you put on the lens, rinse it in the standard solution.

Fighting rezyu

Soak a cloth in cold water and apply it to the closed eyes, until you feel relief. This method is particularly effective when the eyes were red and itchy from allergies. The cold constricts blood vessels, and the water helps to provide the necessary eyes moistening.
Wet in cold water for 15 minutes and apply to closed eyes teabags. Variety of tea is not important - acts cold moisture, rather than welding.

The fight against dryness

Include in-house humidifier, at least in those rooms where you spend a lot of time, for example in the bedroom.
If in eyes constantly felt dry and stinging, use artificial tears. Buy the product without preservatives. Instructions for use - on the packaging.

Prevention hurt one's eyes

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is fraught with dryness and redness of the eyes due to excessive expansion of the blood vessels.
If the eyes are dry, eat bananas every day. They are rich in potassium, which balances sodium, bleeding in tissue water.
Add to flakes or juice a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Our tears contain, besides water and salt mucus and fat. To make them full-fledged film on the eyeball need omega-3 fatty acids, which are also rich in nuts and cold-water marine fish.
If the eyes are often dry, check to see if this applies to the side effects of drugs taken. First of all, pay attention to the antihistamines and antihypertensives, antidepressants and tranquilizers.
Catching "dusty" chores, wear safety goggles,.
In the pool with chlorinated water only swim in waterproof swimming goggles.
In the sun, wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and at the same time and from drying out on windy days.
Causing the upper eyelids creams or ointments to the skin, as well as cosmetics, make sure that they do not fall into the eyes. Some of these tools cause they redness and stinging.
Stay away from tobacco smoke. If you do smoke, you probably know how much better feel eyes when at least a week to throw.

Do I need a doctor?

Yes, if a mote stuck in front of the pupil or the eye penetrated foreign body: If you remove the speck themselves but still feel discomfort; if your eyes are red or become difficult to see. Perhaps you scratched cornea. If the scratch is applied to a dirty object, the doctor should examine it as soon as possible.

Home remedies for insomnia.

Four in the morning, and you do not sleep. You have tried to fall asleep, turned, felt sheep - but all to no avail. And as you go to work in such a broken state? How will you address the members of the board with a missing eye, not enough sleep man? With these thoughts, you lie and look up at the ceiling. And all the fault of insomnia.

Insomnia - is the most common sleep disorder, particularly in European countries and the United States. The average adult needs six to eight hours of sound sleep, otherwise the body will not feel rested.

Causes of insomnia.
Millions of people around the world suffer from lack of sleep and it causes them a lot of trouble in everyday life. There are certain causes of insomnia, how to plant it stress, depression, a sense of constant tension. Excessive consumption of caffeine, magnesium and iron deficiency can also cause sleep problems. Hormonal changes in women often lead to insomnia. Among other things, strongly influenced by a person's lifestyle. For example, eating, sitting too long in front of computer, even severe fatigue can pick you up at night.

Home remedies for the treatment of insomnia.
And if you are suffering from insomnia is the time to take action. Only instead of taking sleeping pills try folk remedies for insomnia. Nature has a cure for all ills! Below are the main means to combat sleep disorders.

• Honey is known for its healing properties, it helps to many diseases. Add two teaspoons of honey in a cup of hot milk and drink before going to bed.
You will be able to sleep well, taking a bit of valerian extract. You can also make herbal tea to relieve sleep problems. He will turn bitter, but very effective.
Green vegetables and bananas are also useful in sleep disorders. Green vegetables make up for the lack of vitamins and essential minerals in the body, which prevent the emergence of a sense of fatigue.
• Try to put on your head a little sesame, almond or coconut oil. It calms the brain and contribute to sleep.
One of the most effective natural remedies for insomnia - a nutmeg. Need to grind four nutmeg into a very fine powder and take one tablespoon with milk before going to bed.
Take a ripe banana and mash it in a bowl. Add a few cumin seeds and mix well. Eat a lot of this after dinner every evening.

All of these tools not only effectively help insomnia, but also will prevent its occurrence in the long run.