Monday, September 1, 2014

Irritation and pain in the eyes

When your eyes something interferes, they immediately give to know about it. Speck no bigger than a point at the end of this sentence, having fallen under the eyelid, feels like a burr entrenched there. And if your eyes dry in the wind, or watering of bleach, to focus on something other than these stimuli, it is extremely difficult. Fortunately, the problem hurt one's eyes are often decided in the blink of an eye.
Reasons hurt one's eyes

Our world - dusty place: it would be surprising if foreign particles from time to time not settled on a damp and tender eyeball. This causes severe discomfort. Fortunately, we shed tears, save the eyes from drying, washing them with dirt and killing germs.

If this moisture is not enough, his eyes red and suffer from colic. Alas, tears with age less, and this is one reason frequent eye irritation in the elderly. However, it happens and the youth. The reasons could be hay fever, work at the chemical plant, a severe drought or smoke-filled air in the room.
Dust control
Do not!

Do not use vasoconstrictor drops, get out of eye redness. They do not provide moisture, which causes the problem. Furthermore, the eye may become even drier than before. Need artificial tears.

If the eye has got a mote, gently pull on the upper lashes to pull the eyelid away from the eyeball. Now rotate the eye. If leaked tears was not enough to wash away the speck use for this artificial tears or sterile saline.
Some, using the method described above, evert the upper eyelid. Sometimes that's enough.
If such a "gymnastics" does not work or you do not like, try a simple rinsing. Wash your hands, fold the palm scoop, type them in warm water, immerse the closed eye and open it under the water to rinse off all the excess.
If a mote gets into the eye, where the contact lens, first remove the lens, and then do what you described above. Before you put on the lens, rinse it in the standard solution.

Fighting rezyu

Soak a cloth in cold water and apply it to the closed eyes, until you feel relief. This method is particularly effective when the eyes were red and itchy from allergies. The cold constricts blood vessels, and the water helps to provide the necessary eyes moistening.
Wet in cold water for 15 minutes and apply to closed eyes teabags. Variety of tea is not important - acts cold moisture, rather than welding.

The fight against dryness

Include in-house humidifier, at least in those rooms where you spend a lot of time, for example in the bedroom.
If in eyes constantly felt dry and stinging, use artificial tears. Buy the product without preservatives. Instructions for use - on the packaging.

Prevention hurt one's eyes

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is fraught with dryness and redness of the eyes due to excessive expansion of the blood vessels.
If the eyes are dry, eat bananas every day. They are rich in potassium, which balances sodium, bleeding in tissue water.
Add to flakes or juice a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Our tears contain, besides water and salt mucus and fat. To make them full-fledged film on the eyeball need omega-3 fatty acids, which are also rich in nuts and cold-water marine fish.
If the eyes are often dry, check to see if this applies to the side effects of drugs taken. First of all, pay attention to the antihistamines and antihypertensives, antidepressants and tranquilizers.
Catching "dusty" chores, wear safety goggles,.
In the pool with chlorinated water only swim in waterproof swimming goggles.
In the sun, wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and at the same time and from drying out on windy days.
Causing the upper eyelids creams or ointments to the skin, as well as cosmetics, make sure that they do not fall into the eyes. Some of these tools cause they redness and stinging.
Stay away from tobacco smoke. If you do smoke, you probably know how much better feel eyes when at least a week to throw.

Do I need a doctor?

Yes, if a mote stuck in front of the pupil or the eye penetrated foreign body: If you remove the speck themselves but still feel discomfort; if your eyes are red or become difficult to see. Perhaps you scratched cornea. If the scratch is applied to a dirty object, the doctor should examine it as soon as possible.

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