Monday, September 1, 2014

Home remedies for insomnia.

Four in the morning, and you do not sleep. You have tried to fall asleep, turned, felt sheep - but all to no avail. And as you go to work in such a broken state? How will you address the members of the board with a missing eye, not enough sleep man? With these thoughts, you lie and look up at the ceiling. And all the fault of insomnia.

Insomnia - is the most common sleep disorder, particularly in European countries and the United States. The average adult needs six to eight hours of sound sleep, otherwise the body will not feel rested.

Causes of insomnia.
Millions of people around the world suffer from lack of sleep and it causes them a lot of trouble in everyday life. There are certain causes of insomnia, how to plant it stress, depression, a sense of constant tension. Excessive consumption of caffeine, magnesium and iron deficiency can also cause sleep problems. Hormonal changes in women often lead to insomnia. Among other things, strongly influenced by a person's lifestyle. For example, eating, sitting too long in front of computer, even severe fatigue can pick you up at night.

Home remedies for the treatment of insomnia.
And if you are suffering from insomnia is the time to take action. Only instead of taking sleeping pills try folk remedies for insomnia. Nature has a cure for all ills! Below are the main means to combat sleep disorders.

• Honey is known for its healing properties, it helps to many diseases. Add two teaspoons of honey in a cup of hot milk and drink before going to bed.
You will be able to sleep well, taking a bit of valerian extract. You can also make herbal tea to relieve sleep problems. He will turn bitter, but very effective.
Green vegetables and bananas are also useful in sleep disorders. Green vegetables make up for the lack of vitamins and essential minerals in the body, which prevent the emergence of a sense of fatigue.
• Try to put on your head a little sesame, almond or coconut oil. It calms the brain and contribute to sleep.
One of the most effective natural remedies for insomnia - a nutmeg. Need to grind four nutmeg into a very fine powder and take one tablespoon with milk before going to bed.
Take a ripe banana and mash it in a bowl. Add a few cumin seeds and mix well. Eat a lot of this after dinner every evening.

All of these tools not only effectively help insomnia, but also will prevent its occurrence in the long run.

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