Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to bring a tattoo at home

How do I choose the wizard services or traditional methods?

For modern cosmetology virtually nothing is impossible. And just as easily as to put a tattoo, the cabin can take advantage of removing old or failed tattoos. Moreover, methods and techniques for this purpose exists set. And they guarantee a good result with minimal "residual phenomena."

But today we will talk about "popular" way of removing tattoos at home, or, in other words, with their own hands.

Immediately necessary to prevent those wishing to take advantage of the proposed method, that these procedures quite painful and instant results will not do. You will need to stock up on a double (even triple) patience and strictly adhere to all the recommendations outlined below.

In addition, when sloppy implementation of all actions, you may encounter problems such as severe burns and inflammation. So, if you are not 100% certain that you want to go through and consistently reduce the tattoo yourself, think about the option of professional assistance for a beauty salon.

Instructions for removal of tattoos with their hands

So. The first thing you need to do - get in a drugstore iodine solution 5%. Note that the iodine is to be exactly such a concentration, as a saturated solution may cause skin strong chemical burn.

Carefully, using a cotton swab, iodine solution should be applied to the tattoo three times a day. In this case, too much iodine is not required, it will be enough to hold a couple of times over all the contours drawing.

Attention! Avoid iodine pristine paint skin! Do not increase the burn!

After treatment with a solution of iodine tattoo in any case, do not cover medical adhesive or gauze bandage. Do not neglect this rule, if you do not want to get burned!

Almost immediately you will notice that the skin on the treated area started to peel. This means that the withering away of the upper layers has already begun. Therefore, together with the skin start to go and tattoo.

Do not try to speed up the process, stripping peeling skin! Firstly, it is quite painful, and secondly, as rigorously by you zoom in the desired results, but only complicate the task itself.

To slightly moisten the skin, at night you can handle it with ointment "Actovegin".

If every day for a month to "draw" iodine solution "copy" of your tattoo, the picture gradually come down, while not causing any harm to the skin.

It should be noted that the period of 2-4 weeks - is the average. In each case, may require either a greater or lesser number of procedures and hence time. It all depends on how deeply attached drawing tattoo, paint what he had done, how long tattoo "live" on your body.

In any case, stop halfway is not necessary, and if so you notice the first positive results - bring the matter to an end. If everything went well, without complications and "tattoo" has completely disappeared, iodine treatment can be stopped.

To help the new pink skin recover, lubricate it some time in the same "Actovegin" cream and avoid long exposure to the sun.

Reduce tattoo yourself this way, of course, hard and long. But as a result you get a clean, "very young" area of ​​the skin, without any scars. And this effect may not offer all the professional cosmetic procedure!

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