Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ingrown nail - treatment at home

The problem of ingrown nail sooner or later there is a lot of people. And, as a rule, rather than to see a specialist, they rush to get rid of it at home. Fortunately, ingrown nail can really cure at home, but if for a week of self-improvement does not occur, is necessary to address to the doctor for treatment correction.
Ingrown nail - Causes

Before you begin to deal with ingrown toenails, you need to understand why there is inflammation. This will help you choose effective treatment and prevent relapse.

Thus, the probability of occurrence of ingrown toenail occurs when:

     man wearing tight shoes of coarse material with narrow toe; high heel also contributes to the formation of ingrown nail because of the pressure on the toes;
     people sick flatfoot;
     nail plates struck by a fungus (called onychomycosis);
     a person has a congenital disorder - on hyponychial pillow has an excessive amount of soft tissue;
     people sick valgus foot deformities;
     if done incorrectly manicure - nails are not cut corners, that is a strong possibility of ingrown toenail;
     if the wrong people watching hygiene.

As a rule, leads to ingrown nail the combination of several factors, therefore, for the treatment and prevention of relapse to exclude all possible causes leading to the formation of ingrown toenail.
Ingrown nail - treatment of folk remedies

How to treat ingrown nail at home will tell folk medicine, it is one of those rare diseases that can be treated successfully at home. Consider a few tools that can be effective.

How to get rid of ingrown nail using sea salt?

If in the area of inflammation has not yet formed pus, it may help steaming. Sol - natural antiseptic, and in combination with the high temperature water is capable of destroying bacteria. If the finger has already started vesicate then steaming conduct prohibited. So, for steaming need the following tools:

     1 liter water;
     5 tablespoons or sea salt;
     0.5 cups of strong chamomile.

These ingredients should be mixed, and wait until dissolved salt. Then dipped in a solution of a finger 15 minutes. After completion of the corner of the nail neatly cut and treated this site with alcohol.

Vishnevsky ointment from ingrown toenail

If due to ingrown toenail pus already formed, will help solve the problem of the famous Vishnevsky ointment. Its only drawback - the pungent smell, but it is very effective in purulent inflammations.

So, if the nail rooted in the finger, the treatment will compress. This will require:

     piece of cellophane;
     cotton pad;
     Vishnevsky ointment.

The procedure is as follows:

     Apply to a cotton pad Vishnevsky ointment, and attach it to the site of inflammation.
     Then attach the top of the cellophane to the ointment bandage soaked through - she has a bright brown color. And things can get dirty. After this, wrap a bandage on his finger to lock compress.
     This procedure is done at night and in the morning remove the wrap, and the inflammation is treated with alcohol. Doing it stands up until the pus will come.

How to remove ingrown nail using alum?

Burning sensation when alum ingrown nails can also be effective, as they help the topsheet rough skin to fall off. Together with alum need to use another means - either levomikol ointment or ointment Vishnevsky.

Happy skin from ingrown nails need to sprinkle powdered alum, and at night to make a compress or ointment levomikol Vishnevsky. During the week, rough skin should fall away, and then you can remove the regrown nail.

If during the week did not come to improve the condition, should consult a surgeon who will remove the ingrown nail.

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